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单词 tribunal
释义 tribunal noun¹ 1court of justice法庭adjective | verb + tribunal | tribunal + verb | preposition adjective➤international, local (especially bre) 国际/地方法庭➤special特别审判庭▸➤higher, highest上级/最高法庭▸➤inferior (bre) 下级法庭▸➤judicial, military审判庭;军事法庭➤ad hoc, revolutionary特设法庭;革命法庭▸➤criminal, war crimes刑事/战争罪行法庭verb + tribunal➤create, establish, set up成立法庭◆a war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.成立了一个战争罪行法庭来对那些被控犯有暴行的战犯提起公诉。➤convene召集法庭➤appear before, face出庭受审◆he could face a military tribunal.他可能要面临军事法庭的审判。➤be tried by在法庭受审◆the conspirators were tried by a military tribunal and found guilty.共谋者在军事法庭受审并被判有罪。tribunal + verb➤indict sb, sentence sb法庭起诉某人/宣判某人◆the tribunal sentenced him to twenty years in prison.法庭判他 20 年徒刑。➤rule sth法庭判定⋯preposition➤at a/the tribunal在法庭上◆the police gave evidence at the tribunal.警方在法庭上提出了证据。➤before a/the tribunal在法庭前◆he stood trial before an international tribunal.他受到国际法庭的审讯。➤by tribunal由法庭◆he was put on trial by military tribunal.他受到军事法庭审讯。tribunal noun² 2 (bre) official body to settle dispute特别法庭;审理委员会adjective | verb + tribunal | tribunal + verb | tribunal + noun | preposition adjective➤impartial, independent公正的/独立的裁决➤expert专家仲裁处▸➤employment, industrial, transport劳工/劳资/运输法庭▸➤appeal, arbitration, disciplinary上诉/仲裁/惩戒法庭➤medical医疗法庭➤fact-finding事实调查法庭verb + tribunal➤establish建立法庭▸➤go to去法庭◆the case went to a tribunal.该案件被提交到法庭。➤apply to适用于法庭▸➤bring sb/sth before, refer sth to, take sth to将⋯送上法庭◆the case was referred to an industrial tribunal.该案件被提交到劳资法庭。◆she took her case to a tribunal.她把她的案子提交到了法庭。➤appear before, face出庭受审▸➤tell向特别法庭陈述◆she told the tribunal that she was a victim of sex discrimination.她向特别法庭陈述说自己是性别歧视的受害者。➤satisfy满足法庭◆the employer must satisfy the tribunal on several matters.有几件事雇主必须满足法庭的规定。tribunal + verb➤consider sth, hear sth法庭考虑⋯/听取⋯的申诉➤accept sth法庭接受⋯▸➤dismiss sth, reject sth特别法庭驳回⋯▸➤conclude sth, decide sth, find sth特别法庭裁决⋯◆the tribunal found for her employers (= judged that they were right).特别法庭作出了有利于她的雇主的裁定。➤order sth, rule sth, uphold sth特别法庭下令⋯;特别法庭裁定⋯◆the disciplinary tribunal upheld an earlier ruling.惩戒法庭维持先前的裁决。➤be entitled特别法庭有权作出⋯◆the tribunal was entitled to reach this conclusion.仲裁庭有权得出这个结论。tribunal + noun➤case, claim特别法庭提出的案件/要求◆an employment tribunal claim劳工法庭索赔➤hearing, proceedings特别法庭听审;特别法庭诉讼程序▸➤decision特别法庭判决▸➤chairman, member, panel特别法庭审判长/审判员/审判组preposition➤at a/the tribunal, before a/the tribunal, by tribunal在特别法庭上;在特别法庭前;由法庭◆the fee for the player will be decided by tribunal.那位球员的转会费将由仲裁委员会裁定。 tribunal /traɪbjuːnl/ noun [countable] a type of court with the authority to deal with a particular problem or disagreement 特别法庭;裁判所◆she took her case to a tribunal. 她将案子提交特别法庭审理。◆tribunal hearings are less formal than court sessions. 特别法庭听审没有法庭庭审那么正式。⨁ an appeals / arbitration / employment / a disciplinary tribunal上诉/仲裁/就业/纪律法庭 ⨁ to bring sth before / go to / refer sth to / take sb / sth to a tribunal 出庭提供某物;上法庭;将某事物提交法庭;起诉某人/某机构 ☞ tribunaltribunal /traɪbjuːnl/ [singular + singular or plural verb] a type of court with the authority to deal with a particular problem or disagreement特别法庭;裁判所◆a war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.成立了一个战争罪行特别法庭,起诉那些被控犯有战争暴行的人。◆the fee for the player will be decided by tribunal.给运动员的费用将由裁判所决定。◆ (bre) he lost his appeal against the decision at an industrial tribunal (= a court that can decide on disputes between employees and employers).劳资裁判庭判决他对那个决定的上诉败诉。tribunal/traɪˈbju:nl ||; traɪˈbjunḷ/noun [c] a type of court with the authority to decide who is right in particular types of dispute or disagreement (解决某种纠纷的)法庭,仲裁处: ◇an industrial tribunal 劳资法庭 tri·bu·nal /trɪ`bjunḷ; traɪˈbjuːnl/n [c]a type of court that has official authority to deal with a particular situation or problem 特别法庭; 审理委员会:◇a war crimes tribunal 战争罪行特别法庭




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