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单词 thermometer
释义 thermometer nounadjective | verb + thermometer | thermometer + verb | thermometer + noun | preposition adjective➤accurate精确的温度计▸➤clinical体温计▸➤digital, mercury数字/水银温度计▸➤ear, oral, rectal耳式/口腔/直肠体温计▸➤candy, sugar (bre) 糖果/糖浆温度计➤meat烤肉温度计◆check that the roast is cooked right through, using a meat thermometer.用烤肉温度计检查一下肉烤透了没有。➤oven烤箱温度计verb + thermometer➤insert, place in, stick in (informal) 插入温度计;放入温度计◆he stuck a thermometer in her mouth.他把一支体温计放入她口中。➤read看温度计读数thermometer + verb➤measure sth, read sth温度计测量⋯/读数是⋯◆if the thermometer reads 98.6°f, then you don't have a fever.如果体温计读数是 98.6 华氏度,那么你就没有发烧。thermometer + noun➤reading温度计读数preposition➤on a/the thermometer在温度计上◆the reading on the thermometer温度计上的读数thermometer/θəˈmɒmɪtə(r) ||; θəˈmɑmətɚ/noun [c] an instrument for measuring temperature 体温表;温度计;寒暑表 ther·mom·e·ter /θə`mɑmətə; θəˈmɒmɪtə/n [c]a piece of equipment that measures the temperature of the air, your body etc 温度计; 寒暑表; 体温计 ☞ thermometer




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