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单词 we
释义 we/wi: ||; wi/pronoun the subject of a verb; used for talking about the speaker and one or more other people (作动词的主语)我们: ◇we're going to the cinema. 我们要去看电影。◇we are both very pleased with the house. 我们俩都很喜欢那幢房子。 we /wɪ; wi; strong 强读 wi; wiː/pron 1. the person who is speaking and one or more other people 我们:◇we ordered our meal. 我们点了饭菜。 2. people in general [统称]我们,人类,人们:◇today we know much more about what causes the disease. 现在我们对该病的起因知道得更多了。 ☞ we




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