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单词 machine
释义 machine noun¹ 1piece of equipment设备;装置adjective | verb + machine | machine + verb | machine + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤giant, great, huge, large, powerful巨型机械;大型机械;大功率的机器➤portable便携式设备➤automated, automatic, electronic自动化机械;电子仪器➤sophisticated精密仪器➤efficient高效的机器➤knitting, sewing, video, washing编织机;缝纫机;录像机;洗衣机➤answering, fax答录机;传真机➤atm, cash自动柜员机;自动取款机➤exercise, rowing健身器械;划船健身机➤arcade, gaming, karaoke, pinball电动游戏机;赌博游戏机;卡拉 ok 机;弹球机➤coffee, espresso, ice, soda咖啡机;浓缩咖啡机;制冰设备;冷饮售货➤vending(投币式)自动售货机➤dialysis, kidney, life-support, mri, ultrasound, x-ray透析机;人工肾;生命维持机;磁共振成像仪;超声机; x 光机◆the crash victim is now on a life-support machine.车祸受伤者现在靠设备维持着生命。➤voting选票计算机verb + machine➤operate, run, use, work操作机器;开动机器;使用机器▸➤install, set up安装/装配设备◆we've had a new washing machine installed.我们装了一台新洗衣机。➤start, stop启动/停下机器➤plug in, unplug接通/断开机器电源➤power为机器提供动力➤create, invent创造/发明机器➤build, make制造机械▸➤service检修机器➤fix, repair修理机器➤design设计机器◆the machine is designed to fit under a counter.这台机器是为安装在台面下而设计的。machine + verb➤go, work机器运行/工作◆is the machine working again?机器又重新工作了吗?➤break down, malfunction机器出故障➤run机器运转◆the machine runs on solar power.这台机器靠太阳能运转。➤beep, hum, whirr机器嘟嘟响/嗡嗡作响/呼呼作响machine + noun➤operator机器操作员➤parts机器零部件➤tool机床◆machine tools for making weapons制造武器的机床preposition➤by machine用机器◆the potatoes are planted by machine.这些马铃薯是机器种植的。➤in a/the machine在机器里◆just put those clothes in the machine (= the washing machine).把衣服放进洗衣机就行了。➤on a/the machine用机器◆i make my own dresses on my sewing machine.我的连衣裙都是自己在缝纫机上做的。➤machine for用作⋯的机器◆a machine for making coffee咖啡机phrases➤a make of machine一种品牌的机器◆what make of machine are they using?他们用的是什么牌子的机器?machine noun² 2system/organization系统;组织adjective | machine + noun | phrases adjective➤party, political政党机构;政治机器◆the independent candidates did not have the support of a party machine.独立候选人没有政党组织的支持。➤marketing, propaganda, publicity营销系统;宣传机器◆the president's propaganda machine总统的宣传机器➤military, war军事组织;战争机器➤administrative, government, state (all especially bre) 管理机构;政府机构;国家机器machine + noun➤politician, politics党棍;党棍政治phrases➤a cog in the machine (figurative) (大机构或大项目中)无足轻重的成员◆tired of being a tiny cog in a vast machine, he handed in his resignation.他厌倦了当大机器上不起眼的小螺丝,于是提交了辞呈。➤a well-oiled machine (figurative) 运作良好的机构◆the department ran like a well-oiled machine after the reorganization.这个部门重组后像上足了油的机器一样高效运转。machine /məʃiːn/ noun [countable] 1. (often used in compounds 常用于复合词) a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job and uses electricity, gas, wind power, etc. in order to operate 机器;机械◆a drilling/copying machine 钻孔机;复印机◆how does this machine work? 这台机器如何运转?◆the machine runs on solar power. 这台机器靠太阳能工作。◆the stone is cut by machine. 石头由机器进行切割。◆a machine operator 机器操作工  ➡  fax noun (1) ⨁ a heavy / large / powerful machine重型/大型/强力机械 ⨁ to install / service a machine安装/维护机器 ⨁ to operate / run / start / stop / use a machine操作/开动/开启/停止/使用机器 ⨁ a machine breaks down / runs / works机器发生故障/运行/运行 2.a particular machine, when you do not refer to it by its full name, especially a computer (诸如电脑等特定的)机器◆the software will run on most desktop machines. 这个软件可以在大多数枱式机上运行。3. [usually singular] a group of people that control an organization or part of an organization (组织的)核心机构◆the company's marketing machine 这家公司的营销机构 answering machine ◇ cash machine ◇ dictation machine ◇ tape machine ◇ ticker-tape machine ◇ vending machine machine /məʃiːn/ verb [transitive] (manufacturing 制造) to make or shape sth with a machine (用机器)制造,加工成型◆this material can be cut and machined easily. 这种材料易于切割和机器加工。 ▸ machining noun [uncountable] ◆the precision machining of aircraft parts 飞机部件的精密机械加工☞ machine☞ machine machine nounmachine ♦︎ engine ♦︎ motor ♦︎ unit ♦︎ appliance ♦︎ contraptionthese are all words for a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job.这些词均表示机器。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a powerful machine / engine / motor◆a modern machine / engine / appliance◆a reliable / defective machine / engine / motor / unit◆an electronic / electric / electrical machine / motor / unit / appliance◆to build / make a machine / an engine / a motor / a unit / a contraption◆to design / use a machine / an engine / a motor / a unit / an appliance◆to operate / run / install / service / switch on / switch off / turn on / turn off a machine / an engine / a motor / a unit / an appliance◆to start / stop a machine / an engine / a motor◆a machine / an engine / a unit / an appliance works / breaks down◆a machine / an engine / a motor / a unit runs / starts / stops / fails / dies◆an engine / a motor / a unit drives sth■ machine [countable](often in compounds) a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. the power used to work a machine may be electricity, steam, gas, etc. or human power.(常构成复合词)机器,机械装置◆do you know how to operate this machine?你知道如何操作这部机器吗?◆how does this machine work?这部机器是如何运作的?◆a sewing / washing machine缝纫机;洗衣机◆it's a machine for making plastic toys.这是一台制作塑料玩具的机器。◆machines replaced human labour in many industries.在许多行业中,机器替代了人力。◆the potatoes are planted by machine.这些土豆是机械种植的。ⓘ in informal or spoken english machine can also be used to refer to a particular machine, for example in the home, when you do not refer to it by its full name.在非正式用语或口语中,machine 亦可指特定的一台机器,如在家里指某一电器而不提全称◆just put those clothes in the machine (= the washing machine).把那些衣服放到洗衣机里就行了。◆the new machines (= computers) will be shipped next month.新计算机下个月推向市场。  ➡ see also machinery → technology ■ engine [countable] the part of a vehicle that produces power to make the vehicle move发动机;引擎◆switch the engine off.关掉发动机。◆their helicopter had developed engine trouble.他们的直升机引擎出了故障。■ motor [countable] a device that uses electricity or petrol to produce movement and makes a machine work or a vehicle move发动机;马达◆one of the wheels is fitted with an electric motor.其中一只轮子安装了电动机。◆he started the motor.他启动了发动机。◆motor vehicles机动车note 辨析 engine or motor?technically, engines use thermal (= heat) energy such as steam, petrol or diesel, and a motor turns electrical energy into movement, for example in an electrical machine such as a washing machine. in everyday language, engine is usually used when talking about vehicles, but people do also use the word motor, especially in the phrase start/turn off the motor or in the term outboard motor (= on a small boat). motor is also the term used, especially in british english, to describe many things relating to vehicles.从专业角度说,engine 使用蒸汽、汽油或柴油等热能驱动,motor 则是把电能转化成动能,洗衣机等电器即属此类。在日常用语中,engine 通常指车辆的发动机,但 motor 亦有此用法,特别是在短语 start/turn off the motor (启动/关掉发动机)和术语 outboard motor (舷外发动机)中。尤其在英式英语中,motor 亦用以描述许多跟汽车相关的事物,而在美式英语中则用 automobile◆ (especially bre) the motor industry / trade汽车业◆ (name) the automobile industry / business汽车业■ unit [countable] a small machine that has a particular purpose or is part of a larger machine装置;机件;元部件◆a waste disposal unit废物处理器◆the central processing unit of a computer电脑的中央处理器◆an air-conditioning unit空调器■ appliance /əplaɪəns/ [countable] (rather formal) a machine that is designed to do a particular thing in the home, such as preparing food, heating or cleaning(家用)电器,器具◆they sell household appliances.他们出售家用器具。◆we repair modern heating appliances of all types.我们修理各种新式加热器。ⓘ appliances are typically described as electrical, domestic, household or kitchen appliances.最常用来描述 appliances 的词有 electrical、domestic、household 和 kitchen。■ contraption /kəntræpʃn/ [countable] a machine or piece of equipment that looks strange奇异的机械;奇异的装置◆she showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish.她给我们看了一个奇怪的玩意儿,样子像碟形卫星信号接收器。machine [countable](often in compounds) a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. the power used to work a machine may be electricity, steam, gas, etc. or human power.(常构成复合词)机器,机械装置◆do you know how to operate this machine?你知道如何操作这部机器吗?◆how does this machine work?这部机器是如何运作的?◆a sewing / washing machine缝纫机;洗衣机◆it's a machine for making plastic toys.这是一台制作塑料玩具的机器。◆machines replaced human labour in many industries.在许多行业中,机器替代了人力。◆the potatoes are planted by machine.这些土豆是机械种植的。ⓘ in informal or spoken english machine can also be used to refer to a particular machine, for example in the home, when you do not refer to it by its full name.在非正式用语或口语中,machine 亦可指特定的一台机器,如在家里指某一电器而不提全称◆just put those clothes in the machine (= the washing machine).把那些衣服放到洗衣机里就行了。◆the new machines (= computers) will be shipped next month.新计算机下个月推向市场。  ➡ see also machinery → technology machine/məˈʃi:n ||; məˈʃin/noun [c] (often in compounds 常用于构成复合词) a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. a machine usually needs electricity, gas, steam, etc in order to work 机器;机械: ◇a washing/sewing/knitting machine 洗衣机;缝纫机;编织机◇a machine for making pasta 做意大利面食的机器 ☞ look at the note at tool. 参看tool的注释。 machine1 a machine2 a thing that produces power for a machine or vehicle3 relating to or done by machinesrelated wordssee alsocomputers/internet/email,tool,equipment,repair,working,broken/not broken,condition,invent,switch on or off,1. a machine 机器 machine /məˈʃiːn/ [countable noun] a piece of equipment that does a particular type of work, either in your home or in a factory, office etc, using power from an engine or from electricity 机器 a machine that fills beer bottles 一台给啤酒瓶装啤酒的机器 one cable was damaged, which was causing the machine to shut down frequently. 有一根电缆受损,造成机器经常关闭。sewing/washing/fax machine a machine for sewing, washing clothes etc 缝纫机/洗衣机/传真机 there is a washing machine in the basement of the building. 大楼的地下室里有台洗衣机。operate a machine make it work 操作一台机器 it's possible to operate the machines by remote control. 用遥控器来操作这几台机器是可能的。by machine ice could be made in huge quantities by machine. 可以用机器制出大量的冰。 device /dɪˈvaɪs/ [countable noun] a piece of equipment that has been cleverly designed to do a particular job, for example one that makes measurements, records sounds or movements, or controls the operation of a machine 装置,设备,仪器 an eeg is a device that records electrical activity in the brain. 脑电图仪是一种记录脑电活动的仪器。device for a device for controlling temperature 一种控温装置 the farmers there still use the ‘archimedes screw’, an ancient device for raising water from a lake or well. 那里的农民仍然使用“阿基米德螺旋泵”,一种把水从湖里或井里抽上来的古老装置。listening/measuring device they were both aware that there might be listening devices hidden in the room. 他们俩都意识到房间里可能藏匿了监听装置。safety device the national association for elevator safety says that most elevators have safety devices that prevent free-falls. 国家电梯安全协会说大多数电梯都有防止自由坠落的安全装置。 robot /ˈrəʊbɒtǁ-bɑːt, -bət/ [countable noun] a machine that is controlled by a computer and can do some of the complicated jobs that humans do, such as making things in a factory 机器人 with the flick of a switch, the robot picks up the bomb, carries it away from buildings, and blows it up. 一按开关,机器人就捡起炸弹,把它搬离建筑物,然后引爆。 one astronaut used the space shuttle's robot arm to pick up an 1800-pound satellite from space. 一名宇航员使用航天飞机上的机器人臂来抓起太空中重1,800磅的人造卫星。 appliance /əˈplaɪəns/ [countable noun] formal a piece of electrical equipment used in your home, such as a washing machine 【正式】家用电器;设备[如洗衣机] people are spending more of their income on goods such as cars and appliances. 人们把收入的更多部分用来购买汽车和电器设备之类的商品。domestic/household/home appliance to make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances. 购买商品以后,为便于把不要的商品退回,请把原包装保存好,尤其是电子产品和家电产品的原包装。 machinery /məˈʃiːnəri/ [uncountable noun] machines in general, especially the large machines used in factories or on farms [总称]机器;[尤用于工厂或农场的]大型机械设备 heavy machinery the package says you shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery after taking these pills. 包装上说服用此药片后不可开车或操作重型机器。industrial/farm machinery industrial machinery and electronic equipment lead the nation's export list. 工业机械设备和电子设备是该国首屈一指的出口类商品。 a company that manufactures farm machinery 一家生产农用机器的公司 mechanism /ˈmekənɪzəm/ [countable noun] a piece of equipment that is designed to do a particular job inside a machine or larger piece of equipment [机器或较大的设备中的]装置 the mechanism that raises the bridge was not working correctly. 升起桥梁的机械装置出了毛病。 unfortunately, the water had damaged the firing mechanism inside the rocket. 不幸的是水把火箭内部的发射装置损坏了。 the garlic press uses a screw mechanism to squeeze out juice and pulp. 榨蒜器用一个螺旋装置榨出蒜汁和蒜肉。 contraption /kənˈtræpʃən/ [countable noun] a machine that seems strange and awkward-looking and has lots of pieces joined together in a strange way 奇形怪状的机器 early cameras were large and expensive contraptions. 早期的相机体积大、价钱贵,是一种样子很古怪的机械装置。 by demonstrating his floating contraption - part surfboard, part kayak and part sailboard - halfon hopes to create a tide of attention. 通过展示那个又像冲浪板,又像轻型独木舟,又像帆板的浮水的怪物,哈尔丰期望能引来众人的目光。2. a thing that produces power for a machine or vehicle 为机器或车辆提供动力的东西 engine /ˈendʒɪn, ˈendʒən/ [countable noun] the part of a car, aircraft etc that produces the power that makes it move 发动机;引擎 every time i try to start the engine, there's a strange knocking sound. 我每次要发动引擎时,它就会发出奇怪的敲击声。 she left the car in the drive with the engine still running. 她把汽车停在车道上,发动机仍然开着。 the svt is available only with a six-cylinder engine. 这种svt汽车只有六汽缸的型号。automobile/jet etc engine some residents fear the crops would attract birds that might be sucked into jet engines. 一些居民担心这些农作物会引来鸟类,鸟可能会被吸到喷气式引擎里去。diesel engine for next year, the company will offer three cars with turbocharged diesel engines in the united states. 明年,该公司将在美国推出三款涡轮增压的柴油发动机汽车。 motor /ˈməʊtəʳ/ [countable noun] the part of a machine that makes it work or move, especially by using electrical power 马达;电动机 just then, the motor failed and the boat began drifting out of control. 就在那一刻马达失灵了,小艇开始失控地随波漂流。electric motor the ceiling fan is powered by an electric motor. 这台吊扇由一个电动马达驱动。3. relating to or done by machines 与机器有关或由机器完成的 mechanical /mɪˈkænɪkəl/ [adjective] using machines, or getting power from an engine 机械的 in a bakery, the bread is rarely kneaded by hand but by large mechanical mixers. 在面包房里,揉面这工作很少用手来做,而是由大型机械搅拌器来完成的。mechanical problem/fault/failure when a machine is not working properly 机械毛病/故障/障碍 a mechanical problem may be to blame for the crash. 这次失事可能是由机械故障引起的。mechanical device flemma said that a reliable mechanical device was needed for the thousands of patients who die while awaiting human heart transplants. 弗莱玛说有成千上万的病人在等待做心脏移植手术时死去了,因此需要一台性能可靠的机械设备。 mechanically [adverb] the bones can be removed mechanically before the birds are packaged for sale. 将禽鸟包装出售前可用机械将骨头剔除。 automatic /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk◂/ [adjective] automatic washing machines, weapons etc are designed to operate by themselves, without much human control or attention 自动[化]的 automatic lights had come on in various parts of the house. 屋子里各处都有自动灯亮起。 the camera has a 32mm glass lens, and its automatic shutter allows you to take photos in near-darkness without a flash. 这台照相机有一个32毫米的玻璃镜头,其自动快门能够在不使用闪光灯的情况下在光线很暗时拍出照片。automatic weapon/rifle one that can fire many bullets quickly 自动武器/步枪 the soldiers lay on the highway with their automatic rifles beside them. 士兵们趴在高速公路上,身边放着自动步枪。 automatically [adverb] the doors open automatically when you go near them. 当你靠近时这些门会自动打开。☞ machine¹☞ machine²




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