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单词 undercurrent
释义 undercurrent /ʌndəkʌrənt; name ʌndərkɜːrənt/ [countable] a feeling, especially a negative one such as anger, fear or sadness, that is hidden but whose effects are felt(尤指负面的)潜在情绪◆i sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the other girls.我觉察到在其他女孩中有种不满情绪。note 辨析 connotation, overtone or undercurrent? connotation and overtone often refer to an idea, attitude or feeling which sb intends when they say or write sth, but which they do not express directly. the idea or attitude may be expressed by carefully choosing the words which are used. an undercurrent is usually a feeling or attitude which is felt very strongly and so can be sensed even when sb tries to hide it. * connotation 和 overtone 常指想表达却没有直接表达出来的想法、态度或感觉,这种想法或态度也许通过谨慎措辞暗示出来。undercurrent 通常是一种可以明显感受到的情绪或态度,就算说者极力隐藏听者仍能感受得到。undercurrent/ˈʌndəkʌrənt ||; ˈʌndɚˌkʌrənt/noun [c] ~ (of sth) a feeling, especially a negative one, that is hidden but whose effects are felt 潜流,不外露的感情(尤指负面的): ◇i detect an undercurrent of resentment towards the new proposals. 我发现人们对新建议有不满情绪。 un·der·cur·rent /`ʌndəˏkɜənt; ˈʌndəˌkʌrənt/n [c]a feeling or attitude that people do not talk about, but which affects their behaviour 潜伏的情绪:◇an undercurrent of racism 种族主义的潜流




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