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单词 parameter
释义 parameter /pəræmɪtə(r)/ noun [countable, usually plural] a target or limit which measures or controls an activity 参数;参量;指标◆key performance parameters 关键的绩考指标◆we had to work within the parameters that had already been established. 我们必须在事先确定的范围之内行事。⨁ performance / price / risk parameters业绩/价格/风险指标 ⨁ financial / investment parameters财务/投资指标 ⨁ to define / establish / set parameters界定/确定/设定指标 ☞ parameterparameter /pəræmɪtə(r)/ [countable, usually plural] (formal) something that marks the limits of what you are considering or how sth can be done规范;范围◆we need to define the parameters of this debate.我们需要为这次辩论设定规范。◆we had to work within the parameters that had already been established.我们必须在设定的范围内工作。parameter/pəˈræmɪtə(r) ||; pəˈræmətɚ/noun [c] [] (formal 正式) something that decides or limits the way in which sth can be done 起决定或限定作用的因素;界限: ◇to set/define the parameters 设定╱明确界限◇we had to work within the parameters that had already been established. 我们必须在已经确立的范围内工作。 pa·ram·e·ter /pə`ræmətə; pəˈræmɪtə/n [c usually plural 一般用复数]a limit on how much should be considered, discussed, included etc 界限,(限制)范围:◇congress will decide on parameters for the investigation. 国会将决定调查范围。




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