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单词 pompous
释义 pompous /pɒmpəs; name pɑːmpəs/ (disapproving) showing that you think you are more important than other people, especially by using long and formal words傲慢自大的;言辞浮夸的◆a pompous official自负的官员◆she made a long, pompous speech.她的演讲篇幅冗长,言辞浮夸。▸ pomposity /pɒmpɒsəti; name pɑːmpɑːsəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆the prince's manner was informal, without a trace of pomposity.王子的态度平易谦和,没有一点傲气。pompous/ˈpɒmpəs ||; ˈpɑmpəs/adj showing that you think you are more important than other people, for example by using long words that sound impressive 自大的;爱炫耀的;自命不凡的 ☞this word is used in a critical way. 这个词用于批评。 pompoussee ⇨ proud 3 pom·pous /`pɑmpəs; ˈpɒmpəs/adjtrying to make people think you are important, especially by using a lot of formal words 自负的,自大的; 言语虚夸的:◇a pompous little man 自大的小男人




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