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单词 phobia
释义 phobia nounadjective | verb + phobia | preposition adjective➤➤needle, social, water, etc.针头恐惧症、社交恐惧症、恐水症等◆i have a severe needle phobia.我有严重的针头恐惧症。verb + phobia➤have, suffer from患有恐惧症➤develop得了恐惧症➤treat治疗恐惧症➤overcome克服恐惧症◆hypnotherapy is often used to overcome phobias.催眠疗法经常被用于治疗恐惧症。preposition➤phobia about sth, phobia of sth对⋯的恐惧症◆he has a phobia of snakes.他有恐蛇症。phobia /fəʊbiə; name foʊbiə/ [countable] (rather formal) a strong unreasonable fear or hatred of sth恐怖症,恐惧症(莫名的极度恐惧)◆he has a phobia about flying.他有飞行恐惧症。◆one of the symptoms of the disease is water phobia.这种病的其中一个症状是恐水。ⓘ phobia is also used in compounds to make the names of particular phobias. * phobia 亦用于表示某种恐惧症的复合词中◆arachnophobia (= fear of spiders) 蜘蛛恐惧症◆claustrophobia (= fear of enclosed spaces) 幽闭恐惧症◆xenophobia (= fear or hatred of people from other countries) 恐外症phobia/ˈfəʊbiə ||; ˈfobɪə/noun [c] (often used in compounds 常用于构成复合词) a very strong fear or hatred that you cannot explain (无法解释的)恐惧,厌恶: ◇arachnophobia (= fear of spiders) 恐蜘蛛症 phobia• ⇨ have a phobia about pho·bi·a /`fobɪə; ˈfəʊbiə/n [c]a strong unreasonable fear of something 恐惧(症):◇holly has a phobia about snakes. 霍利对蛇有恐惧感。




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