释义 |
poˌlitically corˈrectadj (abbr pc) used to describe language or behaviour that carefully avoids offending particular groups of people (用于表示在语言或行为上很谨慎,避免得罪某群体的人)政治上得体或恰当 ➔poˌlitical corˈrectness noun [u] politically cor·rect /·ˌ··· ·ˈ·/ also 又作 pcadjspeaking or behaving in a way that shows you are being careful not to offend women, people of a particular race, disabled people etc [语言、行为]政治上正确的[即避免冒犯女性、某种族的人、残疾人士等的]:◇it's not politically correct to say 'handicapped' anymore. 说 handicapped (残废)不再是政治正确了。 |