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单词 welcome
释义 welcome nounadjective | verb + welcome | welcome + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, enthusiastic, friendly, hearty, great, rapturous, rousing, special, tumultuous, warm盛大的欢迎;热情的接待;友好的欢迎;热忱的欢迎;隆重的接待;热烈的欢迎;特别的欢迎◆the audience gave the band a rousing welcome.观众热烈欢迎乐队。➤broad (especially bre) 广泛的欢迎◆the proposals have been given a broad welcome by green campaigners.提案受到绿色环保运动人士的广泛欢迎。➤cautious, guarded, qualified (all especially bre) 谨慎的欢迎;有保留的欢迎▸➤official正式的欢迎▸➤hero's英雄般的欢迎◆she got a hero's welcome on her return from the olympics.她参加奥运会归来受到英雄般的欢迎。verb + welcome➤get, receive受到欢迎▸➤extend, give sb表示欢迎;欢迎某人➤outstay, overstay作客时间过长而不再受欢迎◆sensing that he had outstayed his welcome, he quickly left.他感觉到自己待得太久,已经惹人厌烦,于是就赶快离开了。welcome + verb➤await sb (bre) 欢迎将降临到某人身上◆a warm welcome awaits you at this family-run hotel.家庭旅馆热情欢迎您的到来。preposition➤in welcome欢迎◆she held out her arms in welcome.她张开双臂表示欢迎。➤welcome from来自⋯的欢迎◆the proposal received a warm welcome from the committee.这项提议得到了委员会的热烈欢迎。➤welcome to给予⋯的欢迎◆a big welcome to our special guest, james greenan.热烈欢迎我们的特别嘉宾,詹姆斯・格里南先生。◆they received a friendly welcome to their new home.他们在新家里受到了友好的欢迎。phrases➤words of welcome欢迎的话◆thank you for those words of welcome.谢谢您的欢迎辞。welcome verb¹ 1greet sb/be pleased sb has come迎接;欢迎adverb | verb + welcome | preposition | phrases adverb➤heartily, warmly衷心/热烈欢迎◆if you visit our town you will be warmly welcomed.你到我们的小镇会受到热烈的欢迎。➤gladly (especially name) 兴高采烈地欢迎▸➤formally, officially正式欢迎;官方接待▸➤back欢迎归来◆the whole family turned out to welcome him back.全家人都出来迎接他归来。verb + welcome➤be delighted to, be pleased to高兴地欢迎;愉快地迎接▸➤prepare to, wait to准备迎接;等待着欢迎◆the school is preparing to welcome the new intake of students.学校正在准备迎接新生。preposition➤into欢迎加入⋯◆he welcomed us into the club.他欢迎我们加入俱乐部。➤to欢迎到⋯◆we are delighted to welcome you to our company.非常欢迎你到我们公司来。phrases➤look forward to welcoming sb, welcome sb with open arms期待着迎接某人;热烈欢迎某人◆they welcomed the new volunteers with open arms (= with enthusiasm).他们热情地欢迎新的志愿者。welcome verb² 2be pleased about sth and support it乐于接受adverb | phrases adverb➤enthusiastically, especially, greatly, particularly, really, warmly热烈欢迎;特别乐于接受;非常欢迎;真心欢迎◆many companies have warmly welcomed these changes in legislation.许多公司都非常愿意接受对立法所作的这些修改。➤positively (especially bre) 积极地欢迎◆we positively welcome applications from all sections of the community.我们诚挚欢迎来自社会各界的申请。➤broadly (especially bre) 广泛地欢迎▸➤cautiously慎重对待◆economists cautiously welcomed the president's initiative.经济学家对总统的倡议反应谨慎。➤initially一开始欢迎phrases➤be generally welcomed, be universally welcomed, be widely welcomed (all especially bre) 受到普遍的/一致的/广泛的欢迎◆the proposals have been widely welcomed.那些建议受到普遍的欢迎。welcome adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel受欢迎;感到受欢迎▸➤make sb使某人受欢迎◆they made us very welcome in their home.我们在他们家很受欢迎。adverb➤very很受欢迎◆the 1% rate cut is very welcome.费率下降 1 个百分点很受欢迎。➤especially, extremely, more than, most, particularly特别受欢迎;极其受欢迎;尤其受欢迎◆you would be a most welcome guest.您会是贵宾。➤perfectly, quite绝对/十分受欢迎◆you are perfectly welcome to stay here, if you don't mind the mess.肯定欢迎你待在这里,只要你不介意有点儿乱。➤not entirely并非完全受欢迎◆he made it plain that holman's interest in his business affairs was not entirely welcome.他明确表示并不怎么欢迎霍尔曼探问他的公事。➤always随时欢迎◆visitors are always welcome.随时欢迎来访。preposition➤to欢迎加入◆new members are welcome to the club.欢迎新成员加入俱乐部。 welcome verbwelcome ♦︎ appreciatethese words both mean to be pleased to receive or accept sth.这两个词均表示乐意接纳、欣然接受。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to welcome / appreciate sb's support / help / comments / view / suggestion◆to welcome / appreciate the chance / opportunity◆i'd welcome / appreciate...■ welcome [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to be pleased to receive or accept sth乐意接纳;欣然接受◆i warmly welcome this decision.我热烈欢迎这一决定。◆in general, the changes they had made were to be welcomed.总的来说,他们做的这些改动都会被欣然接受。◆i'd welcome any suggestions.任何建议我都乐于接受。 ➡ see also welcome → response noun ■ appreciate /əpriːʃieɪt/ [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to be grateful for sth that sb has done感激;感谢◆thanks for coming. i appreciate it.谢谢光临,不胜感激。◆your support is greatly appreciated.十分感谢你的支持。◆i'd appreciate some help.我希望有人帮忙。◆i would appreciate it if you paid in cash.假如你支付现金,我将非常感谢。 ➡ see also appreciation → thanks note 辨析 welcome or appreciate? appreciate is often used to say thank you to sb who has done sth to help you. * appreciate 常用于感谢他人给予的帮助◆thank you for your help. i do appreciate it.谢谢你的帮助,我不胜感激。 welcome is used to talk about being pleased that sth has happened. * welcome 指对已发生的事表示欣然接受◆i welcome this decision.我欢迎这个决定。◆the party welcomed the bill.该党欣然接受这项法案。both words are used with i'd... to ask for sth, but i'd welcome... is usually followed by your/any comments/enquiries/letters/views/suggestions and sounds gentle and polite. i'd appreciate... is a polite but direct request.两个词都与 i'd ... 连用,用于提出要求,但是 i'd welcome ... 通常后接 your/any comments/enquiries/letters/views/suggestions,以使语气缓和而礼貌。i'd appreciate ... 用于礼貌但直接地提出要求◆i'd welcome any suggestions (= i'd be happy to hear your suggestions if you have any to make).任何建议我都乐于接受。◆i'd appreciate some help (= i need help and i think you should help me, please).我希望你能帮我忙。welcome [transitive, intransitive] to greet sb in a friendly way or to be there for them when they arrive somewhere(打招呼)欢迎(某人的到来);迎接◆they were at the door to welcome us.他们在门口迎接我们。◆it is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。 ➡ see also welcome → let sb in , welcoming → friendly 1 note 辨析 greet or welcome?you greet sb when you say hello to them, usually, but not always, in a friendly way. you might greet sb in the street or when they come to visit you. you welcome sb when they come to visit you or when they return home after being away for a long time. you make a special effort to show them that you are happy that they are with you, and to make them feel happy to be with you, or to be home. * greet 通常指友好地问候某人,但也不尽然,也可能指问候街上碰到的人或来访者。welcome 指欢迎来访者,或离家很久后返家的人。welcome 指努力显出热情的样子,让对方感觉到你很高兴见到他们。welcome [countable, uncountable] a greeting that is given to sb when they arrive, especially a friendly one迎接;接待;欢迎◆thank you for your warm welcome.感谢你们的热情接待。◆ellen received a hero's welcome on returning to her home town.埃伦回到她的家乡时受到了英雄般的欢迎。◆her wrinkled face broke into a smile of welcome.她布满皱纹的脸突然微笑起来,表示欢迎。  ➡ see also welcoming → friendly 1 note 辨析 greeting or welcome?a welcome is a particularly friendly type of greeting that you give sb when they have come to visit you, or when they have come home after being away for a long time. a greeting usually means a few words or a simple action such as a smile or a wave from one person; a welcome often comes from a group of people and may involve sth more, such as a party or a meal. * welcome 指对来访者或离家很久后返家的人特别热情的欢迎。greeting 常为某人的几句招呼语或简单的致意动作,如微笑或挥手; welcome 常指一群人参与的欢迎,可能还会有聚会或聚餐等活动。welcome [transitive] to be pleased that sb has come or has joined an organization or activity欢迎(新来的人);迎(新)◆they welcomed the new volunteers with open arms (= with enthusiasm).他们热烈欢迎这些新来的志愿者。  ➡ see also welcome → greet welcome [singular] the way that people react to sth, which shows their opinion of it(表明看法的)反应,反响◆this new comedy deserves a warm welcome.这出新喜剧值得热烈欢迎。◆the proposals were given a cautious welcome by the trade unions.工会谨慎地接受了这些建议。  ➡ see also welcome → welcome verb note 辨析 reception or welcome?a reception is more likely than a welcome to be described using adjectives with negative associations. * reception 比 welcome 更常与产生负面联想的形容词搭配◆a lukewarm / hostile / frosty / critical / cool reception不温不火/敌对/冷若冰霜/挑剔/冷漠的回应both welcome and reception can be described using positive words like warm and friendly. a welcome can, however, also occasionally be cautious or guarded. * welcome 和 reception 均可用 warm 和 friendly 等意义正面的词描述。不过,welcome 偶尔也可用 cautious 或 guarded 来描述。welcome [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to be pleased to receive or accept sth乐意接纳;欣然接受◆i warmly welcome this decision.我热烈欢迎这一决定。◆in general, the changes they had made were to be welcomed.总的来说,他们做的这些改动都会被欣然接受。◆i'd welcome any suggestions.任何建议我都乐于接受。 ➡ see also welcome → response noun welcome¹/ˈwelkəm ||; ˈwɛlkəm/verb[t] 1. to be friendly to sb when he/she arrives somewhere 欢迎(抵达某地方的人): ◇everyone came to the door to welcome us. 人人都到门口欢迎我们。 2. to be pleased to receive or accept sth 乐意收到或接受: ◇i've no idea what to do next, so i'd welcome any suggestions. 我不知道接下来该怎么办,因此我乐意接受任何建议。 welcome noun [c]: ◇let's give a warm welcome to our next guest. 让我们热烈欢迎下一位来宾。 welcome²/ˈwelkəm ||; ˈwɛlkəm/adj1. received with pleasure; giving pleasure 受欢迎的;令人高兴的: ◇you're always welcome here. 这里随时欢迎你。◇welcome news 令人高兴的消息 [opp] unwelcome 反义词为unwelcome 2. welcome to sth/to do sth allowed to do sth 容许: ◇you're welcome to use my bicycle. 你可以用我的自行车。 3. used to say that sb can have sth that you do not want yourself (用于表示某人可以拥有说话者不想要的事物): ◇take the car if you want. you're welcome to it. it's always breaking down. 你喜欢的话,可以随便开走这辆汽车。它老是抛锚。 welcome exclamation ◇welcome to london! 欢迎你来到伦敦!◇welcome home! 欢迎你回来! make sb welcome to receive sb in a friendly way 款待,欢迎(某人) you're welcome(spoken 口语) used as a polite reply when sb thanks you for sth 不用谢;别客气: ◇‘thank you for your help.’ ‘you're welcome.' “谢谢你帮忙。”“不用客气。” welcomesee ⇨ accept 3 ⇨ hello 4     • • •• ⇨ outstay your welcome/overstay your welcome• ⇨ you are welcome to sth/you can keep sth• ⇨ you're welcome☞ welcome¹☞ welcome²☞ welcome³☞ welcome⁴




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