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单词 y, y
释义 y, y/waɪ ||; waɪ/noun1. [c,u] (plural y's;y's /waɪz ||; waɪz/) the twenty-fifth letter of the english alphabet 英语字母表的第二十五个字母: ◇‘yawn’ begins with (a) ‘y’. yawn以字母y开头。 2. [u] (mathematics数学) used to represent a number whose value is not mentioned (用于代表未知数或变量): ◇can the value of y be predicted from the value of x? 从x值能否推算出y值? 3. [u] a person, a number, an influence, etc that is not known or not named 未知的人、数及影响等: ◇let's suppose x knows what y is doing. 我们假设x知道y在做什么。 ☞look at y chromosome. 参看y chromosome。 y, y /waɪ; waɪ/the letter 'y' 字母 y




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