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单词 get rid of
释义 get rid of1 to get rid of something that you do not want2 to get rid of a leader, someone in authority etc3 to get rid of someone because you do not like or need them any more4 to get rid of something that is causing problems5 to get rid of harmful ideas or influences6 to have got rid of something or somebodyrelated wordssee alsoremove,tidy,1. to get rid of something that you do not want 处理掉不想要的东西 get rid of /ˌget ˈrɪd ɒv/ [verb phrase] to remove something that you do not want or do not use any more, for example by giving it to someone else or throwing it away 处理掉[如送给别人或扔掉] let's get rid of some of these old books. 我们把这些旧书丢掉一些吧。 i hate these chairs. i wish we could get rid of them. 我不喜欢这些椅子,但愿我们能把它们处理掉。 we finally got rid of all that old junk we had stored in the basement. 我们终于把放在地下室里的所有旧垃圾都扔掉了。 throw away /ˌθrəʊ əˈweɪ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to get rid of something by putting it somewhere where it will be taken away and destroyed 扔掉 throw away something don't throw away these boxes - i might want to use them later. 不要扔掉这些盒子—说不定我以后用得着。throw something away oh, no. i think i've accidentally thrown the invitation away. 噢,不好,我想我不小心把请柬扔掉了。 throw out /ˌθrəʊ ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to get rid of something, especially when you are trying to make a place more tidy or to make space for new things 扔掉[尤指为了把一个地方整理干净或腾出一些空间] throw out something my wife made me throw out my old tennis shoes. 我妻子要我把我的旧网球鞋扔掉。throw something out can i throw these newspapers out, or are you still reading them? 我可以扔了这些报纸吗,还是你还要看? dispose of /dɪˈspəʊz ɒv/ [transitive phrasal verb] formal to get rid of something that is difficult or unpleasant to get rid of 【正式】处理掉[尤指难处理的东西] the company has been charged with illegally disposing of hazardous wastes. 该公司因为违法处置有害垃圾遭到了起诉。 police are still puzzled as to how he managed to dispose of his victim's body. 警方仍然不明白他是如何处理被害人尸体的。 disposal [uncountable noun] dispose of of we need new legislation to ensure the safe disposal of nuclear waste. 我们需要新的法规来保证核废料的安全处置。 get shot of /ˌget ˈʃɒt ɒv ǁ-ˈʃɑːt-/ [verb phrase] british informal to get rid of something, especially something that you have been wanting to get rid of for a long time 【英,非正式】扔掉,抛掉[尤指长久以来一直想扔掉的东西] i can't wait to get shot of this old car. 我迫不及待地想把这辆旧车扔掉。 everybody's in a rush to get shot of their shares in the company. 人人都急着抛掉该公司的股票。 something will have to go also something has got to go american / something wɪl ˌhæv tə ˈgəʊ something hæz ˌgɒt tə ˈgəʊǁ-ˌgɑːt/ [verb phrase] spoken if you say that something will have to go you think it should be thrown away, especially because you do not like it 【口】某物必须扔掉; i can't stand this carpet. i'm sorry larry, it'll have to go. 我受不了这块地毯了。对不起,拉里,必须扔掉它。2. to get rid of a leader, someone in authority etc 推翻领导人、当权的人等 get rid of /ˌget ˈrɪd ɒv/ [transitive verb] to get rid of a leader, someone in authority etc 推翻,赶走[领导人、当权者等] he's a terrible manager -- it's about time they got rid of him. 他是个糟糕的经理—他们该是时候把他赶走了。 local people desperately want to get rid of us troops on the island. 当地人民不顾一切地想赶走岛上的美国驻军。 the trustees of the university are considering getting rid of him. 大学理事会的成员在考虑罢免他。 overthrow /ˌəʊvəʳˈθrəʊ/ [transitive verb] to take power away from a leader or government, especially by force [尤指用武力]推翻[领导人或政府] president kassem was overthrown and murdered in 1963. 1963年卡塞姆总统被推翻了政权并遭到杀害。 the dictatorship was overthrown after a year of fighting, in which thousands of people were killed. 经过一年的斗争,独裁统治被推翻了,有好几千人失去了生命。 overthrow /ˈəʊvəʳθrəʊ/ [uncountable noun] he came to power after the overthrow of haile selassie. 他在海尔·塞拉西被推翻之后上台。 oust /aʊst/ [transitive verb] written force a leader out of his or her position of power 【书面】罢黜,把…赶下台 nusabe was ousted in a coup late last year. 努萨比在去年年底的政变中被赶下台。 reformers have expressed concern that he could be ousted by hard-liners opposed to his reforms. 改革派人士担心他会被反对他改革的强硬派赶下台。 ousted [adjective only before noun] supporters of the ousted dictator have been rounded up and jailed. 支持已被罢黜的独裁者的人被逮起来投进了监狱。 be deposed /biː dɪˈpəʊzd/ [verb phrase] if a political leader, king etc is deposed, their power is taken away from them [政治领袖、国王等]被罢免,被废黜 he was deposed after more than 18 years in power. 他当政超过了18年以后遭到了罢免。 moreau was deposed in a military coup and fled to the us. 莫罗在一次军事政变中遭到罢免,逃到了美国。 deposed [adjective only before noun] the deposed king will set up a government in exile. 这位被废黜的国王将成立流亡政府。3. to get rid of someone because you do not like or need them any more 因不喜欢或不再需要而除掉某人 get rid of /ˌget ˈrɪd ɒv/ [transitive verb] new police chief brody promised to get rid of the city's drug dealers. 新任警察局长布罗迪承诺要扫荡这个城市里的毒贩。 the company announced that it will get rid of another 500 workers by the end of the year. 公司宣布在年底前将再裁减500名工人。 one of the administration's first tasks will be to get rid of many of the officials appointed by the previous president. 政府的首要任务之一就是要清除前总统任命的许多官员。 purge /pɜːʳdʒ/ [transitive verb] if the leaders of a political organization purge a group of people from that organization, they get rid of them because they have political views that they strongly disagree with 清除[不同政见的人] many radicals were purged from the party in the early seventies. 70年代初,许多激进分子被清除出党。 in the north, sung systematically purged those whom he considered a threat. 在北方,宋彻底铲除了他认为有威胁的人。 purge [countable/uncountable noun] stalin's purges of the 1930s 20世纪30年代斯大林的大清洗运动 weed out /ˌwiːd ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to find out those people who are not suitable to belong to an organization or group, and get rid of them 清除,剔除,淘汰[不合适的人] we do have procedures in place to weed out individuals who are corrupt. 我们确有相应的程序清除腐败的人员。 the report claimed that there were at least 20,000 inefficient teachers that needed to be weeded out. 报告中称,至少有两万名不称职的教师需要淘汰。 root out /ˌruːt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to try hard to find out all the people who are not suitable to belong to a particular group or organization, especially when it is not easy to know who they are, and get rid of them 根除,铲除[不合适的人,尤指不容易知道他们是谁] the ministry of health is continuing its efforts to root out incompetent doctors. 卫生部继续努力清除不称职的医生。[ at that time, a secret branch of the national police was involved in rooting out dissidents. 那个时候,国民警察的一个秘密分支参与了铲除持不同政见者的行动。 somebody will have to go also somebody has (got) to go american spoken / somebody wɪl ˌhæv tə ˈgəʊ, somebody həz (ˌgɒtǁˌgɑːt) tə ˈgəʊ/ say this when you no longer want to employ someone 某人必须走 it's been decided. murrow will have to go. 已经决定了,默罗必须走。 ‘gates has done nothing but divide this city. he has got to go,’ said one of the protesters. “盖茨所做的只是让这个城市分裂,他必须下台。”其中一名抗议者说道。 dump /dʌmp/ [transitive verb] informal to end a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend 【非正式】抛弃[恋爱对象] i think the guy's a jerk. i'm glad debbie dumped him. 我觉得那家伙是个蠢人,我很高兴黛比甩了他。 ‘why did he dump her?’ ‘he met somebody else.’ “他为什么抛弃她?”“他认识别人了。”4. to get rid of something that is causing problems 除掉造成问题的某事物 get rid of /ˌget ˈrɪd ɒv/ [verb phrase] to remove or deal with something that is causing you trouble, such as an illness or a problem 除掉,摆脱[疾病、问题等] i can't seem to get rid of this cold. 我这感冒似乎好不了。 we've cleaned the carpet twice, but still can't get rid of the smell. 我们已经洗过地毯两次了,可还是除不了这气味。 weedaway is a safe and natural way to get rid of weeds coming up in the garden. “除草净”是清除园内杂草的一种安全、天然的方法。 abolish /əˈbɒlɪʃǁəˈbɑː-/ [transitive verb] to officially end a law, legal right, or system, especially one that has existed for a long time 废除[法律、合法权利或制度] the unpopular tax was finally abolished some ten years ago. 这个不得人心的税种终于在十来年之前被废除了。 he served over 27 years in prison for fighting to abolish white-only rule. 他为了废除白人专权统治而斗争,结果在狱中度过了超过27年。 abolition /ˌæbəˈlɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] when something is abolished 废除 the group is working toward the abolition of the death penalty. 这个团体在为废除死刑而努力。 scrap /skræp/ [transitive verb] to end a system, law etc, or to decide not to use a plan that you were intending to use 废弃[制度、法律等];放弃[计划] plans to build a new airport have been scrapped because of lack of funding. 因为缺乏资金,修建新机场的计划已经搁置了。 the president's proposal to scrap the program has angered many members of congress. 总统放弃这个计划的提议激怒了许多国会议员。 ditch /dɪtʃ/ [transitive verb] to get rid of something because you do not need it 扔掉,抛弃[不需要的东西] investors ditched stocks that were performing badly. 投资者抛售了业绩不良的股票。 brumfeld apparently ditched the car near texarkana and fled into the woods. 布拉姆菲尔德显然是在特克萨卡纳湖附近弃车,然后逃进了树林。 do away with /duː əˈweɪ wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to get rid of something so that it does not exist any more 除掉,消除 san josé state university is doing away with its business school and department of journalism. 圣何塞州立大学将要撤去商学院和新闻系。 all countries in the region should commit themselves to doing away with weapons of mass destruction. 这个地区内所有的国家都应该作出承诺,销毁大规模杀伤性武器。 eradicate /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt, ɪˈrædəkeɪt/ [transitive verb] to completely get rid of something such as a disease, a social problem, or something that causes these things 根除,消灭[疾病、社会问题等] the disease has been eradicated from the western world through the use of vaccines. 这种疾病在西方国家已经通过使用疫苗根除了。 their aim is to eradicate child poverty in the country within 10 years. 他们的目标是要在十年之内消灭本国的儿童贫困现象。 eradication /ɪˌrædɪˈkeɪʃən, ɪˌrædəˈkeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the eradication of the beetle has led to a five-fold increase in crop yields. 消灭甲虫使庄稼收成增加到五倍。 eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt, ɪˈlɪməneɪt/ [transitive verb] to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted 消除,根除 traffic police intend to eliminate congestion caused by illegally parked vehicles. 交通警察部门想要消除违章停车造成的交通拥挤现象。 advances in medical science have eliminated the need for many patients to spend long periods of time in hospital. 医学的进步为许多病人排除了长期住院的需要。 root out /ˌruːt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to completely and thoroughly get rid of something that is causing you problems, especially by trying to make sure the causes of it are found and stopped 根除,根绝[造成问题的事物] root out something the new president has promised to root out high level corruption. 新总统承诺要根绝高层的腐败行为。root something out wherever we find waste and incompetence we will root it out. 不管哪里发现有浪费和不能胜任的情况,我们都要加以杜绝。5. to get rid of harmful ideas or influences 消除有害的想法或影响 rid something of /ˈrɪd something ɒv/ [transitive phrasal verb not usually in passive] to get rid of something bad or harmful so that they no longer exist in a place or organization 消灭,消除 scientists hope to one day rid the world of this terrible disease. 科学家希望有一天能使这种可怕的疾病从世界上消失。 mccarthy wanted to rid america of the ‘evils of communism’. i can't seem to rid my mind of what happened on the day of the accident. 我似乎没法摆脱出事那天所发生的事情。 free something of /ˈfriː something ɒv/ [transitive phrasal verb] to get rid of ideas, behaviour, influences etc that are considered bad or harmful and have been present for a very long time 从[思想、行为、影响等]解脱 neighbourhood watch schemes have succeeded in virtually freeing the area of crime. 邻里守望计划实际上已消灭了该地区的犯罪现象。 aid organisations are trying to free the country of the ravages of two decades of civil war. 救援组织正试图把该国从二十年内战的蹂躏中解救出来。 dispel /dɪˈspel/ [transitive verb] to get rid of beliefs, ideas or feelings from people's minds, especially if they are false or harmful 驱散,消除[尤指错误的或有害的信念、想法或感觉] dispel rumours/notions/doubts etc the central bank attempted to dispel rumours of a possible financial crisis. 中央银行试图澄清可能会爆发金融危机的谣言。 in an interview monday, the foreign affairs secretary tried to dispel doubts about his handling of the crisis. 在星期一的一次采访中,外务部长试图消除人们对他危机处理能力的怀疑。6. to have got rid of something or somebody 已经摆脱某物或某人 be rid of /biː ˈrɪd ɒv/ [verb phrase] to have got rid of someone or something, so that they are not there to worry or annoy you 摆脱掉[令人担忧或烦恼的人或事] at first i was glad to be rid of the extra work, but then i realized how much money i was losing. 起初我很高兴摆脱了这些额外的工作,但后来我才发现损失了不少钱。 the sooner we're rid of this government the better. 这个政府我们越早推翻越好。 you shouldn't even think about buying a new car until you're rid of your current debts. 在还清现在这些债务之前,买新车的事你想都不该想。 be glad/happy to see the back of /biː ˌglæd, ˌhæpi tə siː ðə ˈbæk ɒv/ [verb phrase] british informal to be very pleased you have got rid of something or someone 【英,非正式】乐于了结[某事];乐于摆脱[某人] i'll be glad to see the back of this project. 我将很高兴看到这个项目结束。 we will be glad to see the back of williams, that's for sure. 看到威廉斯离去,我们会很高兴,那是肯定的。




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