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单词 rep
释义 rep /rep/ noun (informal) [countable] 1.(marketing 营销) = sales representative = representative noun (1,3) rep /rep/ verb (informal) [intransitive, transitive] (-pp-) to act as a sales representative 做推销员;当销售代表◆at eighteen she was working for the family firm, repping on the road. 她十八岁时为家族企业工作,做推销员四处奔波。☞ rep☞ rep☞ agent/broker/sales representative/dealerrep (also sales rep) [countable] (rather informal) a person who works for a company and travels around selling its products销售代表◆she's a sales rep for a recording company.她是一家音像公司的销售代表。rep/rep ||; rɛp/(informal 非正式) (also representative) noun [c] a person whose job is to travel round a particular area and visit companies, etc, to sell the products of the firm for which he/she works 业务代表: ◇a sales rep 业务代表 rep /rɛp; rep/n [c]informal someone who sells products for a company 【非正式】 [公司的]推销员:◇a sales rep 推销员




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