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单词 response
释义 response nounadjective | verb + response | response + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤affirmative, encouraging, enthusiastic, favourable/favorable, good, positive肯定的/令人鼓舞的/热情的/表示赞同的/合适的/正面的回应▸➤lukewarm, muted, tepid (especially name) 不热情的/不积极的/不冷不热的回应➤poor糟糕的答覆▸➤aggressive, angry, negative盛气凌人的/愤怒的/否定的回答▸➤adequate, appropriate, correct, proper, satisfactory充分的/恰当的/正确的/合适的/令人满意的答覆➤normal正常的反应◆this is a normal response to feeling abandoned.这是对感到被抛弃的正常反应。➤desired渴望的反应◆he was not getting the desired response from the audience.他没有从观众那里得到想要的反应。➤logical合乎逻辑的反应◆that's the only logical response.那是唯一合乎逻辑的反应。➤imaginative有想像力的答覆➤sympathetic表示赞同的答覆➤individual, subjective个人答覆;主观反应▸➤inadequate, inappropriate, incorrect不充分的/不恰当的/不正确的回答◆incorrect responses in a multiple-choice test多备选项选择测试中的错误回答➤strong强烈的反响◆these images are likely to evoke a strong response in the viewer.这些图像可能会在观众中产生强烈反响。➤direct直接的反应➤effective有效的回答▸➤prompt, quick, rapid即时的/快速的/迅速的回应▸➤slow缓慢的反应▸➤automatic, immediate, instinctive, knee-jerk自动的/即刻的/本能的/下意识的反应◆my knee-jerk response to the story我对这个故事不假思索的反应➤measured, thoughtful慎重的/经缜密思考的答覆▸➤initial最初的反应◆my initial response was one of anger.我最初的反应是愤怒。➤emergency应急反应➤delayed延迟的反应◆his delayed response to the event他对该事件延迟的反应➤public公众的反应➤official官方回应◆the world bank has postponed an official response to the report.世界银行推迟了对该报告的正式回应。➤natural自然的反应➤rational理智的反应➤possible可能的反应◆these are just a few of the possible responses to this question.这些只是对这个问题的可能回答中的几个。➤behavioural/behavioral, conditioned, emotional, fight-or-flight, physiological行为/条件/情绪/或战或逃/生理反应➤political政治上的反应▸➤verbal, written口头回答;书面答复▸➤allergic, antibody, immune过敏反应;抗体应答;免疫应答◆the immune response to viral infections病毒感染的免疫应答verb + response➤give, make给予答覆;作出回应➤formulate应答▸➤get, have, receive得到答覆;获得回应;收到答覆◆have you had any responses to the advertisement yet?你有没有收到任何对广告的回应?➤bring forth, call forth, draw, elicit, evoke, generate, induce, produce, prompt, provoke, stimulate, trigger, yield引起反响;激起反应;产生反响◆his comments drew an angry response from the crowd.他的评论激起群众愤怒的回应。➤await, wait for等待反应➤predict预测反应➤mount作出反应◆the immune system springs into action to mount a response against the virus.免疫系统突然开始发挥抵抗病毒的作用。➤exhibit, show表现出/显示反应◆dawn showed no response at all.唐一点儿反应也没有。➤coordinate协调反应◆we'll coordinate emergency responses from now on.从现在起我们要协调应急响应措施。➤affect, influence影响反应➤assess, examine, gauge, observe估计/查看/评估/观察反应➤post发帖子回覆◆he has posted his response on the organization's website.他已经将回覆的帖子发到了该机构的网站。response + noun➤rate, time回覆率;回覆时间◆we sent out over 100 letters but the response rate was low (= few people replied).我们发出了一百多封信,可是回信寥寥。preposition➤in response (to)作为(对⋯的)回应◆in response, she stormed out of the room.她的反应是怒气冲冲地走出了房间。➤response from⋯的回应◆the response from local businesses has been muted.当地商界的反应一直不明确。➤response to对⋯的答覆◆what was their response to the question?他们对这个问题是如何答覆的?phrases➤(a) lack of response缺乏反应◆due to lack of response we have had to cancel the event.由于没什么人参与,我们只好取消了活动。 response /rɪspɒns; name rɪspɑːns/ noun [countable, uncountable] 1.a spoken or written answer (口头的或书面的)回答,答覆◆we are evaluating all the responses we have received. 我们正在评估收到的所有答覆。◆ in response to your enquiry … 对您的询价答覆如下…2.a reaction to sth that has happened or been said 反应;响应◆shareholders gave a mixed response to the offer. 股东对这一出价反应不一。◆the product was developed in response to customer demand. 这种产品是为了应对顾客的需求而开发的。◆the ad campaigns did not generate an immediate sales response (= an increase in sales). 这一广告活动没有使销售量立即增长。 efficient consumer response ☞ response response nounresponse ♦︎ reaction ♦︎ feedback ♦︎ reception ♦︎ welcomethese are all words for what you do, say or think as a result of sth that has happened.这些词均表示对事情的反应、回应、反响。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a response / a reaction / feedback / a reception / a welcome from sb◆a response / reaction / reception / welcome to sb / sth◆in response / reaction to sth◆(a) positive / favourable response / reaction / feedback / reception◆the initial response / reaction / feedback / reception◆(an) immediate response / reaction / feedback / welcome◆(a / an) negative / appropriate / instant response / reaction / feedback◆an enthusiastic response / reaction / reception / welcome◆a lukewarm / mixed / poor / hostile response / reaction / reception◆the critical / public response / reaction / reception◆an emotional response / reaction / welcome◆a friendly / warm / wonderful response / reception / welcome◆to give (sth) / get / have / receive (a) ... response / reaction / feedback / reception / welcome◆to meet with a ... response / reaction / reception■ response [countable, uncountable] what you do or say as a result of sth that has happened or been said(对事情或言论的)反应,回应◆the news provoked an angry response.这条消息引起了人们的愤怒。◆i knocked on the door but there was no response.我敲了门,可是没有回应。◆the product was developed in response to customer demand.为了满足顾客的需要,开发了这种产品。◆there has been little response to our appeal for funds.对我们的筹款呼吁回应寥寥。■ reaction [countable, uncountable] what you do, say, think or feel as a result of sth that has happened(对发生的事的)反应,回应◆what was his reaction to the news?他对这消息有何反应?◆my immediate reaction was one of shock.我的当下反应是大吃一惊。◆there has been a mixed reaction to her appointment as director.对她获任命为主管一事,人们反应不一。note 辨析 response or reaction?your response to sth is what you decide to do or say about it; a reaction is usually less carefully considered and may be what you feel about sth and not a matter of choice at all. * response 指针对某事决定采取的行动或决定要说的话; reaction 通常指未经慎重思考便作出的反应,可能是对某事的感受,而根本不牵涉选择◆there has been little reaction to our appeal for funds. ◆my immediate response was one of shock. ■ feedback /fiːdbæk/ [uncountable] advice, criticism or information about how good or useful sth or sb's work is反馈;反馈意见◆i'd appreciate some feedback on my work.如果有人对我的工作提出意见,我将感激不尽。◆we need both positive and negative feedback from our customers.我们需要顾客正反两方面的反馈意见。■ reception /rɪsepʃn/ [singular] the way that people react to sth, which shows their opinion of it(表明看法的)反应,反响◆her latest album has met with a mixed reception from fans.她的最新唱片在歌迷中反响不一。■ welcome [singular] the way that people react to sth, which shows their opinion of it(表明看法的)反应,反响◆this new comedy deserves a warm welcome.这出新喜剧值得热烈欢迎。◆the proposals were given a cautious welcome by the trade unions.工会谨慎地接受了这些建议。  ➡ see also welcome → welcome verb note 辨析 reception or welcome?a reception is more likely than a welcome to be described using adjectives with negative associations. * reception 比 welcome 更常与产生负面联想的形容词搭配◆a lukewarm / hostile / frosty / critical / cool reception不温不火/敌对/冷若冰霜/挑剔/冷漠的回应both welcome and reception can be described using positive words like warm and friendly. a welcome can, however, also occasionally be cautious or guarded. * welcome 和 reception 均可用 warm 和 friendly 等意义正面的词描述。不过,welcome 偶尔也可用 cautious 或 guarded 来描述。response [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a spoken or written answer to a question, request or suggestion(对问题、请求或建议的)回答,答覆◆95% of customers can expect a response to their enquiries within 10 days.95% 的顾客能在 10 天内得到对所提问题的答覆。◆i knocked on the door but there was no response.我敲了门,可是没有回应。note 辨析 answer, response or reply? reply is slightly more formal than answer and is used especially in written english. it is often used when reporting a conversation or to refer to a written answer to an advertisement or invitation. response is more formal than reply and is often used in business contexts. * reply 比 answer 稍正式,尤用于书面语,常用于引述谈话,或指对广告、邀请的书面答覆。response 又比 reply 正式,常用于商务语境中。response [countable, uncountable] what you do or say as a result of sth that has happened or been said(对事情或言论的)反应,回应◆the news provoked an angry response.这条消息引起了人们的愤怒。◆i knocked on the door but there was no response.我敲了门,可是没有回应。◆the product was developed in response to customer demand.为了满足顾客的需要,开发了这种产品。◆there has been little response to our appeal for funds.对我们的筹款呼吁回应寥寥。response/rɪˈspɒns ||; rɪˈspɑns/noun [c,u] (a) response (to sb/sth) an answer or reaction to sb/sth 回答;回复;反应;回应: ◇i've sent out 20 letters of enquiry but i've had no responses yet. 我已寄出了20封询问信,但还没有收到回复。◇the government acted in response to economic pressure. 政府为对付经济压力而采取行动。 responsesee ⇨ answer 5,6 ⇨ react 3     • • •• ⇨ in response/answer/reply to sth• ⇨ make no reply/response/answer• ⇨ no answer/reply/response re·sponse /rɪ`spɑns; rɪˈspɒns/n [c,u]something that is done or said as a reaction or reply to something else 反应; 回答:◇there was still no response from him. 他仍没作出答复。◇in response to i am writing in response to your advertisement. 我在回复你的广告。




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