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单词 rush²
释义 rush²n 1. [singular 单数] a sudden fast movement, especially by a crowd [尤指一群人的]冲,奔:◇make a rush for sth we all made a rush for the seats at the front. 我们都冲上去抢前排的座位。 2. [singular 单数,u] a situation in which you need to hurry 匆忙:◇we have plenty of time. there's no rush. 我们有足够的时间,没必要匆匆忙忙。◇be in a rush i can't stop — i'm in a rush. 我不能停下,我要赶时间。◇a rush to do sth there's a big rush to get tickets. 大家都去抢购门票。 3. the rush the time when a lot of people are doing something, for example travelling or shopping [旅行、购物等的]繁忙时期:◇the christmas rush 圣诞节购物热潮 4. [c usually plural 一般用复数] a tall grass or plant that grows near a river and is used to make baskets etc 灯心草




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