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单词 wrist
释义 wrist nounadjective | verb + wrist | wrist + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤bony, slender, small, thin, tiny皮包骨头的手腕;纤细的手腕;细手腕;细小的手腕▸➤limp, weak柔软的/瘦弱无力的手腕▸➤broken, fractured, injured, sore, sprained折断的/骨折了的/受伤的/疼痛的/扭伤的手腕verb + wrist➤catch (sb by), clasp, grab (sb by), grasp, grip, hold (sb by), seize, take sb by抓住(某人的)手腕;握住(某人的)手腕;拉住某人的手腕◆'is it serious?' she asked, clasping the doctor's wrist.“严重吗?”她紧握医生的手腕问道。◆i turned to leave but he grabbed me by the wrist.我转身要离开,但是他抓住我的手腕不放。➤grab hold of, take hold of抓住手腕▸➤bend, twist弯曲/转动手腕◆he grabbed her wrist but she twisted it free.他抓住她的手腕,但她扭动一下挣脱开了。➤encircle, enclose环绕着/握紧手腕◆strong fingers encircled her tiny wrists.强有力的手指箍着她那细小的手腕。➤rub摩擦手腕▸➤break, dislocate, fracture, sprain折断手腕;使手腕脱臼;使手腕骨折;扭伤手腕▸➤bandage给手腕包上绷带▸➤bind, tie绑住/系住手腕◆the burglars bound the family's wrists behind their backs.盗贼把全家人的手腕反绑起来。➤slash, slit切开手腕◆he slashed his wrists in a suicide attempt.他割腕企图自杀。wrist + noun➤watch (usually wristwatch) 手表▸➤band (usually wristband) , strap护腕;腕带▸➤action手腕的动作◆the secret of making the ball spin is in the wrist action.使球旋转的秘诀在于手腕的动作。➤bone, joint腕骨;腕关节▸➤injury腕伤preposition➤around the/your wrist, round the/your wrist (especially bre) 围在/戴在手腕上◆a policeman snapped handcuffs around his wrists.警察咔嚓一声把手铐铐到了他的双腕上。➤by the wrist, on the/your wrist通过手腕;在手腕上◆he wears weights on his wrists when he goes running.他双腕戴着负重带跑步。phrases➤a flick of the wrist手腕轻轻地一弹◆she sent the ball flying over the net with a flick of the wrist.她轻抖手腕,将球击过了网。wrist/rɪst ||; rɪst/noun [c] the narrow part at the end of your arm where it joins your hand 手腕 ☞picture at body 见body插图 wrist• ⇨ a slap on the wrist wrist /rɪst; rɪst/n [c]the joint between your hand and your arm 腕(关节) ☞ wrist




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