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单词 scandal
释义 scandal nounadjective | ... of scandals | verb + scandal | scandal + verb | scandal + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, great, major大丑闻;重大丑闻➤current, recent当前的/近期的丑闻▸➤national, public全国皆知的/众所周知的丑闻▸➤abuse, accounting, bribery, corporate, corruption, doping, drug, drugs, financial, political, sex, sexual虐待丑闻;会计造假;贿赂丑闻;公司丑闻;腐败丑闻;兴奋剂丑闻;毒品丑闻;金融丑闻;政治丑闻;性丑闻◆a sex-abuse scandal性虐待丑闻◆the prisoner-abuse scandal虐囚丑闻➤real真正的可耻行为◆the real scandal is that nothing has been done to make sure it doesn't happen again.真正可恨的是,没有采取任何措施确保此类事件不再发生。... of scandals➤series, spate, wave一连串的/接二连三的/一波接一波的丑闻◆the government was rocked by a series of scandals.政府因一连串丑闻受到震动。verb + scandal➤cause, create导致/引起丑闻➤avoid, prevent避免/防止丑闻➤investigate调查丑闻▸➤expose, reveal, uncover使丑闻曝光;透露丑闻;揭露丑闻▸➤cover up, hush up掩盖/遮掩丑闻▸➤be embroiled in, be implicated in, be involved in卷入丑闻;被牵连进丑闻◆there have been calls for the resignation of the official involved in the sex scandal.有呼声要求卷入性丑闻的官员辞职。scandal + verb➤be brewing, break, develop, erupt, unfold丑闻酝酿/曝光/显露/爆出/披露◆the scandal broke on the front pages of all the papers the next day.第二天所有报纸的头版都披露了这一丑闻。➤rock sth丑闻撼动⋯▸➤involve sb/sth将⋯卷入丑闻▸➤engulf sb/sth, surround sb/sth丑闻吞没⋯/包围⋯◆financial scandals surrounding the government困扰政府的金融丑闻scandal + noun➤sheet (= a newspaper that publishes stories intended to shock the public) 刊登丑闻的小报preposition➤in a/the scandal在丑闻中◆he was imprisoned for his part in the bribery scandal.他因牵涉贿赂丑闻而入狱。➤scandal over对⋯的反感◆the scandals over corruption in public life公务腐败引起的愤慨phrases➤the centre/center of a scandal丑闻的中心◆the apartment was paid for by the bank at the centre / center of the scandal.这套公寓是由身处丑闻中心的那家银行付款购买的。➤a hint of scandal, a suggestion of scandal丑闻的迹象◆until the story was published there had been no hint of scandal.这宗丑闻在公开报道之前没有露出半点儿迹象。➤in the wake of a scandal丑闻曝光后◆in the wake of recent accounting scandals, new cases have come to light.继最近几宗会计丑闻之后,又有新案件曝光。scandal [uncountable] (disapproving) talk or news reports about shocking or immoral things that people have done, that are usually unkind and may not be true关于丑行的传言(或报道);丑闻◆the newspapers are full of scandal about her private life.报上充斥着她的私生活丑闻。ⓘ (a) scandal [countable, uncountable] is an event or behaviour that people think is morally or legally wrong and causes public feelings of shock or anger. * scandal 指人们认为在道德或法律上有错并引起公众震惊或愤怒情绪的事件或行为◆a series of sex scandals一系列性丑闻◆to cause / create a scandal引发丑闻◆the scandal broke (= became known to the public) in 2006.这桩丑行是在 2006 年披露的。◆there has been no hint of scandal during his time in office.他在任期间没有任何丑闻。scandal/ˈskændl ||; ˈskændḷ/noun1. [c,u] an action, a situation or behaviour that shocks people; the public feeling that is caused by such behaviour 令人震惊的行为或情况;丑闻;公愤: ◇the chairman resigned after being involved in a financial scandal. 主席卷入一宗财务丑闻,结果辞职了。◇there was no suggestion of scandal in his private life. 他的私生活与丑闻完全沾不上边儿。◇the poor state of school buildings is a real scandal. 不少学校的校舍日久失修,情况令人震惊。 2. [u] talk about sth bad or wrong that sb has or may have done 流言蜚语;闲话;坏话: ◇to spread scandal about sb 散布有关某人的流言 scandalsee ⇨ news 1 scan·dal /`skændḷ; ˈskændl/n [c,u]something that happens that people think is immoral or shocking 丑闻,丑事:◇a scandal involving several important politicians 涉及数位政界要人的一个丑闻◇reporters are always looking for scandal and gossip. 记者老是在挖掘丑闻,捕捉流言蜚语。




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