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单词 worse
释义 worse adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, seem更坏;感觉更差;看上去更糟糕;似乎更差◆i feel even worse today!我今天感觉更差!➤become, get, grow越来越差;越来越严重◆the problem is getting worse all the time.问题一直在恶化。◆the pain grew worse.疼痛越来越厉害了。➤make sth把⋯弄得更糟◆ignoring the problem will make it worse.忽视这个问题会把情况弄得更糟。adverb➤considerably, dramatically, far, a good deal, a great deal, infinitely, a lot, much, significantly明显更差;显然更糟糕;差得多;糟糕得多◆it's much worse for the parents than it is for the child.这对父母的影响比对孩子更严重。◆the news got dramatically worse.消息变得越来越糟糕。◆things were about to get very much worse.情况将变得糟糕得多。➤almost几乎更差◆the area seemed almost worse than the city he had left.这个地区似乎比他离开的那个城市还要糟。➤a little, rather, slightly, substantially稍微差一点儿;相当差;略微差一些;差很多▸➤progressively, steadily越来越差;逐渐严重◆the problem became progressively worse.问题变得越来越严重。➤even, still更差;更糟糕◆we've run out of coffee. worse still, we can't get any more until tomorrow.咖啡已经喝完了。更糟糕的是,我们必须等到明天才能有新的。phrases➤no, not any并不更差◆he's no better and no worse than yesterday.与昨天相比他既没变得更好也没更糟。worse/wɜ:s ||; wɝs/adj adv(the comparative of bad or of badly bad或badly的比较级) 1. not as good or as well as sth else 较差的;更坏的;更糟的: ◇my exam results were far / much worsethan i thought they would be. 我的考试成绩比我想象的糟得多。◇she speaks german even worse than i do. 她德语说得比我还糟。 2. (not before a noun 不用于名词前) more ill; less well 病情恶化;健康情况更坏: ◇if you get any worsewe'll call the doctor. 如果你的病情继续恶化,我们就叫医生。 worse noun [u]: ◇the situation was already bad but there was worse to come. 情况本来就已经不好,但还会变得更糟。 to make matters/things worse to make a situation, problem, etc even more difficult or dangerous than before 使情况、问题等更严重 none the wiser/worse→none²the worse for wear(informal 非正式) damaged; not in good condition 破烂的;受损的: ◇this suitcase looks a bit the worse for wear. 这个手提箱看来有点破损。 worse luck!(spoken 口语) unfortunately 不幸;倒霉: ◇the dentist says i need three fillings, worse luck! 牙医说我要补三颗牙,真倒霉! worse1 worse2 to become worse3 to make a bad or difficult situation worse4 worst5 when someone who is ill becomes worserelated wordsoppositebetter,see alsobad,improve,1. worse 更糟的 worse /wɜːʳs/ [adjective] more unpleasant, annoying, bad etc, or of a lower standard or quality than someone or something else that is also bad 更糟的;更差的;更坏的 i really don't think the situation could be any worse. 我真的不认为情况还可以怎么个糟法。worse than conditions in the prison were worse than anything i had seen before. 监狱的条件比我以往所见的一切更糟糕。 stop it gary, you're worse than the kids! 住手,加里,你不如孩子们呢!even/far worse worse than something that is very bad 甚至更差 duncan's handwriting is even worse than his sister's. 邓肯写的字甚至比他妹妹的还差。 a terrible script and even worse acting 糟糕的剧本,更糟糕的演出a lot worse/much worse the traffic is a lot worse after five o'clock. 5点钟以后交通情况会糟得多。 the next morning, the weather was much worse, and the team stayed at base camp. 第二天早上天气更差了,整个队就待在大本营里。make something worse i tried to fix the computer myself, but that just made it worse. 我试着自己修电脑,但越弄越糟。 not as good /ˌnɒt əz ˈgʊd/ [adjective phrase] of a lower standard, quality, or level than something else that is good 不像…那么好 i like this town better than harrisburg, but the schools aren't as good. 与哈里斯堡相比我更喜欢这个镇,但学校不如那里的好。not as good as this book is not as good as her last one. 这本书不如她上一本好。 the fishing out there isn't as good as it used to be. 那个地方捕鱼不如以往好。not nearly as good as/nowhere near as good as use to emphasize that the difference in quality is quite big 远远不如[用于强调质量差别相当大] their latest album isn't nearly as good as their last one. 他们的最新专辑远远不及上一张。 cheap, plastic-wrapped cheese is nowhere near as good as the real thing. 塑料纸包装的廉价干酪远远不如正宗的货色。 inferior /ɪnˈfɪəriəʳ/ [adjective] formal of a lower quality than something else, or less good at doing something than someone else 【正式】[质量或技能]较差的,次的 consumers are tired of paying a high price for what is an increasingly inferior service. 服务越来越差,消费者已不愿意支付昂贵的费用了。 california oil is a heavier and inferior grade of oil, compared with other crude oils. 与其他地方的原油相比,加州石油更黏稠、等级低。inferior to old mr carter was convinced that women doctors were inferior to men. 老卡特先生坚信,女医生不如男医生。inferior in quality/status/worth etc white bread is generally inferior in nutritional value. 白面包的营养价值一般较低。of inferior quality/materials/status etc their furniture is certainly cheaper, but it's of inferior quality. 他们的家具确实便宜些,但是质量较差。 not be in the same league/can't compare with /nɒt biː ɪn ðə ˌseɪm ˈliːg, ˌkɑːnt kəmˈpeəʳ wɪðǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] especially spoken use this to emphasize that someone or something is not nearly as good as someone or something else 【尤口】不是同一个等级的/无法与…相比[用于强调] how can you compare him to ivan lendl? he's not in the same league at all. 你怎么能把他跟伊万·伦德尔作比较?他根本不属同一级别的。 vinyl is strong and looks good but it doesn't compare with real leather. 乙烯基塑料牢固而且样子不错,但是无法与真皮相比。not be in the same league as it's quite a good movie but not in the same league as ‘high noon’ or ‘the magnificent seven’ 这部电影相当不错,但是跟《正午》、《七侠荡寇志》不是同一档次的。 not be a patch on /nɒt biː ə ˈpætʃ ɒn/ [verb phrase] british informal use this to emphasize that something is not nearly as good as something else, especially something that came before it 【英,非正式】比不上,远不如[尤指过去的某物,用于强调] shop-bought pasta sauces aren't a patch on home-made. 商店里买来的意大利面食酱比家里做的差得远。 this year's charity marathon wasn't a patch on last year's. 今年的慈善马拉松赛比不上去年的。2. to become worse 变得更差 get worse /ˌget ˈwɜːʳs/ [verb phrase] the food here gets worse every day. 这里的菜一天不如一天。 my eyesight must be getting worse. 我的视力肯定在下降。 i don't think things can get much worse! 我认为情况不会变得更糟了!get worse and worse the tension in the flat got worse and worse, and kate thought about moving out. 公寓里的气氛越来越紧张,凯特想搬出去住。 paul's behaviour seems to get worse and worse. 保罗的行为似乎越来越糟糕。 deteriorate /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/ [intransitive verb] formal to gradually become worse 【正式】恶化 if the dispute drags on, conditions in the city could deteriorate. 争端拖延下去的话,该市的情况可能会恶化。 the us trade position has deteriorated over the past few years. 美国的贸易地位在过去几年间下降了。deteriorate rapidly air quality is rapidly deteriorating in our cities. 我们城市里的空气质量迅速恶化。deteriorate to the level/point/stage where . . . to deteriorate so much that a particular problem is caused 恶化到…程度/地步/阶段 school buildings have deteriorated to the point where they pose a health threat to both students and teachers. 校舍已衰败到威胁师生健康的程度。 deterioration /dɪˌtɪəriəˈreɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the further deterioration of relations between the two countries 两国关系的进一步恶化 deteriorating [adjective] our deteriorating road network 我们不断恶化的道路网 deteriorating standards of living 不断下降的生活水平 go down/decline /ˌgəʊ ˈdaʊn, dɪˈklaɪn/ [intransitive verb] to become gradually worse - use this especially about the quality or standard of something 越来越差,下降[尤指质量或标准] he's been very unhappy and depressed recently, and his work has definitely gone down. 最近他快快不乐,工作质量也明显下降。 the quality of life for pensioners in this country has certainly declined recently. 该国领养老金者的生活质量近来肯定下降了。go right down british the standard of service has gone right down since the company was privatized. 这家公司私有化之后,服务水准就降低了。 declining [adjective] educationalists are worried about what they see as declining standards of literacy. 教育学家为他们所说的文化水平下降而担心。 worsen /ˈwɜːʳsən/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if a bad situation worsens, or something worsens it, it becomes worse [情况]变得更坏,变得更差;[使]恶化 the weather worsened during the night. 晚上,天气更糟糕了。 the government's bungling attempts to help have only worsened the refugees’ plight. 政府援助不当,反而加剧了难民的困境。 the situation was worsened by roy's tendency to drink heavily in times of stress. 罗伊面临压力的时候就要酗酒,这使情况变得更糟糕。 worsening [adjective] the worsening economic conditions here have destroyed many small businesses. 这里每况愈下的经济形势摧毁了许多小企业。 worsening air pollution 愈趋严重的空气污染 go from bad to worse /ˌgəʊ frəm ˌbæd tə ˈwɜːʳs/ [verb phrase] if a situation goes from bad to worse, it is already bad and then becomes even worse 每况愈下 the rail service has gone from bad to worse since it was privatised. 铁路私有化以后,服务每况愈下。 things went from bad to worse, and soon the pair were barely talking to each other. 那对夫妇关系越来越僵,很快就几乎不交谈了。 go downhill /ˌgəʊ daʊnˈhɪl/ [verb phrase] to start getting worse, especially after a particular time or event [尤指在某个时间或某事件后]开始走下坡路,每况愈下 moving in together was a mistake, and things rapidly went downhill. 搬到一起住是个错误,关系急转直下。 when things started to go downhill, kyle began looking for another job. 情况越来越糟时,凯尔开始另寻工作。 i said i didn't like baseball, and the interview went downhill from then on. 我说我不喜欢棒球,就从这时候起,面试情况变得越来越不妙了。 suffer /ˈsʌfəʳ/ [intransitive verb] if the quality of something suffers, it becomes worse as it begins to be affected by something 变差;变坏;变糟 his school work suffered because he was continually worried about his mother. 他学习退步了,因为他一直在为他母亲担心。 the ferry line denied that safety would suffer if costs were cut. 渡轮公司否认削减成本会影响安全。 her husband, a lawyer, suffered professionally for having to leave the office early every night. 她的丈夫是个律师,由于每天晚上得早早离开办公室,事业上受到了影响。 slip /slɪp/ [intransitive verb] if standards slip, they get worse, because people are not trying hard enough to keep the standards high [水准]下降,退步,变差 standards have slipped in the past few months, and we have to try and improve our performance. 最近几个月水准下降了,我们得好好改善表现。let things slip he used to make sure his apartment was in immaculate condition, but he's let things slip recently. 他以前总是把公寓收拾得干干净净,最近却随它去了。 deepen /ˈdiːpən/ [intransitive verb] if a bad situation deepens, it gets worse - use this especially about serious political or military problems 加深,加重,恶化[尤指严重的政治或军事问题] as the crisis deepened, it became clear that the government was losing control. 危机加剧,政府显然无法控制局势。 the company's legal and financial problems are deepening. 该公司的法律和财务问题越来越严重。 deepening [adjective] there was an atmosphere of deepening discontent in the country. 国内不满情绪日益严重。 deepening political and economic troubles 日趋恶化的政治和经济问题 degenerate /dɪˈdʒenəreɪt/ [intransitive verb] formal if a situation degenerates, it becomes much worse 【正式】恶化,衰退 there's no denying that our relationship has degenerated over the years. 不可否认的是,几年下来我们的关系恶化了。degenerate into attempts by the uk government to prop up the pound on the exchange markets degenerated into chaos. 英国政府试图在外汇市场上抬升英镑,结果演变成混乱。 what should have been a civilised debate degenerated into an unseemly row between the two sides. 本来应该是一场文明有礼的辩论,结果却演变成了双方不体面的争吵。 don't allow your comments to degenerate into a personal attack on the employee. 别让你的话变成对雇员的人身攻击。3. to make a bad or difficult situation worse 使不好的或困难的情况变得更糟糕 make things worse/make it worse /ˌmeɪk θɪŋz ˈwɜːʳs, ˌmeɪk ɪt ˈwɜːʳs/ [verb phrase] to make a bad or difficult situation even worse, especially when you were trying to improve it 使情况变得更糟[更困难][尤指试图改善情况时] don't interfere. you'll only make things worse. 别插手,你只会把事情搞得更糟。 trying not to laugh aloud made it worse, and for a moment or two, they were both helpless with suppressed laughter. 他们想忍住不笑出声来,反而更加糟糕有那么一会儿,两个人都忍不住大笑起来。 why not try running the anti-virus software? it can't make things any worse, can it? 为什么不试试运行杀毒软件呢?它不会使问题更糟糕,对吧? to make matters/things worse /tə ˌmeɪk mætəʳz, θɪŋz ˈwɜːʳs/ [adverb] use this to talk above something that makes a bad situation even worse 使不好的情况更糟糕 to make matters worse, the director's gone on holiday without leaving anyone in charge. 更糟糕的是,那位董事去度假了,没让别人来负责。 to make things worse, jimmy suddenly announced he'd left his passport at home. 更糟糕的是,吉米突然说他把护照忘在家里了。 aggravate /ˈægrəveɪt/ [transitive verb] to make a bad or difficult situation even worse 使加剧;使恶化 air pollution may aggravate a child's asthma. 空气污染可能会加重儿童哮喘。 is the pain aggravated by coughing or laughing? 咳嗽或大笑会不会使疼痛加剧? any talk of price rises now will only aggravate an already serious situation. 现在谈论物价上涨只会给已经严重的局面火上浇油。 exacerbate /ɪgˈzæsəʳbeɪt/ [transitive verb] formal to make a bad or difficult situation even worse 【正式】使恶化;使加剧 the family's problems were exacerbated when walter lost his job. 沃尔特丢了工作,一家人的麻烦更大了。 ironically, the government's reassurances may have exacerbated fear about the disease. 讽刺的是,政府的保证可能反而加深了人们对这种疾病的恐惧。 compound /kəmˈpaʊnd/ [transitive verb usually in passive] if something compounds a problem, mistake, or difficulty, it adds to the existing problem so that the general situation gets even worse than before 加重[问题、错误或困难];使严重 strong nationalist sentiment is compounding the deep political problems faced by the president. 强烈的民族主义情绪使总统面临的严重的政治问题更为复杂。be compounded by john and val's domestic problems were compounded by stress at work. 工作压力加重了约翰和瓦尔的家庭问题。 the effects of the east coast snows this year were compounded by severe storms in the spring. 春季的大风暴加剧了今年东海岸降雪的影响。 to add insult to injury /tʊ æd ˌɪnsʌlt tʊ ˈɪndʒəri/ [adverb] use that to say that something makes a bad situation worse for someone, by unfairly giving them another problem that relates to or is a result of the original one 雪上加霜 the bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter telling me so! 银行不但拒绝退钱给我,还要在伤口上撒一把盐,就连通知我的这封信也要向我收费!4. worst 最糟的 worst /wɜːʳst/ [adjective only before noun] worse than anything else or worse than at any time before 最差的;最坏的;最糟的 in my opinion, that's the worst movie of all time. 依我看,那是有史以来最差的一部影片。 the doctor said it was one of the worst cases of food poisoning he'd ever seen. 医生说这是他所见过的最严重的食物中毒病例之一。 un workers were withdrawn from the western areas, where the worst bloodshed has occurred. 联合国工作人员撤出了发生最严重流血事件的西部地区。by far the worst much worse than any other 无疑是最糟的 it's by far the worst neighborhood in the whole city. 这无疑是整个城市里最糟糕的社区。 first thing in the morning is by far the worst time to ask dad a favour. 一大早叫爸爸帮忙最不是时候。 hit/reach rock bottom /ˌhɪt, ˌriːtʃ rɒk ˈbɒtəmǁ-rɑːk ˈbɑːtəm/ [verb phrase] if a situation hits or reaches rock bottom, it is worse than it has ever been before, and cannot get any worse than that [情况]糟到了极点 after we lost the contract, morale in the office reached rock bottom. 我们丢了合同后,办公室里的士气降到了最低点。 confidence in the city's police force has hit rock bottom. 市民对警察的信心已降到了最低点。 something takes the cake also something takes the biscuit british / something ˌteɪks ðə ˈkeɪk, something ˌteɪks ðə ˈbɪskə̇t/ [verb phrase] spoken informal use this to say that something is the worst of its kind - used especially in a humorous way 【口,非正式】[同类之中]最糟的[尤为幽默用法] i've known some idiots in my time, but you really take the cake. 我这辈子也见过一些傻瓜,但你真是最大的傻瓜。 this last little escapade really takes the biscuit, tom. 汤姆,这次的小恶作剧真的糟透了。5. when someone who is ill becomes worse 病人病情加重 get worse /ˌget ˈwɜːʳs/ [verb phrase] if someone who is ill gets worse or their condition gets worse, they become more seriously ill [病情]加重,恶化 i'm afraid your father is getting worse, and we'll have to keep him in hospital. 恐怕你父亲的病情加重了,我们得让他住院。 the chest pains got worse, and the family doctor was called. 胸口疼痛加剧,于是叫来家庭医生。 deteriorate /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/ [intransitive verb] formal if someone's medical condition deteriorates, it gets worse 【正式】[病情]恶化 nina's hearing had deteriorated considerably since i last saw her. 自从我上次见到尼娜以来,她的听力下降了很多。 his condition deteriorated rapidly during the night. 夜里,他的病情迅速恶化。 relapse /rɪˈlæps/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] if someone who has a serious illness relapses, they get worse when they had previously been getting better 旧病复发,犯病 on vacation at home, he relapsed and had to return to hospital for further tests. 在家休假时,他犯病了,只得回到医院作进一步检查。 most drug abusers relapse within a year. 大多数吸毒者一年内会重染恶习。 relapse [countable noun usually singular] have/suffer a relapse grandad had an unexpected relapse and died within a week. 爷爷突然旧病复发,一周后去世了。 these herbal remedies become less effective if the patient suffers a relapse. 要是病人旧病复发的话,这些草药效果就会变差。☞ worse¹☞ worse²☞ worse³




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