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单词 spooky
释义 spooky adjective (informal) verbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, sound令人毛骨悚然;感觉阴森;看起来怪异;听起来怪异▸➤become, get开始令人毛骨悚然◆it got a little spooky when james started telling ghost stories.詹姆斯开始讲鬼故事的时候,有点儿让人寒毛直竖了。➤find sth发现⋯阴森可怕◆i find the whole place really rather spooky.我觉得这整个地方真的有点儿瘮人。adverb➤dead (informal, especially bre) , decidedly, downright (informal, especially name) , really, very非常瘮人;十分阴森诡异▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/稍微瘮人spooky /spuːki/ (informal) strange and frightening瘮人的;阴森恐怖的◆a spooky old house阴森森的老房子◆i was just thinking about her when she phoned, which was a bit spooky.我正在想她,她就来电话了,怪恐怖的。spooky/ˈspu:ki ||; ˈspukɪ/adj (informal 非正式) strange and frightening 阴森恐怖的;令人毛骨悚然的: ◇it's spooky being in the house alone at night. 晚上独处这幢房子内令人胆战心惊。 spookysee ⇨ frightened/frightening 5 ⇨ ghost 2 spook·y /`spukɪ; ˈspuːki/adjinformal strange and frightening 【非正式】 阴森恐怖的,骇人的:◇a spooky old house 阴森恐怖的老房子




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