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单词 armour
释义 armour noun (bre) (name armor) adjective | verb + armour/armor | preposition | phrases adjective➤full, heavy, thick全身盔甲;重盔甲;厚厚的盔甲▸➤light轻盔甲▸➤body防弹衣◆police officers in full body armour全身穿着防弹衣的警察◆the police should be protected by body armour.警察应穿防弹衣护身。➤battle, combat作战用的盔甲▸➤protective防护盔甲➤chain-mail, leather, metal, steel锁子甲;皮(盔)甲;金属盔甲;钢盔甲➤shiny闪闪发光的盔甲verb + armour/armor➤have on, wear穿着盔甲▸➤don, put on穿上盔甲➤remove, take off卸掉/脱掉盔甲▸➤penetrate, pierce穿透/刺穿盔甲◆an arrow had pierced his armour.一支箭射穿了他的盔甲。preposition➤in armour穿戴着盔甲◆warriors in full armour全身披挂盔甲的勇士phrases➤a suit of armour一套盔甲◆he wore a suit of heavy armour and carried a sword.他身穿一套厚重的盔甲,手持一柄剑。armour/ˈɑ:mə(r) ||; ˈɑrmɚ/(us 美 armor) noun [u] clothing, often made of metal, that soldiers wore in earlier times to protect themselves 盔甲;甲胄: ◇a suit of armour 一套盔甲 ar·mour /bre 【英】, armor ame 【美】 /`ɑrmə; ˈɑːmə//n [u] 1. metal or leather clothing worn in past times by men in battle 盔甲; 甲胄:◇a suit of armour 一套盔甲 2. a layer of strong material that protects something [起保护作用的]外层




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