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单词 paradox
释义 paradox nounadjective | verb + paradox | preposition | phrases adjective➤apparent, seeming (especially name) 明显的/表面上的矛盾➤great极大的矛盾➤central, fundamental中心矛盾;基本悖论➤curious, interesting, strange古怪的/有趣的/奇怪的矛盾verb + paradox➤create, pose, present形成/建立/构成矛盾◆the facts pose something of a paradox.这些事实有自相矛盾之处。➤address, explore处理/探索悖论➤reveal揭示矛盾➤explain, resolve, solve解释矛盾;解决矛盾preposition➤paradox about关于⋯的矛盾◆the paradox about time is that it seems to go faster as we become older and less active.时间的矛盾之处在于,我们年纪渐长不如以前活跃的时候,它似乎走得更快了。➤paradox between⋯之间的矛盾◆the paradox between the real and the ideal现实与理想之间的矛盾➤paradox in⋯中的矛盾◆the paradox in the relationship between creativity and psychosis创造力和精神病二者关系中的矛盾➤paradox of⋯的矛盾◆the author tackles one of the deepest paradoxes of life.作者就人生中的一个最大悖论进行了探讨。phrases➤by a curious paradox按奇怪的矛盾◆by a curious paradox, the team became less motivated the more games it won.这个队赢的场次越多越没有动力,真是一个奇怪的矛盾。paradox /pærədɒks; name pærədɑːks/ [countable] a person, thing or situation that has two opposite features and seems strange or difficult to understand矛盾的人(或事物、情况)◆he was a paradox-a loner who loved to chat to strangers.他真是个矛盾体,生性孤僻却又喜欢和陌生人攀谈。◆it's a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives.这真是个奇怪的矛盾现象 - 职业喜剧演员的私人生活往往并不快乐。▸ paradoxical adjective◆it is paradoxical that some of the poorest people live in some of the richest areas of the country.某些最贫穷的人却住在这个国家最富裕的一些地区,这似乎很矛盾。paradox/ˈpærədɒks ||; ˈpærəˌdɑks/noun [c] a situation or statement with two or more parts that seem strange or impossible together 看似矛盾的情况;似是而非的说法;吊诡: ◇it's a paradox that some countries produce too much food while in other countries people are starving. 有些国家生产太多食品,而另一些国家的人却在挨饿,真是矛盾。 ➔paradoxical /ˌpærəˈdɒksɪkl ||; ˌpærəˈdɑksɪkḷ/ adj ➔paradoxically /ˌpærəˈdɒksɪkli ||; ˌpærəˈdɑksɪklɪ/ adv paradoxsee ⇨ opposite 4 par·a·dox /`pærəˏdɑks; ˈpærədɒks/n [c]a situation or statement that seems strange or impossible because it contains two opposing ideas, qualities etc 自相矛盾的情况[说法]:◇it's a paradox that there are so many poor people living in such a rich country. 这么富裕的国家内竟然生活着这么多的穷人,真是矛盾。




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