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单词 legality
释义 legality nounadjective | verb + legality | phrases adjective➤doubtful, dubious, questionable可疑的合法性verb + legality➤challenge, question质疑合法性◆her lawyer is challenging the legality of the court order.她的律师质疑法院命令的合法性。➤uphold维护合法性◆the court ruling today upheld the legality of military tribunals.今天的法院判决支持军事法庭的合法性。phrases➤doubt about the legality of sth, doubts about the legality of sth对⋯合法性的质疑 legality /liːgæləti/ noun (plural legalities) 1. [uncountable] the fact of being legal 合法(性)◆shareholders challenged the legality of the merger. 股东质疑合并的合法性。2. [countable] the legal aspect of an action or a situation (某行为或情况的)法律方面◆you need a lawyer to explain all the legalities of the contracts. 你需要律师来解释这些合同在法律上的各种细节问题。  ➡  illegality ☞ legalitylegality/li:ˈgæləti ||; lɪˈgælətɪ/noun [u] the state of being legal 合法 ☞compare illegality. 与illegality比较。 legalitysee ⇨ legal 1 legality /lɪ`gælətɪ; lɪˈɡælɪti/n [u]usage note 用法说明: legalcompare 比较 legal, lawful, is the ordinary word for actions allowed by the law, and the general word for things connected with the law. legal 是“合法的”的普通用词,也普遍用于与法律有关的事物:◇it's legal for people over 21 to buy alcohol. 21 岁以上的人买酒是合法的。◇the legal profession 法律专业lawful suggests that the law is also morally right. lawful 暗示“该法律在道德上是对的”:◇a lawful marriage 合法婚姻◇your lawful king 你们的合法国王legitimate means 'acceptable by law, or according to what most people think is right'. legitimate 指“为法律所接受的,或大多数人认为是对的”:◇the legitimate government 合法政府◇he claimed that bombing the town was a legitimate act of war. 他声称轰炸这座城市是战争中的正当行为。◇her illness was a legitimate reason for being absent from work. 她生病是没来上班的正当理由。




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