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单词 superstore
释义 superstore /suːpəstɔː(r); name suːpərs-/ noun [countable] 1.a very large supermarket that sells a wide variety of goods 大型超市;大型商场◆shopping at an out-of-town superstore 在市郊的大型超市购物⨁ an edge-of-town / out-of-town superstore城边/市郊的大型超市 ⨁ a superstore chain / giant / group / operator / retailer大型超市连锁店/巨人/集团/营运商/零售商 2.a large shop/store that sells a wide variety of one type of goods, often at lower prices than normal (低价出售各式各样单一种类商品的)大型商店  ➡  see note at shop ⨁ a computer / diy / an office / a toy / used-car superstore计算机/ diy /办公用品/玩具/二手车商店 ⨁ a discount superstore折扣商店 ⨁ a superstore chain / giant / group / operator / retailer连锁商店;巨型商店;大型商店集团;大型商店营运商;大型零售商 ☞ superstoresuperstore/ˈsu:pəstɔ:(r) ||; ˈsupɚˌstɔr/noun [c] a very large shop that sells food or a wide variety of one particular type of goods (出售食物或某类货品的)大型商店,大型超级市场 superstoresee ⇨ shop/store 3 super·store /`supəˏstɔr; ˈsuːpəstɔː/n [c]bre a very large shop that sells many different types of goods, usually just outside a town 【英】 [一般位于镇外、售卖各类商品的]超级商场,大型商场




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