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单词 age¹
释义 age¹ /edʒ; eɪdʒ/n 1. [c,u] the number of years that someone has lived or that something has existed 年龄; 存在时间:◇games for children of all ages 适合任何年龄儿童玩的游戏◇patrick is about my age. (=he is about the same age as me) 帕特里克的年龄和我差不多。◇at the age of 12/50 etc jamie won his first tournament at the age of 15. 杰米在 15 岁的时候第一次赢了锦标赛。◇4/15 etc years of age formal (=4,15 etc years old) 【正式】 四岁/十五岁等◇for his/her age (=compared with other people the same age) 以他/她的年龄来说: judy's very tall for her age. 以她的年龄来说,朱迪很高。 2. under age not old enough to be legally allowed to do something 没到法定年龄:◇i can't buy you a drink, you're under age. 我不能给你买酒喝,你还没到法定年龄。 3. [u] when something is old年老; 老; 时间久:◇a letter that was brown with age 因时间太久而泛黄的信 4. [c] a particular period of history 历史时期,时代:◇the computer age 电脑时代◇the history of painting through the ages 几世纪以来的绘画史 5. come of age to reach the age at which you are legally considered to be an adult 成年,到达法定年龄 6. age group the people who are a particular age, considered as a group 某个年龄(段)的人,年龄群:◇a book for children in the 8-12 age group 对象为八到十二岁年龄群儿童的书→ see also 另见 ages, old age




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