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单词 petty
释义 petty [usually before noun] (usually disapproving) small and not important; not deserving serious attention小的;琐碎的;无足轻重的◆i don't want to hear any more about your petty squabbles.我再也不想听到你们那些小口角了。◆there are plenty of petty bureaucrats (= who do not have much power or authority) who would report you for that.有很多小官僚会为那件事告发你。◆the removal of petty restrictions has made life easier.解除了各种琐碎的限制后,日子变得轻松了一些。ⓘ petty is used especially to talk about crimes and conflicts that are not very serious. * petty 尤用以形容不太严重的罪行和冲突◆petty crime / theft / corruption / tyranny轻微罪行;小偷小摸;轻微的腐败/专制◆a petty criminal / thief / tyrant轻罪犯;小窃贼;小暴君◆petty squabbles / jealousies / feuds小口角;小小的妒忌/不和petty/ˈpeti ||; ˈpɛtɪ/adj1. small and unimportant 小的;琐碎的;不重要的: ◇he didn't want to get involved with the petty details. 他不想牵扯到琐碎的细节。◇petty crime/theft (= that is not very serious) 轻微罪行;小偷小摸 2. unkind or unpleasant to other people (for a reason that does not seem very important) 气量小;心胸狭窄;小器;小心眼: ◇petty jealousy/revenge 心胸狭窄的妒忌╱报复 pettysee ⇨ unimportant 1 pet·ty /`pɛtɪ; ˈpeti/adj 1. something that is petty is not serious or important 微不足道的,琐碎的:◇a petty argument 小争吵◇petty crime (=crime that is not very serious) 轻罪 2. caring too much about small, unimportant rules or details 心胸狭窄的,小气的:◇she can be very petty about money. 她对钱可以是锱铢必较的。




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