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单词 formula
释义 formula noun¹ 1group of signs/letters/numbers成组符号、字母或数字adjective | verb + formula | preposition adjective➤complex, complicated复杂公式▸➤simple简单公式▸➤secret秘密公式▸➤algebraic, chemical, mathematical, scientific代数/化学/数学/科学公式verb + formula➤devise, work out设计/列出公式◆a simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.已经设计出一个能帮你计算应得利息的简单数学公式。➤apply, use应用/使用公式preposition➤formula for用于⋯的公式◆the formula for finding the area of a circle计算圆的面积的公式formula noun² 2method of solving a problem处理问题的方法adjective | verb + formula | preposition adjective➤good, magic, successful, winning出色的/绝妙的/成功的/制胜的方案▸➤standard, traditional标准/传统方案▸➤basic基本方案▸➤face-saving (especially bre) 保全面子的方案◆the government was forced to find a face-saving formula to cover its misjudgement.政府被迫寻找一个保全面子的方案来掩饰其判断错误。➤political政治惯例verb + formula➤have有方案◆no one has a magic formula for keeping youngsters away from crime.还没人能提出一个让年轻人远离犯罪的良方。➤follow沿袭方案◆each of his novels follows the same successful formula.他每一部小说成功的秘诀都一样。➤come up with, devise, find, hit on, provide, work out想出方案;制订方案;找到方案;提供方案◆we think we might have hit on a winning formula.我们认为我们可能已经想到一个制胜的方案。➤change改变方案◆why change a winning formula?为什么要改变制胜方案呢?preposition➤formula for为⋯的方案◆what is their formula for success?他们成功的秘诀是什么? formula /fɔːmjələ; name fɔːrm-/ noun [countable] (plural formulas or, especially in scientific use, formulae /fɔːmjəliː; name fɔːrm-/) (technical 技术) a series of letters, numbers or symbols that represent a rule or law 公式;方程式◆they use complex mathematical formulas to calculate the insurance premium. 他们使用复杂的数学公式来计算保费。2.a particular method of doing or achieving sth 方法;方案◆there's no simple formula for the success of a business. 企业的成功没有简单的方法可循。 golden formula ☞ formulaformula /fɔːmjələ; name fɔːrmjələ/ (plural formulas or formulae /fɔːmjəliː/ )[countable] (rather formal) a fixed form of words used in a particular situation(特定场合的)惯用词语,套话◆what are the correct legal formulae for this kind of letter?写这种信用的正确法律用语是什么呢?◆the prime minister keeps coming out with the same tired formulas.首相开口便是千篇一律的套话。▸ formulaic /fɔːmjuleɪɪk; name fɔːrmjuleɪɪk/ adjective (rather formal) ◆traditional stories make use of formulaic expressions like 'once upon a time...'传统故事采用“从前⋯”一类的套话。formula/ˈfɔ:mjələ ||; ˈfɔrmjələ/noun [c] (plural formulas or formulae /-li: ||; -ˌli/) 1. (technical术语) a group of signs, letters or numbers used in science or mathematics to express a general law or fact 分子式;公式;方程式: ◇what is the formula for converting miles to kilometres? 用什么公式把英里换算做公里? 2. a list of (often chemical) substances used for making sth; the instructions for making sth 配方;处方: ◇the formula for the new vaccine has not yet been made public. 新疫苗的配方仍未公诸于世。 3. a formula for (doing) sth a plan of how to get or do sth 计划;方案: ◇what is her formula for success? 她成功的诀窍是什么?◇unfortunately, there's no magic formula for a perfect marriage. 很遗憾,世上没有能使婚姻十全十美的灵丹妙方。 for·mu·la /`fɔrmjələ; ˈfɔːmjlə/n [c], plural formulas, or formulae /-li; -liː/ 1. a group of numbers or letters that show a mathematical or scientific rule 公式; 方程式; 分子式 2. a method used to make something successful 方案,方法:◇+ for there's no magic formula for a happy marriage. 幸福的婚姻没有妙法。 3. a list of the different substances in a mixture 配方




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