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单词 mainstay
释义 mainstay/ˈmeɪnsteɪ ||; ˈmenˌste/noun [c] a person or thing that is the most important part of sth, which makes it possible for it to exist or to be successful 主要依靠;主要支柱;台柱;靠山: ◇cocoa is the mainstay of the country's economy. 可可粉是该国经济的支柱。 main·stay /`menˏste; ˈmeɪnsteɪ/n [c]the most important part of something, which makes it possible for it to work correctly or to continue to exist 主要依靠; 支柱:◇farming is still the mainstay of our country's economy. 农业仍是我国的经济支柱。




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