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单词 urgent
释义 urgent adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem, sound紧急;好像急迫;听起来紧急◆can you come to the phone-it sounds urgent.你能来接个电话吗 - 听起来挺紧急的。➤become变得紧急adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常紧急◆don't forget that one, it's rather urgent.别把那个忘了,很急的。➤increasingly越来越急迫◆the increasingly urgent political situation at home国内越来越严峻的政治局势 urgent adjectiveurgent ♦︎ pressing ♦︎ burning ♦︎ compellingthese words all describe sth that needs to be dealt with immediately.这些词均表示紧急的、紧迫的、迫切的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an urgent / a pressing / a burning / a compelling desire / need◆an urgent / a pressing / a burning issue / question◆urgent / pressing business / demands◆an urgent / a pressing problem / matter / task■ urgent needing to be dealt with immediately紧急的;紧迫的;迫切的◆'can i see you for a moment?' 'i'm very busy-is it urgent?'“我能见你一下吗?”“我很忙,你有急事吗?”◆the situation calls for urgent action.目前这种局面需要采取紧急行动。◆the law is in urgent need of reform.这项法律亟须改革。 ➡ see also urgency → importance , urge → desire ▸ urgently adverb◆new equipment is urgently needed.急需新设备。◆i need to speak to her urgently.我得马上跟她谈谈。■ pressing [usually before noun] (rather formal, especially written) urgent紧急的;紧迫的;迫切的◆there is a pressing need for more specialist nurses.急需更多的专科护士。◆the government seems to think that international problems are more pressing than domestic ones.政府似乎认为国际问题比国内问题更紧迫。note 辨析 urgent or pressing?both these words can be used to describe needs, problems, requests and matters of business. urgent has a wider range of collocates including attention, consideration, action, measure, step, meeting, talks, letter, message and repair. pressing is more formal than urgent and used especially in written english.这两个词均可描述需要、问题、要求和商务事宜。urgent 的搭配词范围较广,有 attention、consideration、action、measure、step、meeting、talk、letter、message 和 repair。pressing 较 urgent 正式,尤用于书面语。■ burning [only before noun](of a need or desire) so strong that you must do sth about it; (of an issue or question) very important and urgent(需要或欲望)非常强烈的,不可抗拒的;(问题)重要而紧迫的◆he had a burning ambition to start his own business.他雄心勃勃地急于自己创业。◆immigration was one of the burning issues of the day.移民问题是那时候的当务之急。■ compelling (written) (of a need or desire) so strong that you must do sth about it(需要或欲望)非常强烈的,不可抗拒的◆he was a sad man with a compelling need to talk about his unhappiness.他是个伤心之人,特别想说说自己的不幸。  ➡ see also compulsion → desire urgentneeding to be dealt with immediately紧急的;紧迫的;迫切的◆'can i see you for a moment?' 'i'm very busy-is it urgent?'“我能见你一下吗?”“我很忙,你有急事吗?”◆the situation calls for urgent action.目前这种局面需要采取紧急行动。◆the law is in urgent need of reform.这项法律亟须改革。 ➡ see also urgency → importance , urge → desire ▸ urgently adverb◆new equipment is urgently needed.急需新设备。◆i need to speak to her urgently.我得马上跟她谈谈。urgent/ˈɜ:dʒənt ||; ˈɝdʒənt/adj needing immediate attention 紧急的;迫切的: ◇an urgent message 紧急的信息 ➔urgency /-dʒənsi ||; -dʒənsɪ/ noun [u]: ◇a matter of the greatest urgency 最迫切的事 ➔urgently adv ◇i must see you urgently. 我急需见你。 urgentsee ⇨ important 3 ur·gent /`ɜdʒənt; ˈɜːdʒənt/adjif something is urgent, it needs to be done or dealt with immediately because it is very important 紧急的,急切的:◇an urgent message 紧急的消息◇she's in urgent need of medical attention. 她急需医疗护理。 ☞ urgent




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