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单词 categorical
释义 categorical /kætəgɒrɪkl; name kætəgɔːrɪkl/ [usually before noun] (formal) expressed clearly and in a way that shows that you are very sure about what you are saying(言辞)明确的,绝对的◆the government has yet to make a categorical statement on the issue.政府尚未就此事发表明确声明。▸ categorically /kætəgɔːrɪkli/ adverb◆he categorically rejected our offer.他断然拒绝了我们的提议。categorical/ˌkætəˈgɒrɪkl; us -ˈgɔ:r- ||; ˌkætəˈgɔrɪkḷ/adj very definite 断然的: ◇the answer was a categorical ‘no’. 答案是斩钉截铁的“不”。 ➔categorically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv ◇the minister categorically denied the rumour. 部长断然否认这种谣传。 cat·e·gor·i·cal /ˏkætə`gɔrɪkḷ; ˌkætɪˈɡɒrɪkəl◄/adjclearly stating that something is completely certain [陈述]绝对肯定的,明确的:◇fox gave a categorical denial of his guilt. 福克斯断然否认了他的罪行。




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