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单词 regard
释义 regard noun¹ 1attention to/thought for sb/sth关心adjective | verb + regard | preposition | phrases adjective➤particular, special, specific格外的关心;特别的关注▸➤scant很少的关注◆they paid scant regard to my views.他们很少关注我的观点。➤due, full, proper (especially bre, all law法律) 应有的关注;充分的关注◆the decision reached has due regard for the safety of the public.作出的决策对公共安全给予了应有的关注。◆states must conduct their activities with due regard to the interests of other states.各州的举动必须适当考虑其他州的利益。◆i pay full regard to the views of the court.我充分关注法院的看法。verb + regard➤have仔细考虑◆when exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.法庭行使裁量权时会仔细考虑所有情况。◆they have no regard for the values of our community.他们根本不考虑我们社区的价值观念。◆these people had little regard for the environment.这些人很少考虑环境问题。➤pay, show予以关注;表示关心◆the manifesto pays scant regard to green issues.这份宣言对环保问题不大关注。preposition➤in regard to, with regard to关于◆i am writing with regard to your recent order.我就您新近的订单向您致函。➤without regard for, without regard to不考虑◆an attempt to plan the future of an industry without due regard to market forces未适当考虑市场力量的作用而规划未来产业发展的企图➤regard for对⋯的关注◆a proper regard for human dignity对人的尊严应有的关注phrases➤in that regard, in this regard在那点上;在这点上◆i have nothing further to say in this regard (= in regard to what has just been said).在这点上,我没有什么要补充的。➤a lack of regard缺乏关注◆a lack of regard for public safety对公众安全缺乏关注➤little, no, etc. regard for sb/sth, little, no, etc. regard to sb/sth对⋯关注很少、不关注等regard noun² 2respect/admiration for sb尊重;敬意adjective | verb + regard adjective➤➤deep, great, high极为尊重◆he has a high regard for truth.他对事实真相极为看重。◆the composer was held in high regard in england.这位作曲家在英国声望极高。➤insufficient, low不够/缺乏尊重▸➤mutual互相尊重▸➤critical评论家的尊重verb + regard➤have, hold sb/sth in(对⋯)尊重◆i have the greatest regard for his abilities.我极其钦佩他的能力。◆he is held in the highest regard by his colleagues.同事们对他都极为尊重。regard noun³ 3regards used in letters to send greetings to sb问候adjective | verb + regards | preposition adjective➤best, kind, warm最诚挚的问候;亲切的问候;热烈的致意◆the letter ended, 'kindest regards, felicity.'信以“谨此致意,费利西蒂敬上”结尾。verb + regards➤give (sb), send (sb)(向某人)致意;致(某人)以问候◆david sends his warmest regards to your parents.戴维向你的父母致以最热烈的问候。preposition➤regard to向⋯问候◆my regards to your aunt (= please give my regards to your aunt).代我向你的姑妈问好。regard verb¹ 1(often be regarded) think of sb/sth in a particular way认为adverb | verb + regard | preposition adverb➤highly, well极为重视;很重视◆she was highly regarded as a sculptor.她是位受人尊崇的雕刻家。➤generally, universally, widely普遍认为;广泛认为◆the project was widely regarded as a success.人们普遍认为这个项目是成功的。➤commonly, popularly, usually一般认为;通常认为▸➤conventionally, traditionally惯常/传统上认为◆rabbits were traditionally regarded as vermin.人们向来认为兔子是有害的动物。➤legitimately, properly, reasonably, rightly理所当然地看作;适当地视为◆the crash could be reasonably regarded as an opportunity to invest.这种暴跌有理由被看作是投资的机会。◆civil contempt is not properly regarded as a criminal act.将民事上的藐视法庭视作刑事犯罪是不合适的。➤long长期认为◆an agency long regarded as ineffectual被长期视为不起作用的机构➤hitherto迄今认为▸➤still仍然认为▸➤no longer不再认为verb + regard➤appear to, seem to表面上/似乎看作◆he seemed to regard the whole thing as a joke.他好像把整件事情当成了笑话。➤tend to往往认为◆they tend to regard the open expression of emotion as being soft and feminine.他们往往把公开表达自己的感情视为软弱和女性化的表现。➤come to开始当作◆i had come to regard him as a close friend.我开始把他视为密友。➤continue to继续认为▸➤be tempted to不禁会认为◆the successful are often tempted to regard their success as a kind of reward.成功人士往往倾向于将成功看作一种奖赏。➤be tempting to不禁会认为▸➤be a mistake to, be wrong to认为⋯是错误的◆it would be a mistake to regard the incident as unimportant.认为这一事件无关紧要是错误的。preposition➤as视为◆many of her works are regarded as classics.她的许多作品都被视作经典。➤with以⋯看待◆they regarded people outside their own town with suspicion.他们对非本镇人都持有怀疑的态度。regard verb² 2look steadily at sb/sth凝视adverb | verb + regard | preposition adverb➤steadily凝视▸➤intently专心注视▸➤curiously, suspiciously, thoughtfully, warily好奇地盯着;怀疑地盯着;若有所思地看着;警惕地看着verb + regard➤continue to继续注视◆his eyes continued to regard her steadily.他继续目不转睛地盯着她。preposition➤with以⋯态度看◆she regarded the mess with distaste.她厌恶地看着脏乱的环境。 regard /rɪgɑːd; name rɪgɑːrd/ nounregards [plural] used to send good wishes to sb at the end of a letter, or when asking sb to give your good wishes to another person who is not present (用于书信结尾或转达问候)致意,问候◆with kind regards, yours … 谨此致意,…敬上 ●in/with regard to sb/sth (formal) (often used in letters, etc.) concerning sb/sth (常用于书信等)关于,至于◆i am writing with regard to your application … 关于你的申请一事,特致函…☞ regardregard verb  ➡ see also the entry for think另见 think 条regard ♦︎ call ♦︎ find ♦︎ consider ♦︎ describe ♦︎ see ♦︎ view ♦︎ count ♦︎ reckon ♦︎ look at sththese words all mean to think or talk about sb/sth in a particular way.这些词均表示认为、视为、看待。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to regard / consider / describe / see / view / count / look at sb / sth as sth◆to regard / consider / see / view / look at sb / sth from a particular point of view◆to regard / see / view / look at sb / sth with sth◆to find / consider / see / reckon sb / sth to be sth◆to consider / reckon that...◆to regard / consider / describe / see / view / count / reckon yourself (as) sth◆generally / widely / usually / still regarded / considered / seen / viewed / reckoned as sth◆no longer regarded / considered / seen / viewed as sth◆to regard / consider / describe / see / view / look at sb / sth differently◆to consider / describe / see / view / look at sb / sth objectively◆to regard / consider / view sb / sth favourably / positively■ regard [transitive] (rather formal) (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way认为;视为;看待◆her work is very highly / well regarded.她的工作受到高度评价。◆capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.当时认为死刑既不人道也不道德。◆i had come to regard him as a close friend.我已渐渐把他当成密友。◆they regarded people outside their own village with suspicion.他们对外村人持怀疑态度。■ call [transitive] to say that sb/sth has particular qualities or characteristics把⋯描述成;认为⋯是;把⋯看作◆i wouldn't call german an easy language.我不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。◆are you calling me a liar?你是说我撒谎吗?◆he was in the front room, or the lounge, or whatever you want to call it.他当时在客厅,或者说是在起居室,或者在叫什么都行的房间里。◆would you call it blue or green?你认为它是蓝色还是绿色?◆i make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. let's call it ten pounds.我算下来你欠我 10 英镑 43 便士,就算作 10 英镑吧。■ find (found, found) [transitive] to have a particular feeling or opinion about sth认为;感到;觉得◆you may find your illness hard to accept.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。◆you may find it hard to accept your illness.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。◆i find it amazing that they're still together.他们还在一起,这使我很是惊讶。◆she finds it a strain to meet new people.她和生人见面总感到局促不安。■ consider [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal) to think of sb/sth in a particular way认为;视为;看待◆who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident?你认为谁对这起事故负有责任?◆consider yourself lucky you weren't fired.你没被解雇,算是万幸。◆these workers are considered (as) a high-risk group.这些工人被视为高风险人群。 ➡ see also consider → consider note 辨析 regard or consider?these two words have the same meaning, but they are used in different patterns and structures. in this meaning consider must be used with a complement or clause: you can consider sb/sth to be sth or consider sb/sth as sth, although very often the to be or as is left out.这两个词含义相同,但用于不同的句型和结构。表达此义时,consider 必须与补语或从句连用,可用 consider sb/sth to be sth 或 consider sb/sth as sth,不过 to be 或 as 常省略不用◆he considers himself an expert.他认为自己是专家。◆they are considered a high-risk group.他们被视为高风险人群。you can also consider that sb/sth is sth and again, the that can be left out.用 consider that sb/sth is sth 亦可,that 同样可以省略◆the home secretary will release prisoners only if he considers it is safe to do so.内政大臣只有在他认为这样做是安全时才会释放囚犯。 regard is used in a narrower range of structures. the most frequent structure is regard sb/sth as sth; the as cannot be left out. * regard 可用的句型结构较少,最常见的结构是 regard sb/sth as sth,as 不能省略◆i regard him a close friend. you cannot ◆regard sb/sth to be sth or ◆regard that sb/sth is sth however, regard (but not consider in this meaning) can also be used without a noun or adjective complement but with just an object and adverb or adverbial phrase.不能说 regard sb/sth to be sth 或 regard that sb/sth is sth。不过,regard 亦可不与名词或形容词补语连用,而只与宾语和副词或副词短语连用,consider 表达此义时则不能这样用◆sb / sth is highly regarded某人/某事受到高度评价◆regard sb / sth with suspicion / jealousy / admiration以怀疑/妒忌/赞赏的眼光看待某人/某事■ describe [transitive] (always used with as 总是与 as 连用) to say that sb/sth has particular qualities or characteristics把⋯描述成;认为⋯是;把⋯看作◆jim was described by his colleagues as 'unusual'.吉姆被同事称为“非常人”。◆the man was described as tall and dark, and aged about 20.据描述,该男子个子高,深色皮肤,大约 20 岁。  ➡ see also describe → describe note 辨析 call or describe?these words have the same meaning but they are used in different patterns. call is used with a noun or adjective complement, without as.这两个词含义相同,但用于不同句型。call 与名词或形容词补语连用,不带 as◆i wouldn't call german as an easy language. noun complements are much more frequent with call than adjective complements: you can say 'i wouldn't call german easy.', but it would be more usual to use the noun phrase 'an easy language'. describe is used with as and an adjective or noun phrase.名词补语比形容词补语更常与 call 连用:可以说 i wouldn't call german easy,但更常用名词短语 an easy language。 describe 与 as 和形容词或名词短语连用◆jim was described by his colleages unusual. adjectives are more frequent with describe than nouns: longer noun phrases are possible, but with simple nouns use call.形容词比名词更常与 describe 连用。较长的名词短语可与 describe 连用,但简短的名词则与 call 连用◆jim was described by his colleagues as an unusual man.同事认为吉姆是个不寻常的人。◆are you describing me as a liar? ■ see (saw, seen) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to have an opinion of sth认为;看待◆i see things differently now.现在我看问题的方法不一样了。◆try to see things from her point of view.试着从她的角度去看问题。◆lack of money is the main problem, as i see it (= in my opinion).依我看,主要问题是缺钱。◆the way i see it, you have three main problems.依我看,你有三个主要问题。■ view [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way认为;视为;看待◆when the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original.这车问世时,其设计被认为是独具匠心。◆how do you view your position within the company?你如何看待自己在公司中的位置?◆you should view their offer with a great deal of caution.你应当非常谨慎地看待他们的提议。ⓘ view has the same meaning as regard and consider but is slightly less frequent and slightly less formal. the main structures are view sb/sth as sb/sth (you cannot leave out the as) and view sb/sth with sth. view is the most natural choice for a general question: how do you view...? you can also say 'how do you regard...?', although this is less frequent; it is not usual to say ◆how do you consider...? in this meaning. * view 与 regard 和 consider 意思相同,但稍不常用,也稍不正式,主要用于 view sb/sth as sb/sth (as 不能省略)和 view sb/sth with sth 这两种结构。在一般疑问句中选用 view 是最自然的说法,如 how do you view ...? 也可以说 how do you regard ...?,但较不常用;表达此义时一般不说 how do you consider ...?。■ count [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way; to be thought of in this way认为;视为;看待;算作◆i count him among my closest friends.我把他视为最亲密的朋友之一。◆i count myself lucky to have known him.和他相识,我觉得很幸运。◆for tax purposes that money counts / is counted as income.那笔钱算作收入,需要纳税。■ reckon [transitive, usually passive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (especially bre, rather informal) to regard sb/sth as sb/sth认为;视为;看待◆children are reckoned to be more sophisticated nowadays.普遍认为现在的孩子比过去世故。◆it was generally reckoned a success.大家都认为那是一次成功。  ➡ see also reckon → think ■ look at sth phrasal verbto consider or view sth in a particular way(用某种方式)看待,考虑◆looked at from that point of view, his decision is easier to understand.从那个角度看,他的决定比较容易理解。◆it all depends on how you look at it.这一切都取决于你怎么看待它。◆look at it this way:...用这样的方式来看⋯ⓘ look at sth is used especially when you are considering the different ways in which a situation can be considered. * look at sth 尤用于可用不同方式看待某种情况时。  ➡ see also look at sth → consider regard [uncountable] (formal) attention to or thought and care for sb/sth注意;关注;关心◆they show scant regard for other people's property.他们对别人的财物不大爱惜。◆he was driving without regard to speed limits.他开着车,根本不理会速度限制。◆social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas.社会服务机构应该对市中心贫民区的需要给予应有的关注。regard /rɪgɑːd; name rɪgɑːrd/ [transitive] (formal) to look at sb/sth, especially in a particular way(尤指以某种方式)注视,凝视◆he regarded us suspiciously.他以怀疑的目光注视着我们。regard [transitive] (rather formal) (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way认为;视为;看待◆her work is very highly / well regarded.她的工作受到高度评价。◆capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.当时认为死刑既不人道也不道德。◆i had come to regard him as a close friend.我已渐渐把他当成密友。◆they regarded people outside their own village with suspicion.他们对外村人持怀疑态度。regard¹/rɪˈgɑ:d ||; rɪˈgɑrd/verb[t] 1. regard sb/sth as sth;regard sb/sth (with sth) to think of sb/sth (in the way mentioned) 把…看作;认为;视为: ◇do you regard this issue as important? 你认为这个问题重要吗?◇her work is highly regarded (= people have a high opinion of it). 她的工作得到高度评价。◇in some villages newcomers are regarded with suspicion. 在一些村庄里,新来的人会受到怀疑。 2. (formal 正式) to look at sb/sth for a while 凝视 as regards sb/sth(formal 正式) in connection with sb/sth 有关;关于: ◇what are your views as regards this proposal? 你对这个提议有什么看法? regard²/rɪˈgɑ:d ||; rɪˈgɑrd/noun1. [u] regard to/for sb/sth attention to or care for sb/sth 注意;关心: ◇he shows little regard for other people's feelings. 他不太关心别人的感受。 2. [u] [sing] (a) regard (for sb/sth) a feeling of admiration for sb/sth: respect 钦佩;赞赏;敬重;尊敬: ◇she obviously has great regardfor your ability. 她显然很赞赏你的能力。 3. regards [pl] (used especially to end a letter politely) kind thoughts; best wishes (尤用于书信结尾的客套话)致意,问候: ◇please give my regards to your parents. 请代我问候你的双亲。 in/with regard to sb/sth;in this/that/one regard(formal 正式) about sb/sth; connected with sb/sth 关于;在…方面: ◇with regard to the details -- these will be finalized later. 至于细节,稍后就会定案。 regard• ⇨ with regard to☞ regard¹☞ regard²




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