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单词 simile
释义 simile /sɪməli/ [countable, uncountable] (technical术语) a word or phrase that compares sth to sth else, using the words 'like' or 'as'; the use of such words and phrases明喻;明喻的运用◆the general liked to apply military similes to a very wide variety of matters.这位将军喜欢把军事上的比喻广泛应用于各种事情。◆the writer's use of simile作家对明喻的运用ⓘ examples of similes include使用了 simile 手法的例子有◆a face like a mask面具似的脸◆as white as snow像雪一样白simile/ˈsɪməli ||; ˈsɪməˌlɪ/noun [c,u] (technical术语) a word or phrase that compares sth to sth else, using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’, for example ‘a face like a mask’ or ‘as white as snow’; the use of such words and phrases 明喻(一种修辞手段,使用like、as等词,如a face like a mask或as white as snow);明喻的运用 ☞compare metaphor. 与metaphor比较。 sim·i·le /`sɪməˏlɪ; ˈsɪmɪli/n [c]an expression that describes something by comparing it with something else using the word 'like' or 'as', for example 'as red as blood' 直喻,明喻




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