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单词 minor
释义 minor adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem较轻微;似乎较不重要adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常微不足道◆this is a very minor operation and there is very little risk involved.这是个很小的手术,没有什么风险。➤comparatively, relatively比较/相对轻微◆that's a relatively minor matter-we can leave it till later.相对来说那是件小事,我们可以留待以后解决。➤apparently, seemingly貌似不重要;表面上看不严重 minor /maɪnə(r)/ adjective [usually before noun] not very large, important or serious 较小的;不重要的;不严重的◆we've had a few minor problems. 我们遇到了一些小问题。◆there may be some minor changes to the plan. 计划可能会有一些微小的改动。◆the company is a minor player in the car industry. 这家公司在汽车产业是个不起眼的角色。 opp major minor /maɪnə(r)/ noun [countable] a person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions 未成年人◆minors require the consent of their parents. 未成年人须要征得其父母的同意。☞ minor☞ minor minor adjective  ➡ see also the entry for slight另见 slight 条minor ♦︎ trivial ♦︎ petty ♦︎ insignificant ♦︎ peripheral ♦︎ light ♦︎ unimportantthese words all describe people or things that are not important or do not deserve serious attention.这些词均表示不重要的、次要的、无足轻重的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆minor / trivial / petty / peripheral / unimportant things◆a minor / trivial / petty problem◆minor / trivial / insignificant / unimportant details◆a minor / a trivial / an insignificant matter / incident◆a minor / trivial / petty offence◆minor / petty crime / theft / criminals◆a minor / trivial ailment◆a trivial / an insignificant / an unimportant fact◆very minor / trivial / petty / insignificant / light / unimportant◆apparently / seemingly minor / trivial / insignificant / unimportant■ minor [usually before noun] not very large, important or serious较小的;次要的;轻微的◆the new plan involves widening a minor road through the valley.新规划包括拓宽一条穿过山谷的小路。◆there may be some minor changes to the schedule.时间安排上也许会有些小变动。◆women played a relatively minor role in the organization.妇女在这个组织中发挥着相对次要的作用。◆the cd contains a number of delightful short pieces by minor composers.这张光碟内有几首由不太出名的作曲家创作的欢快的短曲。◆both the driver and the passenger suffered minor injuries.司机和乘客两人都受了轻伤。◆you may need to undergo minor surgery.你也许得做个小手术。opp major → main , serious , severe → serious 1 ■ trivial /trɪviəl/ (often disapproving) not important or serious; not worth worrying about不重要的;琐碎的;微不足道的◆i didn't want to bother you with such a trivial matter.我不想拿这样的琐事来烦你。◆i know it sounds trivial, but i'm worried about it.我知道这事听起来微不足道,但我还是放心不下。ⓘ trivial is used especially to talk about an incident, a matter or a detail. people also often say that sth is too trivial to bother about/worry about/mention/make a fuss about. * trivial 尤用以形容 incident、matter 和 detail ;常见的搭配还有 be too trivial to bother about/worry about/mention/make a fuss about。▸ triviality /trɪviæləti/ noun [countable, uncountable] ◆ (disapproving) i don't want to waste time on trivialities.我不想把时间浪费在琐事上。◆his speech was one of great triviality.他的讲话无足轻重。■ petty [usually before noun] (usually disapproving) small and not important; not deserving serious attention小的;琐碎的;无足轻重的◆i don't want to hear any more about your petty squabbles.我再也不想听到你们那些小口角了。◆there are plenty of petty bureaucrats (= who do not have much power or authority) who would report you for that.有很多小官僚会为那件事告发你。◆the removal of petty restrictions has made life easier.解除了各种琐碎的限制后,日子变得轻松了一些。ⓘ petty is used especially to talk about crimes and conflicts that are not very serious. * petty 尤用以形容不太严重的罪行和冲突◆petty crime / theft / corruption / tyranny轻微罪行;小偷小摸;轻微的腐败/专制◆a petty criminal / thief / tyrant轻罪犯;小窃贼;小暴君◆petty squabbles / jealousies / feuds小口角;小小的妒忌/不和■ insignificant (rather formal, especially written) not big or valuable enough to be considered important微不足道的;无足轻重的◆these results are statistically insignificant.在统计学的意义上,这些结果无关紧要。◆the levels of chemicals in the river are not insignificant.河水中化学物质的含量不容忽视。◆he made her feel insignificant and stupid.他让她感到自己卑微愚蠢。ⓘ not insignificant is a rather formal way of saying that sth is actually quite important, or more important than people might think. insignificant can also be used to talk about a person who seems or feels as if they are not important or have no influence. * not insignificant 是颇为正式的用法,表示某事实际上很重要,或者比人们想像的更为重要。insignificant 亦可表示某人看起来或觉得自己似乎不重要或没有影响力。 opp significant → important ▸ insignificance noun [uncountable] ◆her own problems paled into insignificance beside this terrible news.跟这个可怕的消息相比,她自己的问题就显得微不足道了。opp significance → importance ■ peripheral /pərɪfərəl/ (formal, especially business尤用于商业) not as important as the main aim or part of an activity次要的;附带的◆the experiment looks at subjects' ability to take in peripheral information.这项实验要考查实验对象吸收辅助信息的能力。◆fund-raising is peripheral to their main activities.与他们的主要活动相比,筹集资金是次要的。ⓘ peripheral is used especially to talk about information or details, or activities and developments. * peripheral 尤用以形容 information、detail、activity 和 development。  ➡ see also periphery → edge noun ■ light entertaining rather than serious and not needing much mental effort娱乐性的;消遣性的;轻松的◆do you need some light reading for the beach?你是否需要一些在海边休闲时看的消遣读物?◆a concert of light classical music古典轻音乐会ⓘ light is used especially to talk about leisure activities. * light 尤用以形容休闲活动◆light reading / fiction / entertainment / comedy / music / opera消遣读物;轻松的小说/娱乐;轻喜剧;轻音乐;轻歌剧■ unimportant (especially written) not important; not deserving serious attention不重要的;次要的;无足轻重的◆don't worry about these unimportant details.别为这些细枝末节烦恼。◆they dismissed the problem as unimportant.他们认为这个问题无关紧要而不予理会。opp important → important minor [countable] (law法律) a young person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions未成年人◆it is an offence to serve alcohol to minors.向未成年人提供含酒精饮料是违法行为。◆he was jailed for having sex with a minor.他因与未成年人发生性行为而入狱。 opp adult → adult minor [usually before noun] not very large, important or serious较小的;次要的;轻微的◆the new plan involves widening a minor road through the valley.新规划包括拓宽一条穿过山谷的小路。◆there may be some minor changes to the schedule.时间安排上也许会有些小变动。◆women played a relatively minor role in the organization.妇女在这个组织中发挥着相对次要的作用。◆the cd contains a number of delightful short pieces by minor composers.这张光碟内有几首由不太出名的作曲家创作的欢快的短曲。◆both the driver and the passenger suffered minor injuries.司机和乘客两人都受了轻伤。◆you may need to undergo minor surgery.你也许得做个小手术。opp major → main , serious , severe → serious 1 minor¹/ˈmaɪnə(r) ||; ˈmaɪnɚ/adj1. not very big, serious or important (when compared with others) 较小的;程度较轻的;次要的: ◇it's only a minor problem. don't worry. 这只是个小问题,不用担心。◇she's gone into hospital for a minor operation. 她进了医院接受小手术。 [opp] major 反义词为major 2. of one of the two types of key¹(4) in which music is usually written (音乐)小调的: ◇a symphony in f minor f小调交响曲 ☞look at major. 参看major。minor²/ˈmaɪnə(r) ||; ˈmaɪnɚ/noun [c] (used in law) a person who is not legally an adult (用于法律)未成年的人 in britain you are a minor until you are eighteen when you come of age. 在英国,minor指未满十八岁的少年。 minorsee ⇨ small 4 ⇨ unimportant 1 ⇨ young 4     • • •• ⇨ be of secondary/minor/less etc importance☞ minor¹☞ minor²☞ minor³




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