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单词 tread
释义 tread noun¹ 1sound you make when you are walking脚步声adjective | verb + tread | preposition adjective➤heavy沉重的脚步声◆i heard his heavy tread moving about upstairs.我听见他在楼上走动的沉重的脚步声。➤light, soft轻轻的/轻柔的步子▸➤measured, slow, steady谨慎的/缓慢的/稳健的步子verb + tread➤hear听见脚步preposition➤with a... tread以⋯的步子◆a policeman walked by with a slow, measured tread.一名警察迈着小心的步子慢慢走了过去。tread noun² 2on a tyre/tire车胎adjective | tread + noun adjective➤tyre/tire, wheel轮胎花纹▸➤worn磨损的胎面◆the tyre / tire tread is worn below the legal limit.轮胎胎面遭磨损,达不到规定标准。➤tank (especially name) 坦克履带tread + noun➤depth, pattern胎面花纹深度;胎面花纹tread verbadverb | preposition adverb➤heavily脚步沉重地走◆he came down the stairs, treading as heavily as he could.他用力踏着脚步从楼梯上走下来。➤gently, lightly, softly脚步轻盈地走▸➤carefully, cautiously, gingerly, warily小心地行走;警惕地行走◆the government will have to tread carefully in handling this issue. (figurative) 在这个问题上政府必须小心行事。◆she trod gingerly. it would be risky to hurry.她小心谨慎地走着,走急了会有危险。➤with care, with caution小心地走;谨慎地走▸➤down踩紧◆she planted the seeds and trod the earth down.她埋下种子,把土踩实。preposition➤in (bre) 踏入⋯◆billy trod in a big puddle.比利踏进了一个大水坑。➤into (bre) 踩进◆some cake crumbs had been trodden into the carpet.一些蛋糕屑被踩进了地毯。➤on (bre) 踩在⋯上◆be careful not to tread on the flowers.小心不要踩到花。tread /tred/ [singular] (written) the way that sb walks, especially the sound that they make步态;(尤指)脚步声◆i could hear his heavy tread on the stairs.我听到楼梯上他那沉重的脚步声。◆she moved with the light tread of a dancer.她走路时步子轻盈得像个舞者。tread /tred/ (trod, trodden or trod, trod) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (bre) to put your foot down while you are stepping or walking踩;踏;践踏◆ouch! you trod on my toe!哎哟!你踩着我脚了!◆careful you don't tread in that puddle.小心别踩到水坑里。note 辨析 step, stride, pace or tread?each of these words has a different set of adverbs that tend to be used with it. you can step briskly, quickly, carefully, lightly or gingerly. you can stride briskly, quickly, angrily, confidently or purposefully. you can pace nervously, restlessly or slowly. you can tread carefully, gingerly, softly, lightly, heavily or warily. however, in american english use step instead of tread, unless the meaning is figurative.这些词各自都有不同的副词常与之搭配使用。与 step 搭配的副词有 briskly、quickly、carefully、lightly 和 gingerly。与 stride 搭配的副词有 briskly、quickly、angrily、confidently 和 purposefully。与 pace 搭配的副词有 nervously、restlessly 和 slowly。与 tread 搭配的副词有 carefully、gingerly、softly、lightly、heavily 和 warily。但是在美式英语中,除非使用比喻义,否则用 step,不用 tread◆ (figurative) we must tread carefully (= be careful about how we do this) -we don't want to offend anyone.我们必须谨慎行事 - 我们可不想冒犯任何人。tread¹/tred ||; trɛd/verb (past tense trod /trɒd ||; trɑd/ past participle trodden /ˈtrɒdn ||; ˈtrɑdṇ/) 1. [i] tread (on/in/over sb/sth) to put your foot down while you are walking 踩;踏: ◇don't tread in the puddle! 别踩到水坑里!◇he trod on my foot and didn't even say sorry! 他踩到我的脚,却连对不起也没说! 2. [t] tread sth (in/into/down) to press down on sth with your foot (用力)踩,踏: ◇this wine is still made by treading grapes in the traditional way. 这种酒仍然是以传统方法用脚踩葡萄生产的。 tread²/tred ||; trɛd/noun1. [sing] the sound you make when you walk; the way you walk 脚步声;步态 2. [c,u] the pattern on the surface of a tyre on a vehicle which is slightly higher than the rest of the surface (轮胎面的)沟槽,螺纹间隙 ☞ tread¹☞ tread²




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