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单词 miserable
释义 miserable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, look, sound苦恼沮丧;感到沮丧;看起来很惨;听起来很糟糕◆we got home feeling tired and miserable.我们回到家,感到又累又沮丧。➤become变得很惨➤make sb/sth使⋯悲惨adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常痛苦▸➤absolutely, completely, thoroughly极度沮丧preposition➤about对⋯感到苦恼◆he felt absolutely miserable about his exams.他感觉考试考得糟透了。miserable /mɪzrəbl/ (of a situation) making you feel very unhappy or uncomfortable(状况)使难受的,使不舒服的,令人不快的◆i spent a miserable weekend alone at home.我独自一人在家度过了一个惨兮兮的周末。◆what a miserable day (= cold and wet)!又冷又湿,多么难受的一天啊!◆the play was a miserable failure.这部剧是个可悲的失败。 ➡ see also misery → distress ▸ miserably adverb◆he failed miserably as an actor.作为演员,他极其失败。note 辨析 depressing or miserable? depressing is used especially to show feelings of sympathy for other people's problems or the bad state of the world in general; miserable usually describes your unhappy feelings about your own situation. * depressing 尤指他人的困难或世界总体上的糟糕状况令人同情,miserable 通常指自身处境令自己不满◆the report on the state of water pollution paints a depressing picture.关于水污染情况的报告描绘了一幅令人沮丧的景象。◆the report on the state of water pollution paints a miserable picture. ◆my school days were thoroughly miserable.我上学时的日子过得惨极了。◆my school days were thoroughly depressing. miserable /mɪzrəbl/ very unhappy or uncomfortable悲惨的;痛苦的;可怜的◆we were cold, wet and thoroughly miserable.我们又冷又湿,凄惨极了。◆she knows how to make life miserable for her employees.她知道如何整治她的雇员。opp cheerful → cheerful  ➡ see also misery → distress ▸ miserably adverb◆they wandered around miserably in the rain.他们可怜兮兮地在雨中走来走去。miserable/ˈmɪzrəbl ||; ˈmɪzrəbḷ/adj1. very unhappy 悲惨的;忧伤的: ◇oh dear, you look miserable. what's wrong? 啊,你看来很不开心,有什么事? 2. unpleasant; making you feel unhappy 令人不愉快的;令人难受的: ◇what miserable weather!(= grey, cold and wet) 多糟的天气! [syn] dismal 同义词为dismal 3. too small or of bad quality 小或少得可怜的;质量差的: ◇i was offered a miserable salary so i didn't take the job. 那份工作的薪金少得可怜,所以我没有接受。 ➔miserably /-əbli ||; -əblɪ/ adv ◇i stared miserably out of the window. 我苦恼地凝望窗外。◇he failed miserably as an actor. 他的演员生涯一败涂地。 miserablesee ⇨ sad 1,4 mis·e·ra·ble /`mɪzərəbḷ; ˈmɪzərəbəl/adj 1. very unhappy 极不愉快的,痛苦的:◇why are you looking so miserable? 你为什么愁眉苦脸的? 2. unpleasant 讨厌的; 令人不舒服的:◇the weather's been pretty miserable all summer. 整个夏季天气都很糟糕。 3. not at all good 极差的:◇nurses tend to earn a miserable salary. 护士的薪水总是少得可怜。




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