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单词 physical
释义 physical noun (especially name)  ➡ see also medical adjective | verb + physical adjective➤complete全面体检➤annual, routine年度/常规体检◆pilots undergo routine physicals.飞行员要进行常规体检。verb + physical➤have, undergo进行体检▸➤fail, pass体检未通过/通过◆he was accepted onto the course after passing the physical.体检合格后他被该课程录取。physical adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be是身体方面的◆the problem is purely physical, not mental.这个问题纯粹是身体方面的,而不是心理上的。➤become, get, turn变成身体方面的◆mikey and jacob's fight had started to get physical.米凯伊和雅各布之间的争斗有了身体接触。adverb➤purely纯粹肉体的◆our relationship was purely physical.我们之间纯粹是肉体关系。➤almost几乎有形的◆the shock of the darkness was almost physical.黑暗的冲击几乎如同一种有形的存在。 physical /fɪzɪkl/ adjective [only before noun] 1. (it 信息技术) existing in a form that can be seen or touched, as opposed to electronic 实体的;有形的(而非电子的)◆the website has features that physical stores can't offer. 网站拥有实体商店不具备的特色。 opp virtual (finance 金融) used to describe a product or a raw material that can be bought and sold, or used, as opposed to cash, shares or futures 实物(而非现金、股票或期货)的◆investors are putting their money into physical assets such as gold and property. 投资者正将资金投入黄金和房地产等实物资产。  ➡  tangible ⨁ physical assets / commodities / goods实物资产;实物商品;实物 ☞ physicalphysical/ˈfɪzɪkl ||; ˈfɪzɪkḷ/adj1. connected with your body rather than your mind 身体的: ◇physical fitness/strength/disabilities 身体健康;体力;身体残疾 2. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) connected with real things that you can touch, or with the laws of nature 与实物有关的;与自然规律有关的: ◇physical geography (= the natural features on the face of the earth) 自然地理学 3. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) connected with the study of natural forces(physics)and things that are not alive 物理的 ➔physically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv to be physically fit 身体很健康 · ◇it will be physically impossible to get to london before ten. 要在十时前抵达伦敦实际上是不可能的。 physicalsee ⇨ body 5☞ physical¹☞ physical²




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