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单词 understudy
释义 understudy /ʌndəstʌdi; name ʌndərstʌdi/ [countable] an actor who learns the part of another actor in a play so that they can play that part if necessary候补演员;替角◆she worked as an understudy to elaine page.她担任了伊莲 • 佩姬的候补演员。understudy/ˈʌndəstʌdi ||; ˈʌndɚˌstʌdɪ/noun [c] (plural understudies) an actor who learns the role of another actor and replaces him/her if he/she is ill 替角;候补演员 un·der·stud·y /`ʌndəˏstʌdɪ; ˈʌndəˌstʌdi/n [c]an actor who learns the words of a character in a play so that they can perform if the usual actor is ill 预备演员,替角




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