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单词 sight¹
释义 sight¹ /saɪt; saɪt/n 1. [singular 单数,u] when you see something 看; 看见:◇the sight of i can't stand the sight of blood. 我见不得血。◇catch sight of (=see someone or something for a very short time) 瞥见,看见: we caught sight of henry as we turned the corner. 我们转弯的时候看见了亨利。 2. [u] the ability to see 视力,视觉:◇my grandmother is losing her sight. 我的祖母视力逐渐衰退。 3. [c] something you can see, especially something beautiful or unusual 景物,景象; 景点,名胜:◇the sights (=the most famous and interesting places in an area, which many people visit) 名胜: the wrigley building is one of the most famous sights in chicago. 里格利大厦是芝加哥最著名的景点之一。 4. in/within sight a) in the area that you can see 在看得见的地方:◇there was nobody in sight. 一个人影都看不到。◇we camped within sight of the beach. 我们在看得到海滩的地方扎了营。 b) likely to happen soon 在望,在即,临近:◇peace is in sight. 和平在望。 5. out of sight outside the area that you can see 在看不见的地方,在视线之外:◇the police parked down the road, out of sight of the house. 警察在马路上看不到这房子的地方停了车。 6. lose sight of to be so concerned with unimportant details that you forget to think about the most important thing 忘记,忽略:◇i think the party has lost sight of its ideals. 我认为这个党已经忘记了它的理想。 7. set your sights on sth to decide that you definitely want to achieve something 志在某事,力求某事 8. sights [plural 复数] the part of a gun that you use for aiming [枪的]瞄准器→ see also 另见 at first glance/sight (first¹)




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