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单词 singer
释义 singer nounadjective | singer + verb adjective➤accomplished, fine, good, great, talented, wonderful卓有成就的歌唱家;优秀的歌手;伟大的歌唱家;有天分的歌手▸➤chart-topping, famous, popular, well-known高居排行榜首位的歌手;著名歌手;受欢迎的歌手➤legendary传奇歌手➤aspiring, budding有抱负的/崭露头角的歌手◆an aspiring concert singer有抱负的歌唱家➤soulful深情的歌手◆a soulful jazz singer深情的爵士乐歌手➤amateur, professional业余/专业歌手▸➤backing, backup, lead伴唱歌手;主唱歌手◆an interview with the band's lead singer对乐队主唱的采访➤guest嘉宾歌手◆she will perform with two guest singers.她将与两位嘉宾歌手一起演唱。➤choral, solo合唱/独唱歌手▸➤blues, country, folk, jazz, opera, pop, etc.蓝调歌手、乡村歌手、民歌手、爵士乐歌手、歌剧演员、流行歌手等▸➤carol圣诞颂歌歌手▸➤cabaret, lounge, nightclub, pub (bre) 卡巴莱/雅座酒吧/夜总会/酒吧歌手◆i was just a lounge singer in a key west bar.我不过是基韦斯特一家酒吧的雅座歌手。➤wedding (name) 婚礼歌手◆our wedding singers are the best in las vegas.我们的婚礼歌手是拉斯维加斯最好的。➤torch (especially name) 唱伤感恋歌者◆she worked as a torch singer, singing blues ballads in a nightclub.她是唱伤感恋歌的歌手,在一家夜总会唱蓝调民谣。singer + verb➤belt sth out, sing (sth)歌手高声唱⋯;歌手唱(⋯)◆a local singer belted out the national anthem.一位当地歌手高唱国歌。➤perform sth歌手演唱⋯◆singers took turns to perform songs they had written.歌手们轮流演唱自己创作的歌曲。➤sound, sound like歌手听起来/听起来像◆a singer who sounds like rufus wainwright嗓音像鲁弗斯・温赖特的歌手singer/ˈsɪŋə(r) ||; ˈsɪŋɚ/noun [c] a person who sings, or whose job is singing, especially in public 歌手;歌者: ◇an opera singer 歌剧演员 singersee ⇨ sing 3 sing·er /`sɪŋə; ˈsɪŋə/n [c]someone who sings, especially as a job 歌手,歌唱家; 唱歌的人:◇an opera singer 歌剧演唱家 ☞ singer




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