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单词 telescope
释义 telescope nounadjective | verb + telescope | preposition | phrases adjective➤powerful高倍望远镜▸➤60 mm, etc. * 60 毫米等望远镜▸➤ground-based, optical, radio, space地基/光学/射电/空间望远镜◆images from the hubble space telescope从哈勃空间望远镜传来的图像verb + telescope➤use使用望远镜▸➤point把望远镜指向⋯◆we can't simply point a telescope at a star and see its orbiting planets directly.只是简单地把望远镜对准一颗恒星,并不能直接看到它的轨道行星。➤set up架起望远镜◆she set up her telescope on the balcony.她在阳台上架起了望远镜。➤build建造望远镜◆they've built the largest telescope in the world.他们建造了世界上最大的望远镜。preposition➤through a/the telescope通过望远镜◆i looked at the moon through a telescope.我通过望远镜看月亮。➤with a telescope, without a telescope藉助/不藉助望远镜◆these stars are too faint to been seen without a telescope.这些恒星太暗淡,不用望远镜看不到。phrases➤the wrong end of a telescope望远镜的另一端◆he felt as if he were seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope.他觉得自己像是从望远镜的另一端看东西。telescope/ˈtelɪskəʊp ||; ˈtɛləˌskop/noun [c] an instrument in the shape of a tube with special pieces of glass (lenses)inside it. you look through it to make things that are far away appear bigger and nearer. 望远镜 tel·e·scope /`tɛləˏskop; ˈtelɪskəʊp/n [c]a piece of equipment like a tube, that makes things that are far away seem closer and larger 望远镜




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