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单词 impression
释义 impression noun¹ 1idea/feeling/opinion about sth想法adjective | verb + impression | impression + verb | preposition adjective➤distinct, firm, strong清晰的印象;牢固的看法;强烈的感想➤main, overriding, overwhelming主要的想法;最重要的感想➤clear, vivid清晰的/生动的印象➤fleeting, vague倏忽而逝的感想;模糊的印象➤accurate确切的印象➤distorted, erroneous, false, misleading, mistaken, wrong歪曲的印象;谬误的印象;错误的印象;误导性的印象➤good良好的感受◆the model gives a good impression of what the building will look like.模型让人们对大楼未来的样子产生了良好印象。➤favourable/favorable好印象➤bad坏印象➤negative, positive负面/正面印象➤opposite相反的看法➤early, first, immediate, initial早期的想法;第一印象;直接印象;最初的印象◆first impressions can be misleading.第一印象有可能误导人。➤final最终印象➤general, overall总体/整体印象➤widespread普遍的看法◆there is a widespread impression that schooling needs to be improved.普遍认为学校教育必须加以改进。➤visual视觉印象➤public公众印象➤personal, subjective个人/主观印象verb + impression➤form, gain, get, have, receive形成印象;觉得;有想法◆i got the distinct impression that you disliked her.我明显感觉到你不喜欢她。➤convey, create, give (sb), leave sb with, provide (sb with)传达印象;使产生想法;(给某人)留下印象◆the book leaves you with a distorted impression of politics.这部书会让你对政治产生歪曲的印象。➤maintain维持感觉◆she was trying to maintain the impression that she was in control.她努力维持她还在掌控局面的假象。➤confirm印证想法➤heighten, reinforce, strengthen, support加深印象➤avoid避免想法◆it was difficult to avoid the impression that he was assisting them for selfish reasons.他是出于私利才帮助他们,这种感觉很难避免。➤correct纠正看法◆i must correct a false impression that i gave you just now.我必须纠正我刚才给你留下的错误印象。➤change改变看法◆her performance did little to change my impression of her.她的表现基本上无助于改变我对她的印象。➤record记录感受◆she recorded her impressions of the city in her diary.她在日记中记下了自己对这座城市的印象。➤share分享感受◆he shared his impressions of a recent visit to japan.他分享了自己最近访问日本的感受。impression + verb➤count印象很重要◆when it comes to finding a partner, first impressions do count.说到寻觅伴侣,第一印象确实很重要。preposition➤under a/the impression以为◆i was under the impression that you weren't coming until tomorrow.我以为你要到明天才来呢。➤impression about关于⋯的印象◆i had the wrong impression about him.我对他的印象是错误的。➤impression as to对⋯的看法◆mistaken impressions as to the strength of the market对市场势头的错误看法impression noun² 2effect that an experience/person has on sb/sth影响adjective | verb + impression | preposition adjective➤big, deep, great, huge, powerful, profound, strong, tremendous很大的影响;深刻的影响;重大的影响;巨大的影响;强烈的影响;深远的影响➤superficial表面的影响➤abiding, indelible, lasting持久的效果;难以磨灭的影响➤excellent, favourable/favorable, good, great卓着的效果;有利影响;良好的效果;极大的影响➤bad, poor, unfavourable/unfavorable恶劣/不良/不利影响➤false, misleading, wrong虚假的效果;误导性的影响;错误的效果➤right合适的效果◆if you want to create the right impression, i suggest you wear a suit.如果你想要达到得体的效果,我建议你穿西装。➤first, immediate最初的影响;即时的效果◆the new player failed to make an immediate impression on the team.这位新来的球员没能立即为球队发挥作用。verb + impression➤create, leave, make造成影响;起作用preposition➤impression on, impression upon对⋯的影响◆the day's events left a lasting impression on them.那天发生的事对他们造成了持久的影响。impression noun³ 3drawing图画adjective | verb + impression adjective➤artist's画家的印象画verb + impression➤issue (bre) 散发印象画◆the police have issued an artist's impression of the attacker.警方已经发布了画家凭印象绘制的袭击者的画像。impression noun⁴ 4amusing copy of sb滑稽模仿adjective | verb + impression adjective➤good很好的滑稽模仿➤funny搞笑的模仿verb + impression➤do进行滑稽模仿◆he does some very good impressions of movie stars.他维妙维肖地模仿一些电影明星。impression noun⁵ 5mark left on an object印记verb + impression➤bear带有印记◆the wax bore the impression of a sailing ship.蜂蜡上有帆船印记。 impression /ɪmpreʃn/ (also ad view) noun [countable] (marketing 营销) 1.the number of times a web page or a banner ad is shown (网页或横幅广告的)播放次数,显示次数◆what is the cost per thousand impressions? 每千次显示费用是多少?2.the number of times that one person sees an advertisement 一个人看到某广告的次数  ➡  page view ◇ cost per impression ◇ page impression ☞ impressionimpression [countable, usually singular] the effect that an experience or person has on sb/sth, especially on the way that sb thinks or behaves in the future(尤指某种经历或某个人对思想或行为产生的)影响,效果◆the stillness and silence leave a deep impression on visitors.那一刻的静止无声给来访者留下了深刻的印象。◆you'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression (= to make people admire and remember you).你如果真想留下好印象,就得表演得更好。◆my words made no impression on her.我的话丝毫没有对她起作用。 ➡ see also impress → impress , impressive → impressive impression [countable] an amusing performance in which sb copies the way a person speaks or acts(对某人言谈举止的)滑稽模仿◆she did her marilyn monroe impression.她滑稽地模仿了玛丽莲 • 梦露。impression [countable] a feeling or opinion that you get about sb/sth, or that sb/sth gives you印象;感想◆my first impression of him was favourable.他给我的第一印象不错。◆i get the impression there are still a lot of problems.我的感觉是问题还挺多的。◆she gives the impression of being very busy.她给人的印象是特别忙。◆try and smile. you don't want to give people the wrong impression (= that you are not friendly).要尽量微笑,不要让人误以为你很冷漠。ⓘ impression is used especially to talk about what you think when you first meet sb or experience sth. * impression 尤指对某人的第一印象,或第一次体验某事的感觉。impression/ɪmˈpreʃn ||; ɪmˈprɛʃən/noun[c] 1. an idea, a feeling or an opinion that you get about sb/sth 想法;感觉;看法: ◇what's your first impression of the new director? 你对新董事长的第一个感觉如何?◇i'm not sure but i have/get the impression that jane's rather unhappy. 我感觉到珍不大高兴,可是我也拿不准。◇i was under the impression (= i believed, but i was wrong) that you were married. 我以为你已经结婚。 2. the effect that a person or thing produces on sb else 印象: ◇she gives the impression of being older than she really is. 她看起来比实际年龄大。◇do you think i made a good impression on your parents? 你认为我有没有给你父母留下好印象? 3. an amusing copy of the way a person acts or speaks; an imitation 滑稽模仿;模仿: ◇my brother can do a good impression of the prime minister. 我哥哥学起首相来倒学得维妙维肖。 [syn] imitation 同义词为imitation 4. a mark that is left when an object has been pressed hard into a surface (挤压留下的)印记impressionsee ⇨ seem 5     • • •• ⇨ be under the impression (that)• ⇨ do an impersonation/do an impression• ⇨ do an impression/imitation• ⇨ get the impression/feeling/idea• ⇨ give the impression• ⇨ make a good impression• ⇨ make an impression im·pres·sion /ɪm`prɛʃən; ɪmˈpreʃən/n [c] 1. your impression of someone or something is the way that they seem to you [对人或事的]印象,感受:◇+ of what was your first impression of richard? 你对理察的第一印象怎样?◇have/get the impression (that) i got the impression that rob didn't like me. 我有这么个印象,就是罗伯不喜欢我。◇give the impression (that) (=make people think something is true) 给别人…的印象: she gives the impression that she's very rich. 她给人的印象是非常有钱。◇make a good/bad impression she made a good impression at her interview. 她在面试时给人留下了良好的印象。 2. when someone copies the way a famous person talks or behaves, in order to make people laugh [对名人言行的]滑稽模仿:◇he did a brilliant impression of prince charles. 他模仿查理斯王子模仿得维妙维肖。 3. the mark left by pressing something into a soft surface 印记,压痕 ☞ impression




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