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单词 slash
释义 slash verb¹ 1cut砍adverb | preposition adverb➤wildly疯狂地乱砍preposition➤at, through朝⋯砍;把⋯砍断◆he slashed through the rope.他砍断了那条绳子。➤with用⋯砍◆he slashed wildly at me with a knife.他挥着刀子疯狂地向我砍来。slash verb² 2reduce降低adverb | preposition adverb➤dramatically, drastically突然/急剧降低◆the company dramatically slashed its forecasts for annual profits.该公司大幅降低了年度利润预测。➤aggressively大幅削减➤in half降低了一半◆inflation was slashed in half.通货膨胀率降低了一半。preposition➤by削减了⋯◆his salary was slashed by 20%.他的工资降了 20%。➤from, to从⋯减少;减少到⋯◆the discount could be slashed from 15% to 10%.折扣率可能从 15% 降低至 10%。 slash /slæʃ/ verb [transitive] (often be slashed) (often used in newspapers) to reduce sth by a large amount (常用于报章)大幅度降低,削减◆to slash costs/prices 大幅度降低成本/价格◆the workforce has been slashed by half. 职工人数被裁减了一半。 slash /slæʃ/ noun [countable] the symbol (/) used to show alternatives, as in ‘lunch and/or dinner’ and ‘4/5 people’ and to write fractions , as in ‘3/4’ 斜线;斜杠  ➡  backslash , forward slash ☞ slash☞ slashslash [transitive, often passive] (rather informal, journalism新闻) to reduce sth by a large amount大幅削减;大大降低◆the workforce has been slashed by half.职工人数裁减了一半。◆a slump in the retail trade has forced the company to slash prices.零售行业不景气迫使那家公司大幅降价。slash [transitive] to make a long cut with a sharp object, especially in a violent way(用利器)砍,劈◆someone had slashed the tyres on my car.有人割破了我汽车的轮胎。◆she tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists.她试图割腕自杀。◆we had to slash our way through the undergrowth with sticks.我们挥舞着木棍一路劈砍,才在灌木丛中开出一条路前行。◆he slashed at his opponent with his sword.他挥剑砍向对手。slash¹/slæʃ ||; slæʃ/verb1. [i,t] slash (at) sb/sth to make or try to make a long cut in sth with a violent movement 砍;割 2. [t] to reduce an amount of money, etc very much 大幅度削减(价钱等): ◇the price of coffee has been slashed by 20%. 咖啡的价格跌了约两成。 slash²/slæʃ ||; slæʃ/noun[c] 1. a sharp movement made with a knife, etc in order to cut sb/sth (刀等的)砍,劈 2. a long narrow wound or cut (狭长的)伤口,刀伤 3. (brit also 英亦作 oblique) the symbol (/) used to show alternatives(= various possibilities), for example ‘lunch and/or dinner’, and also to write fractions, as in ‘1/6’ 斜线号(╱)(用于表示供选择的事物,如lunch and/or dinner,也用于写分数,如在 1/6) ☞look at backslash. 参看backslash。 slashsee ⇨ cheap 6 ⇨ cut 1 ⇨ reduce 1☞ slash¹☞ slash²




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