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单词 recently
释义 recentlyadverb◆we received a letter from him recently.我们不久前收到了他的一封信。◆i haven't seen them recently (= it is some time since i saw them).我近来没见过他们。recentlyadverb◆we received a letter from him recently.我们不久前收到了他的一封信。◆i haven't seen them recently (= it is some time since i saw them).我近来没见过他们。recently/ˈri:sntli ||; ˈrisṇtlɪ/adv not long ago 不久前;近来: ◇she worked here until quite recently. 不久之前她还在这里工作。◇have you seen paul recently? 你最近见过保罗没有? recently can refer to both a point in time and a period of time. if it refers to a point in time, use the past simple tense he got married recently. if it refers to a period, use the present perfect or present perfect continuous tense i haven't done anything interesting recently. she's been working hard recently. lately can only refer to a period of time. it is used only with the present perfect or present perfect continuous tense i've seen a lot of films lately. i've been spending too much money lately. recently可以指一个时间点或一段时间。指一个时间点,用简单过去时:he got married recently.他最近结婚了。指一段时间,则用现在完成时或现在完成进行时:i haven't done anything interesting recently.我最近没有做过什么有趣的事情。·she's been working hard recently.她近来一直很努力工作。lately只用于指一段时间,要用现在完成时或现在完成进行时:i've seen a lot of films lately.我近来看了很多部电影。·i've been spending too much money lately.我最近钱花得太多了。recently1 only a short time ago2 happening over a period of time up to the present3 words for describing an event that has happened recently4 words for describing news or information that is recentrelated wordssee alsopast,before,1. only a short time ago 仅在一段短时间之前 recently /ˈriːsəntli/ [adverb] if something happened recently, it happened a short time before now, especially a few days or weeks ago 最近,近来[尤指几天或几周前] the president has recently returned from a five day tour of south america. 总统在南美洲进行了为期五天的访问,最近刚刚回来。only recently a new species of plant that was only recently discovered in southern brazil 最近才在巴西南部发现的植物新品种until recently he lived in boston until quite recently. 直到最近为止他一直住在波士顿。 until recently, commercial fishermen had been allowed to shoot sea lions if they tried to steal their catch. 直至最近,商业渔民才获准在海狮打算偷吃他们的渔获的情况下将其射杀。very recently ‘when did she go back to italy?’ ‘oh, very recently - just a couple of days ago.’ “她什么时候回意大利的?”“噢,最近,就几天前。”as recently as used when something happened surprisingly recently 像…一样近 as recently as the mid sixties, nelson rockefeller was considered unsuitable for the presidency because he had once been divorced. 在60年代中期这么近的年代,尼尔森·洛克菲勒仍被认为因为离过婚而不适合当总统。recently discovered/completed/built etc a recently published textbook 最近出版的教科书 the recently industrialized countries of southeast asia 最近进入工业化的东南亚国家 not long ago /nɒt ˌlɒŋ əˈgəʊǁ-ˌlɔːŋ-/ [adverb] in the recent past 不久以前 not long ago, computers were crude, unreliable machines, used by only a few experts. 不久以前,电脑还是只有少数专家使用的既简陋又不可靠的机器。 not long ago i asked a friend what her children gave her for her birthday. ‘peace,’ she said. ‘they went out for the day.’ 不久前我问一位朋友她的孩子给了她什么样的生日礼物。“清静,”她说,“那天他们出去了。”not so long ago there was a time not so long ago when everyone felt confident about investing in property. 不久前有段时间大家都对地产投资有信心。 a short time ago /ə ˌʃɔːʳt ˈtaɪm əˌgəʊ/ [adverb] very recently 一会儿之前 so what is the government's reaction to this news? a short time ago our political correspondent jon lander spoke to the foreign secretary, robin cook. 那么政府对此消息有什么反应?我们的政治记者乔恩·兰德不久前刚与外交大臣罗宾·库克交谈过。 the red wolf survived until a short time ago in east texas, but is now believed extinct in the wild. 直至不久前,红狼还在得克萨斯东部生活,现在据说在野生环境下已经灭绝了。only/just a short time ago seeing the tramp, thomas remembered how he himself had been poor only a short time ago. 看到这个流浪汉,托马斯想起了就在不久前他自己还是多么的贫穷。 newly /ˈnjuːliǁˈnuːli/ [adverb] newly formed/created/appointed/married etc formed, married etc very recently, especially during the last few days or weeks 新成立/新创造/新任命/新婚等[尤在过去的几天或几周] a newly married couple have moved into the house next door. 一对新婚夫妇住进了隔壁的房子。 the group meets regularly in the newly built chinese community center. 这个小组定期在新近建成的华人社区中心聚会。 mr chandler is now director of the company's newly formed publishing division. 钱德勒先生现在是新近成立的出版部的经理。 freshly /ˈfreʃli/ [adverb] freshly cut/cooked/made/painted etc cut, cooked etc a very short time ago, especially during the last few minutes or hours 刚切好/烧好/造好/油漆好的等[尤在过去的几分钟或几小时] there's a pot of freshly made coffee on the kitchen table. 餐桌上有一壶刚刚冲好的咖啡。 add one clove of freshly crushed garlic. 加上一瓣刚刚捣碎的大蒜。 someone had placed a bunch of freshly cut roses on her desk. 有人在她桌上放了一束刚刚剪下的玫瑰。 at the beginning of term the school looked bright and clean with its freshly painted walls and polished floors. 学期刚开始,学校里的墙壁刚刚粉刷一新,地板也刚擦亮过,看上去又明亮又清洁。 the other day /ði ˌʌðəʳ ˈdeɪ/ [adverb] spoken use this to say that something happened or you did something recently 【口】最近,前几天 i met lucy the other day outside budgens. 前几天我在巴珍斯超市外碰到露西。 well, did my dad tell you what happened to me in the car the other day? 哎,我爸爸有没有告诉你前几天我在车里发生的事?just the other day i can't believe this weather - it was freezing just the other day! 我真搞不懂这天气,前两天还冷得要命! a short/little while ago /ə ˌʃɔːʳt, ˌlɪtl ˈwaɪl əˌgəʊ/ [adverb] a short time ago, usually not more than a few hours 一会儿之前[一般不超过几个小时] ‘is there a mrs lambert staying at the hotel?’ ‘yes, she checked in a short while ago.’ “有个兰伯特夫人住在这家旅馆吗?”“有,她刚刚办好入住手续。”just a short/little while ago bobby's attorney gave me a call just a little while ago, to talk about the terms of the will. 博比的律师刚刚打电话给我,谈了谈遗嘱的条款。 a little while back /ə ˌlɪtl waɪl ˈbæk/ [adverb] informal fairly recently, usually a few weeks or months ago 【非正式】前不久[一般指几个星期或几个月以前] i broke my leg a little while back when i fell off a horse. 前不久我从马上摔下来,折断了腿。2. happening over a period of time up to the present 在直到目前为止的一段时间内发生的 recently /ˈriːsəntli/ [adverb] use this to say that something has been happening for a few weeks or months, and it is still happening now 近来,最近 her school work has been much better recently. 近来她的功课进步多了。 i haven't been feeling well recently. 最近我身体不好。just recently just recently i've been thinking about changing my job. 就在最近我在考虑换工作。more recently more recently, banks have offered customers the opportunity to change to pc or telephone banking. 最近银行为客户提供了改为使用个人电脑或电话理财的服务。 lately /ˈleɪtli/ [adverb] in the recent past until now, especially during the weeks or days closest to now 最近[尤指最近的几天或几个星期] the company went through a bad time last year, but lately things have been improving. 去年公司很不景气,不过最近情况开始好转了。 i've been really busy lately, so i haven't been out much. 近来我非常忙,所以不大外出。 i don't know what's come over angela lately -- she's so moody. 我不知道安杰拉最近出什么事了她情绪这么低落。 in the last/past few weeks/months etc /ɪn ðə ˌlɑːst, ˌpɑːst fjuː ˈwiːksǁ-ˌlæst, ˌpæst-/ [adverb] during the weeks or months closest to now 在过去的几个星期/几个月等里 things have changed quite dramatically in the past few months. 最近几个月情况发生了相当富于戏剧性的变化。 i've been thinking about kevin a lot in the last few days. i wonder how he's getting on? 近几天我经常想到凯文,不知道他怎么样了? in the past few years, 30,000 of these high-rise housing units have been torn down. 近几年来这些高层建筑物中有三万幢被拆毁了。 in recent weeks/months etc /ɪn ˌriːsənt ˈwiːks/ [adverb] formal during the weeks or months closest to now - used especially in news reports 【正式】在最近的几个星期/几个月等里[尤用于新闻报道中] in recent months there have been rumors of at least two attempted coups. 最近几个月以来有传闻说至少发生了两次未遂的政变。 illicit drug use - notably marijuana - has been increasing in recent years, especially among the young. 近年来使用违禁药品—特别是大麻—的人数在增加,尤其是青年人。3. words for describing an event that has happened recently 描述最近发生的某一事件的词语 recent /ˈriːsənt/ [adjective usually before noun] use this about something that happened recently, especially a few days or weeks ago. 最近的[尤指几天或几周前] he hadn't completely recovered from his recent illness. 他最近生了病,还未完全康复。 a recent report said that small amounts of alcohol are good for the health. 最近有报道说少量饮酒对健康有益。 the team returned to a heroes’ welcome after their recent success in the european championships. 球队最近在欧洲锦标赛上得胜归来,受到了英雄般的欢迎。 latest /ˈleɪtɪst, ˈleɪtəst/ [adjective usually before noun] someone's latest book, record, film etc is the one produced most recently; someone's latest action is the one that happened most recently 最新的[书、唱片、电影等];最近的[行动] in her latest movie she plays an la cop. 在最近的一部影片中,她扮演一名洛杉矶警察。 the latest attempt to reach a peace settlement ended in failure. 最近一次和平解决的尝试以失败告终。the latest the latest one 最近的 this is the latest in a series of mafia killings. 这是黑手党一连串谋杀事件中最近的一次。4. words for describing news or information that is recent 描述最新的消息或信息的词语 latest /ˈleɪtɪst, ˈleɪtəst/ [adjective usually before noun] the latest news, information etc is the most recent news, information etc 最新的[消息、信息等] tune into radio 5 live for the latest news and sport. 调到电台实况五台收听最新的新闻和体育报道。 for the latest information visit the german national tourist office website at htt// 要了解最新信息,可浏览德国国家旅游局网站,网址是:。 the girls spent the evening catching up on the latest gossip. 女孩子们整个晚上都在聊一些最近流传的闲言碎语。the latest the latest news 最新消息 have you heard the latest? nicky's getting married. 你听说最新消息了吗?尼基要结婚了。 up-to-date /ˌʌp tə ˈdeɪt◂/ [adjective] up-to-date information is the most recent and correct information [信息]最新的,最近的 is this map up-to-date? it doesn't seem to show the new road. 这张地图是最新的吗?好像没有标出这条新路。 foreign embassies or consulates in the united states can provide up-to-date information on their countries. 在美国的外国大使馆或领事馆可以提供关于他们自己国家的最新信息。 up-to-the-minute /ˌʌp tə ðə ˈmɪnə̇t◂/ [adjective only before noun] up-to-the-minute news or information is the most recent news or information about something that is likely to change very quickly all the time 直到最近的,最新的[随时变化着的消息或信息] visit for up-to-the-minute results and sports news. 进入www.sportsfanatic.com可看到最新的比赛结果和体育新闻。 a computer link with wall street gives traders up-to-the-minute market data worldwide. 与华尔街进行电脑联网使证券交易人士了解全世界的最新市场情况。 re·cent·ly /`risṇtlɪ; ˈriːsəntli/adv 1. not long ago 不久前:◇they recently moved from south africa. 他们不久前从南非搬来。 2. in the period of time just before now 近来,最近:◇i haven't seen him recently. 最近我没有见到过他。 ☞ recently




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