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单词 exile
释义 exile noun¹ 1being sent to live in another country被驱逐adjective | verb + exile | preposition | phrases adjective➤long长期流放▸➤permanent永久流放▸➤enforced, forced强制流放▸➤self-imposed, voluntary自我放逐;自愿流放▸➤internal国内流放◆many spent decades in prison or in internal exile.许多人在监狱或国内流放中度过几十个年头。➤tax (bre) 出国避税◆they are in tax exile from the uk.他们离开英国到国外避税。verb + exile➤be driven into, be forced into, be sent into被强制流放;被流放▸➤flee into, go into逃亡;流亡◆he went into exile after the overthrow of the government.政府被推翻后他流亡国外。➤live in过流亡生活◆they joined the many other armenians living in exile.他们加入到过着流亡生活的许多其他亚美尼亚人当中。➤die in在流放时死去➤recall sb from召回流亡中的某人▸➤return from结束流亡返回◆he still hopes to return from exile one day.他仍希望有一天可以结束流亡回国。preposition➤in exile在流亡◆she had spent 40 years in exile.她过了 40 年的流亡生活。➤exile from从⋯流放◆dante died in exile from florence.但丁在离开佛罗伦萨的流放中去世。➤exile to流亡到⋯◆his exile to america他流亡到美国phrases➤a place of exile, sb's return from exile流放地;某人结束流放回来◆the story of the emperor's return from exile皇帝结束流放回到国内的故事exile noun² 2person forced to live in another country流亡者adjective | exile + verb adjective➤political政治流亡者▸➤tax (especially bre) 出国避税的人➤returning结束流亡生活的人exile + verb➤live流亡者生活◆a political exile living in london生活在伦敦的政治流亡者➤return被放逐的人返回◆a general amnesty was granted, allowing political exiles to return freely.颁布的大赦令准许流亡政治犯自由返国。exile verbadverb | preposition adverb➤permanently, temporarily永久流放;暂时流放➤effectively事实上放逐◆he was effectively exiled after a failed bid for power.权力争夺失败后,他事实上被放逐了。➤forcibly强制流放preposition➤for因⋯而流放◆he was exiled for his beliefs.他因信仰而遭到流放。➤from从⋯放逐◆the family was exiled from france.全家被流放,离开了法国。➤to放逐到⋯◆he was exiled to siberia.他被流放到西伯利亚。exile /eksaɪl, egzaɪl/ [transitive, usually passive] to force sb to leave their country, especially for political reasons or as a punishment(尤因政治原因或作为惩罚)流放,放逐◆exiled opposition leaders have made an appeal to the international community.流亡的反对派领袖已经向国际社会发出呼吁。▸ exile noun [uncountable] ◆to be / live in exile在流放中;过流放生活◆to go / be forced / be sent into exile流亡;被迫流放;被流放◆a place of exile流放地◆he returned after 40 years of exile.他流放 40 年后归来。  ➡ see also exile → refugee exile /eksaɪl, egzaɪl/ [countable] (rather formal) a person who chooses or is forced to live away from their own country流亡国外者;被流放者;背井离乡者◆a general amnesty was granted, allowing political exiles to return freely.颁布了大赦令,允许政治流亡者自由返回。◆a tax exile (= a rich person who moves to another country where taxes are lower) 迁居低税国家的富人  ➡ see also exile → expel verb exilenoun [uncountable] ◆to be / live in exile在流放中;过流放生活◆to go / be forced / be sent into exile流亡;被迫流放;被流放◆a place of exile流放地◆he returned after 40 years of exile.他流放 40 年后归来。  ➡ see also exile → refugee ◆the servants were banished from the upstairs rooms.佣人们被赶出楼上的房间。ⓘ banish is often used about events in the past. it is not often used in a modern or legal context. * banish 常用来指过去发生的事件,不常用于现代语境或法律语境。exilenoun [uncountable] ◆to be / live in exile在流放中;过流放生活◆to go / be forced / be sent into exile流亡;被迫流放;被流放◆a place of exile流放地◆he returned after 40 years of exile.他流放 40 年后归来。  ➡ see also exile → refugee ◆the servants were banished from the upstairs rooms.佣人们被赶出楼上的房间。ⓘ banish is often used about events in the past. it is not often used in a modern or legal context. * banish 常用来指过去发生的事件,不常用于现代语境或法律语境。exile/ˈeksaɪl ||; ˈɛksaɪl/noun1. [u] the state of being forced to live outside your own country (especially for political reasons) 流亡国外(尤指为了政治原因): ◇he went into exile after the revolution of 1968. 1968年革命爆发以后,他流亡国外。◇they lived in exile in london for many years. 他们在伦敦过了许多年的流亡生活。 2. [c] a person who is forced to live outside his/her own country (especially for political reasons) 流亡国外的人(尤指为了政治原因) ☞look at refugee. 参看 refugee。 exile verb [t] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) ◇after the revolution the king was exiled. 革命以后,国王流亡国外。 ☞ exile¹☞ exile²




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