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单词 tender
释义 tender noun (especially bre) adjective | verb + tender | tender + noun | preposition adjective➤highest, lowest最高价格的/最低价格的投标▸➤successful成功的投标▸➤competitive竞争性投标◆the contract was put out to competitive tender.合同付诸竞标。➤open, private, public公开招标;非公开招标verb + tender➤make, put in, submit进行投标;提交标书▸➤invite, put sth out to, seek招标;就⋯进行招标◆the government invited tenders for a project to computerize the social security system.政府就社会保障系统计算机化项目进行了招标。➤go out to对外招标◆the building of the new school will go out to tender.新校的建设将对外招标。➤win中标▸➤lose输掉投标▸➤accept接受投标tender + noun➤offer投标出价;兼并要约▸➤document投标文件▸➤price投标价格preposition➤by tender以投标方式◆the property is to be sold by tender.那处房产将以投标方式出售。tender adjective¹ 1kind and loving亲切verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, seem亲切;感到温柔;显得慈爱▸➤become变得亲切adverb➤achingly, very非常温柔◆the letters to penelope are achingly tender.给佩内洛普的信充满柔情蜜意。➤almost近乎亲切◆her expression became soft, almost tender.她的表情缓和下来,几近温柔。preposition➤towards/toward对⋯亲切◆he felt tender and loving towards / toward her.他对她满心柔情蜜意。tender adjective² 2soft and easy to cut/bite柔嫩verbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem柔嫩;好像柔嫩▸➤become变得柔嫩adverb➤beautifully, deliciously, exceptionally, meltingly, very非常柔嫩;鲜嫩;极为柔嫩◆this meat is beautifully tender.这肉非常鲜嫩。➤just刚好柔嫩◆boil the potatoes in salted water until just tender.把土豆放在盐水中煮到刚好变软。➤almost差不多柔嫩tender adjective³ 3painful when touched有触痛感verbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look触痛;感觉痛;好像一触就痛◆the back of my neck feels very tender.我的脖颈儿一碰就痛得要命。➤become变得一触即痛adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常易痛▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些易痛tender /tendə(r)/ noun [countable, uncountable] (commerce 商业) a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated price 投标◆we are inviting tenders for the provision of training courses for staff. 我们正在为员工培训课程招标。◆a local firm submitted the lowest tender. 本地一家企业递交的标价最低。◆cleaning and laundry services have been put out to (competitive) tender. 清洁和洗涤服务已对外招标。 syn bid ⨁ to invite / request tenders招标 ⨁ to accept / announce / award / issue a tender接受/公布/发包/发布投标 ⨁ to apply for / bid for / prepare / submit / win a tender申请/参与/准备/递交/赢得投标 (finance 金融) an offer to buy shares, etc. at a stated price 投标(购买股份等)◆the shares are being sold by tender. 这些股份以招标方式出售。◆the group planned to buy back 10% of the company's stock at a tender price of $0.66-0.75 per share. 这个集团计划以每股 0.66-0.75 元的标价回购这公司 10% 的股份。 legal tender ◇ self-tender tender /tendə(r)/ verb (commerce 商业) [intransitive, transitive] to make a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated price 投标◆local firms were invited to tender for the project. 邀请了当地企业对这个工程进行投标。◆competitive tendering 竞争性投标 (finance 金融) [intransitive] to make a formal offer to buy shares, etc. at a stated price, especially in order to gain control of a company 投标购买(股份等,尤指为了控股某公司)◆they are expected to tender for 51% of the shares. 预计他们会投标购买 51% 的股份。 (finance 金融) [transitive] to make a formal offer to sell shares, etc. at a stated price 招标出售(股份等)◆85% of the common shareholders had tendered their shares in response to the $20-a-share offer. 对于每股 20 元的报价,85% 的普通股股东已作出回应,同意出售他们的股份。4. (formal) [transitive] to offer money as payment 清偿;偿付◆the program reads the purchase price and the amount tendered and calculates the change. 这个程序可以读出成交价以及支付的金额,并计算找零。5. (formal) [transitive] to offer or give sth to sb 给予;提出◆the ceo and the finance director tendered their resignations last sunday. 首席执行官和财务总监上周日递交了辞呈。 ▸ tenderer noun [countable] ◆unsuccessful tenderers will be told why their bids failed. 未中标者将被告知竞标失败的原因。☞ tender☞ tender☞ tender/bid☞ tender/bidtenderkind, gentle and loving, especially because you want to look after sb(想关心爱护某人而)和善的,温柔的,亲切的◆i listened to his tender words, and started to feel better.听着他那亲切的话语,我开始感觉好些了。◆what he needs now is a lot of tender loving care (= sympathetic treatment).他现在需要的是无微不至的关爱。▸ tenderly adverb◆he smiled tenderly down at her.他低头和善地朝她微笑。tender [countable] (especially bre, rather formal, business商业) a formal offer to carry out work or provide goods or a service for a particular price, in competition with other companies投标◆the local authority has invited tenders for the supply of school meals.地方当局已就校餐的供应事宜进行招标。◆cleaning and laundry services have been put out to tender (= companies have been asked to make offers to supply these services).清洁和洗衣工作已对外招标。▸ tender verb [intransitive] ◆local firms were invited to tender for the building contract.本地公司获邀投标承包建筑工程。tender [transitive] (formal) to offer or give sth to sb提议;提供;提出◆he has tendered his resignation to the prime minister.他已向首相递交辞呈。ⓘ tender is a more formal way of saying offer when you are talking about giving your resignation or apologies.与 resignation 或 apology 搭配时,tender 是比 offer 较正式的说法。tenderverb [intransitive] ◆local firms were invited to tender for the building contract.本地公司获邀投标承包建筑工程。tenderverb [intransitive] ◆local firms were invited to tender for the building contract.本地公司获邀投标承包建筑工程。tender¹/ˈtendə(r) ||; ˈtɛndɚ/adj1. kind and loving 仁慈的;温柔的;亲切的: ◇tender words/looks/kisses 亲切的话;慈祥的面容;温柔的吻 2. (used about food) soft and easy to cut or bite; not tough (指食物)嫩的: ◇the meat should be nice and tender. 这肉应该是挺嫩的。 3. (used about a part of the body) painful when you touch it (指身体某部位)触痛的 at a tender age; at the tender age of... when still young and without much experience 年轻时;在涉世未深的年龄: ◇she went to live in london at the tender age of 15. 她年仅15就到伦敦生活。 ➔tenderly adv ➔tenderness noun [u] tender²/ˈtendə(r) ||; ˈtɛndɚ/verb [i,t] (written 书面语) to offer or give sth formally 正式提出或提交 · ◇after the scandal the foreign minister was forced to tender her resignation. 丑闻传出后,外交部长被逼提交辞呈。 tender(also bid) noun [c]: ◇several firms submitted a tender for the catering contract. 几家公司投标承接那项饮食服务合同。 tendersee ⇨ love 5 ⇨ pain 2 ⇨ soft 1☞ tender¹☞ tender²




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