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单词 notice
释义 notice noun¹ 1attention注意adjective | verb + notice adjective➤public公众的注意◆the disease came to public notice in the 80s.这一疾病在 80 年代引起公众注意。verb + notice➤take注意◆take no notice of what you read in the papers.不要理会你在论文中读到的东西。➤catch (name) 引起注意◆i caught notice of a small scrap of paper on my desk.我注意到书桌上有一个小纸片。➤come to开始注意◆normally such matters would not come to my notice.一般情况下,这样的事不会引起我的注意。➤bring to使注意▸➤attract引起注意◆the change was too subtle to attract much notice.变化太微妙了,没有引起太多注意。➤escape没注意到◆it won't have escaped your notice that i'm feeling rather pleased with myself.你一定注意到了我对自己相当满意。notice noun² 2written statement告示adjective | verb + notice | notice + verb | preposition adjective➤warning警告verb + notice➤issue, place, post, put up发布告示;发告示;贴告示◆the company has issued warning notices saying that all water should be boiled.公司已发出警告:所有的水必须烧开。➤take down取下告示▸➤read, see读告示;看告示notice + verb➤appear, go up告示贴出/发布◆the notice about his resignation went up this morning.今早发布了有关他辞职的通告。➤say sth, tell sb sth告示说⋯;告示通知某人⋯preposition➤notice about有关⋯的告示◆there are notices about where to park.有告示指示何处可以停车。notice noun³ 3information given in advance事先通知adjective | verb + notice | preposition | phrases adjective➤eviction驱逐通知▸➤written书面通知▸➤advance, prior事先通知;预先的通知➤short临时通知➤reasonable合理的通知verb + notice➤file, give (sb), hand in your提交/给予(某人)/交上通知◆she's given notice that she intends to leave.她已经通知说要离开。➤serve (sb with)将通知送达(给某人)◆the tenants could soon be served with eviction notices.租客们不久就会收到驱逐通知。◆this new law serves notice that criminals will not go unpunished. (figurative) 这一新法宣告不会让罪犯逍遥法外。➤send寄送通知▸➤have, receive持有/接到通知➤need, require需要/要求告知◆the bank requires three days' notice.银行要求提前 3 天告知。preposition➤without notice不事先通知◆they cut off the electricity without notice.他们没有事先通知就断了电。➤notice of⋯的通知◆a landlord must give reasonable notice of his intention to inspect the property.房主打算检查房子的话必须合理地提前告知房客。phrases➤at a moment's notice即时通知◆the team is ready to go anywhere in the world at a moment's notice.该队已经做好随时接获通知奔赴世界各地的准备。➤at short notice, on short notice (name) 接到通知后马上;在短时间内◆it's the best we can do at / on such short notice.提前这么短时间通知,我们已尽力了。➤notice to quit离开的通知◆his landlord gave him two months' notice to quit.房东提前两个月通知他搬走。notice verbadverb | verb + notice | phrases adverb➤not even甚至没有注意到◆my mother probably won't even notice i'm gone.妈妈很可能都不会注意到我已经走了。➤not really没有真正注意到◆nobody really noticed the changes.没有人真正注意到这些变化。➤barely, hardly, scarcely (especially bre) 几乎没注意到▸➤(only) just刚巧注意到◆i must go! i've only just noticed how late it is.我得走了!我才发现已经这么晚了。➤suddenly突然看到▸➤at once, immediately, instantly立刻/马上/立即注意到◆he noticed at once that something was wrong.他立刻意识到出问题了。➤quickly, soon很快/不久注意到▸➤eventually, finally最终/终于发现verb + notice➤fail to没有注意到▸➤not appear to, not seem to似乎没有注意到◆he didn't seem to notice her.他似乎没注意到她。➤pretend not to假装没注意到phrases➤can't help but notice sth, can't help noticing sth禁不住注意到⋯◆you couldn't help noticing how his eyes kept following her.你会不由得注意到他的眼睛一直盯着她。➤the first thing i, he, etc. noticed我首先注意到的东西、他首先注意到的东西等◆the first thing i noticed about him was his eyes.我首先注意到的就是他的眼睛。 notice /nəʊtɪs; name noʊ-/ noun1. [countable] written or printed news or information, usually put in a public place 通告;布告;通知◆posting notices on the firm's internal website 在公司内部网站上发布通知◆legal notices 法律公告2. [uncountable] information or a warning given in advance of sth that is going to happen 预告;警告◆prices may be altered without notice. 价格变动不再另行通知。◆the canteen will remain closed until further notice (= until you are told that it is open again). 食堂停止营业,开业时间另行通知。 (hr 人力资源) [uncountable, countable] a formal letter or statement saying that you will or must leave your job at the end of a particular period of time 辞职信◆she has handed in her notice. 她已递交辞呈。◆they gave him two weeks' notice. 他们通知他两周后离职。◆500 workers have been issued with redundancy notices. 已向 500 名工人发出了裁员通知。 (property 房地产) [uncountable, countable] a formal letter or statement saying that you will or must leave your home at the end of a particular period of time (迁出)通知书◆the agreement allows the tenant to give notice to quit before the end of the contract. 这项协议允许房客在合同期满前发出迁出通知书。◆three families have received notices of eviction. 有三个家庭收到了收回房舍通知书。 ●put sb on noticeto give sb a formal warning about sth that is going to happen or is likely to happen 预先通知;事先声明◆two retailers have been put on notice that they may face fines if they have been fixing the price of popular toys. 两位零售商接到通知称,如果他们继续操纵流行玩具的价格,将面临罚款。  ➡  idiom at short adj. , serve ◇ bankruptcy notice ◇ deficiency notice ◇ money at call and short notice ◇ renewal notice ☞ noticenotice verb  ➡ see also the entries for look verb 1 and see另见 look 动词词条第 1 义和 see 条notice ♦︎ note ♦︎ detect ♦︎ observe ♦︎ witness ♦︎ perceive ♦︎ take sth inthese words all mean to see sth, especially when you pay careful attention to it.这些词均表示看到、注意到。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to notice / note / detect / observe / perceive that...◆to notice / note / detect / observe / perceive how / what / where / who...◆to notice / observe / witness sth happen / sb do sth◆to quickly notice / note / detect / take in sth◆to immediately / suddenly / soon notice / detect / perceive sth◆to just notice / note / observe sth■ notice [transitive, intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to see, hear or become aware of sb/sth; to pay attention to sb/sth看(或听)到;意识到;注意;留意◆the first thing i noticed about the room was the smell.我首先注意到的是这房间里的气味。◆i couldn't help noticing that she was wearing a wig.我一眼就看出她戴着假发。◆i noticed them come into the room.我注意到他们进了房间。◆i didn't notice him leaving.我没看到他离开。◆my husband hardly seems to notice me any more.我丈夫似乎都快要意识不到我的存在了。◆she wears those strange clothes just to get herself noticed.她穿那些奇装异服不过是想引人注意而已。◆people were making fun of him but he didn't seem to notice.人们在拿他开玩笑,但他好像没有意识到。 ➡ see also notice → attention noun , noticeable → visible ■ note [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) (rather formal) to notice or pay careful attention to sth注意;留意◆note the fine early baroque altar inside the chapel.注意小教堂里精致的早期巴洛克风格的祭坛。◆note how these animals sometimes walk with their tails up in the air.注意观察这些动物如何有时翘起尾巴走路。◆it should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted.须请注意,迟交的论文将不予接纳。ⓘ note is very common in business english. * note 在商务英语中很常用◆we note your concerns regarding an increase in costs.我们注意到你们对成本增加的忧虑。◆note that the prices are inclusive of vat.注意这些价格包括增值税。■ detect /dɪtekt/ [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) (rather formal) to discover or notice sth, especially sth that is not easy to see, hear, etc.发现;查明;侦查出◆the tests are designed to detect the disease early.这些检查旨在早日查出疾病。◆this is an instrument that can detect very small amounts of radiation.这是一种能检测到微量辐射的仪器。◆do i detect a note of criticism in your voice?听你的口气,是在批评我吧?■ observe /əbzɜːv; name əbzɜːrv/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (formal) to see or notice sb/sth看到;注意到;观察到◆have you observed any changes lately?最近你注意到什么变化没有?◆he was observed to enter the bank.有人看到他走进了银行。◆all the characters in the novel are closely observed (= seem like people in real life).这部小说中的人物个个栩栩如生。ⓘ this pattern is only used in the passive.此句型仅用于被动语态。  ➡ see also observe → look verb 1 , observer → witness ■ witness [transitive] (rather formal) to see sth happen because you are there when it happens当场看到;目击◆she was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.她被亲眼目睹的暴虐场面惊呆了。◆police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them.警方呼吁目击这一事件的人与他们联系。◆ (formal) the last century witnessed an unprecedented increase in violent crime (= it happened during that period).暴力犯罪在上个世纪空前增多。 ➡ see also witness → witness noun ■ perceive /pəsiːv; name pərsiːv/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (formal) to notice or become aware of sth, especially sth that is not obvious注意到;意识到;察觉到◆i perceived a change in his behaviour over those months.我注意到他的举止在那几个月有些改变。◆the patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing.发现该病人呼吸困难。ⓘ this pattern is usually used in the passive.此句型通常用于被动语态。  ➡ see also perception → awareness ■ take sth in -->phrasal verb(took, took)to notice sth with your eyes注意到;看到◆he took in every detail of her appearance.他仔仔细细打量了她一番。notice [uncountable] the fact of sb paying attention to sb/sth or knowing about sth注意;理会;察觉◆don't take any notice of what you read in the papers.别在意你在报上看到的东西。◆take no notice of what he says.别理会他说的话。◆ (formal) it was susan who brought the problem to my notice (= told me about it).是苏珊使我注意到这个问题的。◆ (formal) it will not have escaped your notice that there have been some changes in the company.你肯定会注意到公司已经发生了一些变化。 ➡ see also notice → notice verb notice [transitive, intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to see, hear or become aware of sb/sth; to pay attention to sb/sth看(或听)到;意识到;注意;留意◆the first thing i noticed about the room was the smell.我首先注意到的是这房间里的气味。◆i couldn't help noticing that she was wearing a wig.我一眼就看出她戴着假发。◆i noticed them come into the room.我注意到他们进了房间。◆i didn't notice him leaving.我没看到他离开。◆my husband hardly seems to notice me any more.我丈夫似乎都快要意识不到我的存在了。◆she wears those strange clothes just to get herself noticed.她穿那些奇装异服不过是想引人注意而已。◆people were making fun of him but he didn't seem to notice.人们在拿他开玩笑,但他好像没有意识到。 ➡ see also notice → attention noun , noticeable → visible notice [countable] a sheet of paper giving written or printed information, usually put in a public place通告;布告;通知◆there was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled.布告牌上有一则通知说这堂课取消了。 ➡ see also notice → sign 2  ➡ see also the entry for leaflet另见 leaflet 条notice [countable] a board or sign giving information, an instruction or a warning公告牌;警示牌◆there was a notice saying 'keep off the grass'.有一块公告牌,上面写着“勿踏草地”。note 辨析 sign or notice?a notice always gives its information, instruction or warning in words. signs often use pictures or symbols. in this meaning sign is a more frequent word, used in a wider range of contexts. * notice 总是以文字形式给出信息、指示或警告,sign 常采用图画或符号的形式。表达此义时 sign 更常用,使用范围也更广◆a road / traffic / street / shop / pub sign道路/交通/街道标志;商店/酒吧招牌◆a road/traffic/shop/pub notice however, notice also has the closely related meaning of 'a piece of paper giving written or printed information'.不过,notice 也可表示“通告、布告、通知”,与本义密切相关。  ➡ see also notice → posternotice [uncountable] information or a warning given in advance of sth that is going to happen, often as part of a plan; a formal letter saying that you will or must leave your job or house预告;通知;辞职信;解雇信;搬迁通知◆you must give one month's notice of your intention to move out of the property.如打算搬家,必须提前一个月通知。◆prices may be altered without notice.如有价格改变,恕不另行通知。◆the bar is closed until further notice (= until you are told that it is open again).酒吧关门停业,直至另行通知。◆he has handed in his notice (= his letter resigning from his job).他已递交了辞呈。notice¹/ˈnəʊtɪs ||; ˈnotɪs/noun1. [u] the act of paying attention to sth or knowing about sth 注意;察觉: ◇the protests are finally making the government take notice. 抗议行动最终引起了政府的关注。◇ take no notice of what he said -- he was just being silly. 不要理会他所说的话─他只是一时胡涂。◇some people don't take any notice of (= choose to ignore) speed limits. 有些人完全不顾速度限制。◇it has come to my noticethat you have missed a lot of classes. 我听说你缺了好多课。 2. [c] a piece of paper or a sign giving information, a warning, etc that is put where everyone can read it 通告;公告;启事: ◇there's a notice on the board saying that the meeting has been cancelled. 布告板上的通告说会议已经取消了。◇the notice said ‘no dogs allowed’. 告示牌上写着:“不得携犬入内”。 3. [u] a warning that sth is going to happen 警告;通知: ◇i can't produce a meal at such short notice! 这么迟才通知我,我没办法做出一顿饭来的!◇i wish you'd give me more noticewhen you're going to be off work. 你什么时候放假,我希望你提前通知我。◇the swimming pool is closed until further notice (= until we are told that it will open again). 游泳池已经关闭,何时开放另行通知。 notice²/ˈnəʊtɪs ||; ˈnotɪs/verb[i,t] (not usually used in the continuous tenses 通常不用于进行时) to see and become conscious of sth 注意到;察觉 [i] ◇‘what kind of car was the man driving?’ ‘i'm afraid i didn't notice.’ “那个男子开的是什么类型的车?”“对不起,我没有注意。”◇i noticed (that) he was carrying a black briefcase. 我看见他提着一个黑色公文包。◇did you notice which direction she went in? 你有没有留意到她向哪个方向走去?◇we didn't notice him leave/him leaving. 我们没有注意到他离去。 ☞ notice/not notice☞ notice¹☞ notice²




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