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单词 handful
释义 handful noun¹ 1amount that can be held in one hand一把的量adjective | preposition adjective➤good满满一把▸➤double两把◆she bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.她弯下腰拔了两把野草。preposition➤handful of一把⋯◆she grabbed handfuls of the dirty snow.她抓了几把脏雪。handful noun² 2small number of people/things少的数量adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤small, tiny寥寥无几;零星几个▸➤mere区区几个◆having to cope with a mere handful of staff was too much for her.不得不靠区区几名员工支撑局面,这对她来说太难了。➤good, large好几个;一大把◆she has a good handful of hollywood roles under her belt.她取得了好几个好莱坞角色。preposition➤handful of几个⋯◆only a handful of people know the true situation.只有几个人知道实情。phrases➤just a handful of sth, only a handful of sth只有几个⋯◆we have received only a small handful of letters on this subject.关于这个问题的来信我们只收到寥寥几封。handful/ˈhændfʊl ||; ˈhændfυl/noun1. [c] a handful (of sth) as much or as many of sth as you can hold in one hand 一把的量: ◇a handful of sand 一把沙子 2. [sing] a small number (of sb/sth) 少量;少数: ◇only a handful of people came to the meeting. 出席会议的人寥寥无几。 3. a handful [sing] (informal 非正式) a person or an animal that is difficult to control 难以控制的人或动物: ◇the little girl is quite a handful. 这个小妮子可不容易管教。 handful• ⇨ a handful hand·ful /`hændˏfl; ˈhændfʊl/n 1. [c] an amount that you can hold in your hand 一把:◇+ of a handful of nuts 一把坚果 2. a handful of a small number of people or things 少数人[物]:◇only a handful of people came to the meeting. 只有几个人来参加了会议。




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