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单词 arm
释义 arm nounadjective | verb + arm | arm + verb | arm + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤left, right左臂;右臂▸➤upper上臂◆the muscles of the upper arm上臂的肌肉➤muscular, powerful, strong肌肉发达的/有力的/粗壮的胳膊➤bony, skinny, slender, thin瘦骨嶙峋的/瘦成皮包骨的/纤长的/瘦瘦的胳膊➤short短胳膊➤hairy多毛的胳膊▸➤good好胳膊◆he used his good arm to support his weight.他用那只好胳膊支撑身体的重量。➤aching, bad, bleeding, broken, bruised, injured, sore, weak隐隐作痛的/有伤病的/流血的/折断的/擦伤的/受伤的/疼痛的/无力的胳膊◆i have a sore arm, so i'm afraid i can't help you.我的胳膊疼,恐怕没法帮你了。➤bandaged扎了绷带的胳膊➤prosthetic假臂➤raised, upraised举起的/抬起的胳膊▸➤extended, open (often figurative) , outstretched伸开的胳膊;张开的臂膀;展开的臂膀◆they're sure to welcome you with open arms.他们一定会张开双臂热烈欢迎你。➤comforting, loving, protective传递安慰的/表达爱意的/给予保护的臂膀◆he placed a comforting arm around her shoulder.他一只手臂搂住她的肩头,安慰她。➤waiting, welcoming等候的/欢迎的臂膀◆kris collapsed into her mother's waiting arms.克里斯瘫倒在母亲伸出的臂弯里。➤crossed, folded交叉的/合抱的臂膀◆he stood there with crossed arms, looking angry.他双臂合抱站在那里,看样子很生气。➤shaking, trembling哆嗦的/颤抖的胳膊➤flailing摇动的胳膊◆she ducked his flailing arms.她避开了他挥舞的胳膊。➤bare赤膊➤tanned晒黑的胳膊➤tattooed刺有文身的胳膊verb + arm➤bend, flex, move曲臂;活动手臂;移动胳膊▸➤lift, lower, raise抬起/放下/举起胳膊◆the figure in the boat raised an arm.那条船上的人举起了一只胳膊。➤flap, swing, wave摇动/挥动/挥舞手臂◆he was running forward, waving his arms.他挥舞着双臂向前跑。➤break, dislocate, hurt, twist折断胳膊;使胳膊脱臼;使胳膊受伤;扭伤胳膊➤amputate截去胳膊▸➤extend, hold out, open, stretch out伸开臂膀;伸出胳膊;张开臂膀;伸展胳膊◆he held out his arms with a broad smile.他满脸笑容地张开了双臂。➤cross, fold交叉双臂;双臂合抱于胸前◆she folded her arms and stared at him.她双臂合抱在胸前,直视着他。➤uncross, unfold打开/展开双臂▸➤hook, link挽着臂膀◆the couple linked arms and set off along the beach.夫妇俩挽着手臂,沿海滩向前走。➤catch, catch at, catch hold of, clutch, grab, grasp, take抓住手臂;握住胳膊◆a hand reached out and caught hold of her arm.一只手伸出去抓住了她的胳膊。◆she moved closer to her father and took his arm.她靠近父亲,挽起了他的胳膊。➤grip, hold, pat, squeeze, touch紧握胳膊;抓住手臂;轻拍胳膊;挤压胳膊;触摸胳膊▸➤fall into投入怀抱◆they fell into each other's arms.他们拥抱在了一起。➤draw sb into, gather sb into, pull sb into, take sb in把某人拉进怀中;把某人拥入怀中◆he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.他把她拥入怀中,吻了她。➤hold sb in搂着某人arm + verb➤drop胳膊垂下➤bend胳膊弯曲▸➤dangle, hang胳膊下垂◆his arm hung awkwardly against his side.他的胳别别扭地垂在身旁。➤circle, slide, slip胳膊环绕;胳膊滑动◆his arms slid around her.他的双臂在她周身滑动。➤cradle sb/sth胳膊轻轻抱着⋯➤clutch sb/sth手臂抓住⋯◆his arms clutched his stomach.他双臂紧捂着肚子。➤rest胳膊倚靠◆her arms were resting on the table.她双臂撑在桌子上。➤tighten胳膊收紧◆her arms tightened convulsively around the child.她一下子紧紧搂住了孩子。➤shake, tremble胳膊哆嗦/颤抖➤flail, swing, wave手臂摇动/挥动/挥舞arm + noun➤injury胳膊受伤➤muscle臂部肌肉➤motion, movement胳膊所作的动作/运动➤gesture手臂姿势➤stroke, swing胳膊的一动/一挥➤workout臂力锻炼preposition➤by the arm抓住手臂◆the officer grabbed him by the arm (= grabbed his arm).那名军官抓住了他的胳膊。➤in sb's arms在某人的怀抱里◆the child lay in its mother's arms.孩子躺在母亲的怀里。➤on the arm在胳膊上◆she touched him gently on the arm.她轻轻碰了碰他的胳膊。➤on your arm在胳膊上;挽着胳膊◆lucy felt the warm sun on her bare arms.露西感觉得到温暖的阳光照在她裸露的双臂上。◆he walked in with a tall blonde on his arm (= next to him and holding his arm).他挽着一个身材高挑的金发美女走了进来。➤under an/one/your arm在胳膊下◆she carried the dog under one arm.她把小狗夹在腋下。phrases➤arm in arm臂挽臂◆they walked along arm in arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other).他们臂挽臂地走着。➤at arm's length保持尽可能远的距离◆he held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible).他拎着脏抹布,身子离得远远的。➤the crook of an/sb's arm(某人的)臂弯◆she lay curled up in the crook of his arm.她蜷缩着躺在他的臂弯里。➤fling your arms around sb/sth, put your arms around sb/sth, throw your arms around sb/sth张开双臂搂住⋯◆he ran up to her and flung his arms around her.他奔向她,张开双臂搂住了她。➤in each other's arms相互拥抱着◆they fell asleep in each other's arms (= holding each other).他们相拥着睡着了。➤with arms akimbo (= with your arms bent and your hands on your hips) 双手叉腰◆she stood looking at him with arms akimbo.她双手叉腰站着,直视着他。 arm /ɑːm; name ɑːrm/ noun [countable] a part of a large organization which is responsible for one area of its business (大机构内的)职能部门◆the research arm of the company 公司的研究部门☞ arm arm [countable, usually singular] (used especially in compounds尤用于复合词) a department of an organization分部;职能部门◆the report was published by the research arm of the department of transport.该报告是交通部的研究部门发表的。◆the bank plans to sell part of its us finance arm.该银行计划卖掉其设在美国的金融部门的部份业务。 arm [transitive, intransitive] to provide weapons for sb/yourself in order to fight a battle or war武装;装备;备战◆the crowd armed themselves with sticks and stones.人群以棍棒和石头作为武器。◆the country was arming against the enemy.这个国家正在备战迎敌。 ➡ see also arms → weapon arm¹/ɑ:m ||; ɑrm/noun[c] 1. the long part at each side of your body connecting your shoulder to your hand 臂;胳膊: ◇he was carrying a newspaper under his arm. 他腋下挟着一份报纸。 ☞picture at body 见body插图 2. the part of a piece of clothing that covers your arm; a sleeve 衣袖: ◇he had a hole in the arm of his jumper. 他的套头毛衣袖子穿了个洞。 3. the part of a chair where you rest your arms 椅子的扶手 arm in arm with your arm folded around sb else's arm 臂挽着臂: ◇the two friends walked arm in arm. 两个朋友挽臂而行。 ☞picture on page s19 见s19页插图 cross/fold your arms to cross your arms in front of your chest 两臂交错放在胸前: ◇she folded her arms and waited. 她双臂交叉在胸前等候。◇james was sitting with his arms crossed. 詹姆斯坐着,双臂交叉在胸前。 ☞picture on page s19 见s19页插图 twist sb's arm→twist¹with open arms→open¹arm²/ɑ:m ||; ɑrm/verb [i,t] to prepare sb/yourself to fight by supplying or getting weapons (使)武装,装备 ☞look at armed and arms. 参看 armed 及 arms。 armsee ⇨ weapon 4     • • •• ⇨ take sb by the arm/hand etc• ⇨ twist sb's arm• ⇨ would do anything/would give anything/would give your right arm☞ arm¹☞ arm²




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