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单词 paranoid
释义 paranoid /pærənɔɪd/ (rather informal) afraid or suspicious of other people and believing that they are trying to harm you, in a way that is not reasonable多疑的;妄想被害的◆she's getting really paranoid about what other people say about her.她真的越来越猜疑别人对她有什么议论了。◆you're just being paranoid.你这是瞎疑心。  ➡ see also paranoia → fear noun paranoid/ˈpærənɔɪd ||; ˈpærəˌnɔɪd/adj wrongly believing that other people are trying to harm you or are saying bad things about you 有妄想狂或倾向的;多疑的 paranoidsee ⇨ worried/worrying 4 paranoid /`pærənɔɪd; ˈpærənɔɪd/adj◇stop being so paranoid! 别再这样疑神疑鬼了!




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