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单词 technically
释义 ☞ technicaltechnically/ˈteknɪkli ||; ˈtɛknɪklɪ/adv1. according to the exact meaning, facts, etc 从严格意义来说;根据事实: ◇technically, you should pay by may 1st, but it doesn't matter if it's a few days late. 严格说来,你应该在5月1日之前付款,但迟几天也没关系。 2. in a way that involves detailed knowledge of the machines, etc that are used in industry or science 科技上;技术上: ◇the country is technically not very advanced. 那个国家技术不很先进。 3. used about sb's practical ability in a particular activity (用于指专门技能): ◇he's a technically brilliant dancer. 他是个技艺高超的舞蹈演员。 tech·ni·cally /`tɛknɪkḷɪ; ˈteknɪkli/advaccording to the exact details of a rule or law 严格根据法律地; 严格遵循规则地:◇technically he's responsible for fixing all the damage. 按规定,他应负责修理所有的损坏。




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