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单词 ridiculous
释义 ridiculous adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, sound可笑;感觉可笑;看上去可笑;好像可笑;听起来荒谬▸➤become, get变得荒谬◆this is getting ridiculous!这简直越来越荒唐!adverb➤really非常可笑▸➤absolutely, completely, downright, quite, simply, totally, utterly绝对荒谬;荒谬透顶;简直荒谬;十分可笑◆it's downright ridiculous that the library isn't open on mondays!图书馆星期一不开门简直是荒谬透顶!➤pretty, rather, somewhat非常/相当/有那么点儿可笑▸➤almost几乎荒谬▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些可笑➤faintly略显可笑▸➤patently明显荒唐◆the whole idea was patently ridiculous.整个观点明显很荒唐。phrases➤a sense of the ridiculous (especially bre) 荒唐感◆the whole situation appealed to her sense of the ridiculous.整个局势使她感到很荒唐。 ridiculous adjectiveridiculous ♦︎ absurd ♦︎ silly ♦︎ ludicrous ♦︎ foolish ♦︎ laughablethese words all describe sth that has no sense or reason.这些词均表示荒谬的、荒唐的。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达荒谬的程度silly ○ foolish ○ laughable ○ ridiculous ○ absurd ○ ludicrouspatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆ridiculous / absurd / silly / ludicrous that...◆it would be ridiculous / absurd / silly / ludicrous / foolish to do sth.◆a ridiculous / an absurd / a silly / a ludicrous / a foolish idea / notion◆a ridiculous / an absurd / a silly / a foolish question◆a ridiculous / an absurd / a ludicrous suggestion / situation◆a silly / a foolish comment / remark / smile / grin◆quite / pretty ridiculous / absurd / silly / ludicrous / foolish / laughable◆rather ridiculous / absurd / silly / ludicrous / foolish◆completely / totally / utterly / downright ridiculous / absurd / silly / ludicrous◆simply ridiculous / absurd / ludicrous / foolish■ ridiculous without any sense or reason; deserving to be laughed at荒谬的;荒唐的;可笑的◆you look ridiculous in that hat!你戴那顶帽子看上去很可笑!◆don't be so ridiculous!别犯傻了!◆it's ridiculous to suggest that she was involved in anything illegal.暗示她与非法活动有牵连,这很荒唐。◆that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard.那是我听过的最无稽的事。◆they ate and drank a ridiculous amount.他们胡吃海塞了很多东西。  ➡ see also ridicule → contempt ▸ ridiculously adverb◆the food there is ridiculously expensive.在那儿吃饭贵得离谱。■ absurd /əbsɜːd; name əbsɜːrd/ ridiculous; not at all logical or appropriate荒谬的;荒唐的;怪诞不经的◆what an absurd idea!这个想法太荒唐了!◆he has a good sense of the absurd (= things that are absurd).他对荒诞事物有很强的识别能力。▸ absurdity noun [uncountable] ◆she failed to appreciate the absurdity of her position.她不知道自己处于多么荒谬的位置。▸ absurdly adverb◆i was offered an absurdly large amount of money.我拿到的钱多得离奇。note 辨析 ridiculous or absurd?there is very little difference in meaning between these words. something that is ridiculous invites ridicule (= unkind laughter); something that is absurd is completely illogical or inappropriate, often in a way that causes laughter. absurd is more frequent in british english than in american english, and is slightly more formal than ridiculous.这两个词含义差别很小。ridiculous 指某事物招致嘲笑 (ridicule) ; absurd 指事物完全不合逻辑或不适当,常令人发笑。absurd 在英式英语中较在美式英语中更常用,且比 ridiculous 稍正式一些。■ silly stupid or embarrassing, especially in a way that is more typical of a child than an adult(尤指像小孩一样)可笑的,荒唐的,冒傻气的◆i feel really silly in these clothes.穿上这些衣服,我觉得很可笑。◆she had a silly grin on her face.她一脸憨笑。◆this is getting silly! i think we had all better calm down.这越来越荒唐了!我想我们最好都冷静一下。■ ludicrous /luːdɪkrəs/ completely ridiculous and unreasonable荒谬的;荒唐的;不合理的◆that's a ludicrous suggestion!那是个荒唐的建议!◆this is ludicrous! of course no one's going to murder you!这真荒唐可笑!当然没人要去杀你!▸ ludicrously adverb◆everything here is ludicrously expensive.这里的一切都贵得离谱。■ foolish (rather formal) feeling or seeming stupid and/or embarrassed at sth you have done; making you look stupid or feel embarrassed不知所措的;出丑的;愚蠢的◆he didn't want to look foolish in front of his friends.他不想在朋友面前出丑。◆she spoke as though to a child who had asked a foolish question.她就像是在对一个问了个愚蠢问题的孩子说话似的。  ➡ see also fool → fool ■ laughable [not usually before noun] silly or ridiculous and not worth taking seriously荒唐可笑的;荒谬的;不值得当真的◆the whole incident would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.要不是事关紧要,整个事件就显得荒唐可笑了。◆he's so wrong it's almost laughable.他几乎错到可笑的地步。ridiculouswithout any sense or reason; deserving to be laughed at荒谬的;荒唐的;可笑的◆you look ridiculous in that hat!你戴那顶帽子看上去很可笑!◆don't be so ridiculous!别犯傻了!◆it's ridiculous to suggest that she was involved in anything illegal.暗示她与非法活动有牵连,这很荒唐。◆that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard.那是我听过的最无稽的事。◆they ate and drank a ridiculous amount.他们胡吃海塞了很多东西。  ➡ see also ridicule → contempt ▸ ridiculously adverb◆the food there is ridiculously expensive.在那儿吃饭贵得离谱。ridiculous/rɪˈdɪkjələs ||; rɪˈdɪkjələs/adj very silly or unreasonable 可笑的;荒唐的;荒谬的: ◇they're asking a ridiculous (= very high) price for that house. 他们那幢房子的要价高得离谱。 ➔ridiculously adv ri·dic·u·lous /rɪ`dɪkjələs; rɪˈdɪkjləs/adjvery silly, especially in a way that seems surprising; absurd 荒唐的,可笑的:◇what a ridiculous suggestion! 多么荒唐的建议!




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